My Little Darling P:2

Holly's POV

I moan as Rebecca's lips brush mine, I can't help myself as I push my lips onto her and she pushes back slamming my head into the wall as she lets out a deep moan. Her tongue forces it's way into my mouth and I can't help but let out a small moan. Rebecca's hands slide under my shirt and a grit my teeth as she pulls away to start kissing my neck and folding my breast.

Rebecca then jerks away but before I can grasp what just happened she grabs my arms and takes me into my from. My room, one bed, one comforter, two pillow, one closet, minimum clothes inside. She throws me on the bed and climbs on top of me. She rude her knee in between my legs, I groan as she slide her knee higher. "Oh you like that don't you?" I don't say anything as she bends down once again to smack her lips onto mine.

She doesn't hesitate as she begins to take off my shirt, I don't stop her. Why am I not stopping her?! She leans in kissing my neck moaning, I am so focused on her kissing that I hardly notice her unhooking and ripping off my bra. She pulls away to look at me. I growl, there is no way I am going to be the only topless. She grins, "What are you thinking?"

"That I shouldn't be the only topless." I don't hesitate as I tear off her shirt with a single jerk. "That was new." She says. I flip us so that she is below me and say with a grin to say sarcastically, "And I so care." I quickly take off her bra revealing her bear topless breast. I swallow freezing for a little while. She flips us again and groaning says growling, "This is taking to long."

I'm not sure how this happened but in less than ten seconds neither of us have on any clothes. Rebecca's fingers rub my clit and I let out a large moan. CRAP! I have to stop her, I have to stop her. But I can't, it feels too good. I moan whimpering a little. I feel pleasure shoot up through me as her fingers enter me. But she does two slow thrust before pulling them out, I look at her confused. Rebecca grins and starts kissing on my neck, in between my chest and then my lower abdomen before her tongue touches the one place I want her most. My back arches as her tongue moves up and down inside of me.

Using her tongue she thrust into and out of me. I scream out in pleasure, "Faster!" She goes faster and faster. "Harder..." She goes harder and harder. I moan happily as I begin to feel myself climax. "I'm, I'm gonna come!" She goes faster and harder and my back arches as my muscles clench and I feel myself explode. But she doesn't stop, she keeps going fast and harder, it isn't two minutes later that I come again, another minute later my third orgasm rips through me. She finally pulls upwards gasping for air as she rushes upward to me and presses her lips against mine, I taste myself in her mouth and I moan my breath fastening.

Her fingers enter me again as she uses her fingers to fuck me again, I moan as we make out as she goes faster. I moan loudly as I pull away a forth orgasm rushing through me. I pant as she gasps for air. I growl, ENOUGH!!! I flip her until she is on her back. I look at her furious as I grab her leg and sit on her cilt as if I was going to ride a horse. I begin to thrust hard into her. God, it feels amazing.

I go faster and faster, harder and harder. Rebecca screams out as I feel herself let go as our love juices mix, I fall next to her panting as I run my hand through my hair. She leans into my as she presses her lips on mine. "I hate you." The words slip out of my mouth, it was the truth, Rebecca didn't seem to catch up on that as she mocks, "I love you too babe." I wince shutting my eyes, I'm not joking...

"I'm so tired." I mumble under my breath, Rebecca chuckles a kisses my cheek and begins to move towards my lips when my door burst open and my mother let's out a blood curling scream, Rebecca yanks away and I don't move my body as I clench my jaw. Fuck.

"WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON, WHO THE HELL ARE YOU?!" My mother exclaims, I get up not bothering to cover myself, Rebecca however attempts to cover herself with my conforters. "Uh, hi? I am Rebecca Jameson-" My mother interrupts her, "Wait! Jameson, as in Alexander Jameson!? That rich man that lives on the outskirts of town in the middle of the woods. Doesn't he have two daughters?" Rebecca forces a smile and I snicker.

"WHAT is goddanm funny?!" My mother snaps, I put my hand up as I can't help but laugh. I don't even know why I'm laughing. Rebecca groans and my mother growls and exclaims, "Ten minutes and I want you out of my daughter's room and out of my house with all of your goddanm rich girl girl clothes."


After about two hours since Rebecca left I had already taken a cold shower, cold, but not cold by choice, mom thought it would be a good punishment to turn off all the hot water during my shower. What a great mother...please, please, my sarcasm. Once I finished my cold shower I grabbed and ate some cereal and went back to my room.

Right now I am looking at some pictures of Dianes mother, how could someone so beautiful mix with someone else so beautiful create Diane? I more expected her to look like her mother, but one is for sure Diane is just as beautiful on the inside. Diane has her own beauty, something I wish everyone had. Love is blind, that's the saying isn't it? Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, no truer words have ever been spoken about my feelings towards her. I just wish I could tell her something...

Her mother was so beautiful, she looked like a white goddess, long white hair, white eyes, pure flawless skin. I see why Dianes hair turned out orange after all her father has sort of a dark red going for him. I wonder if she'd ever like me...would Diana even give me a day in the world just to speak to her? She would probably assume I am just like everyone else. I dig my face into my pillow groaning,...But I'm not like those kids, I'm not like them...I hear a voice in the back of my head ask, Then why did you sleep with one?

ARGH I DON'T KNOW!!! Why does this have to be my life? I wonder if Diana was in my spot and I was hers if she'd feel the same about me...hard to tell. That's it. I burst up from my bed and swallow hard, "Tomorrow I am going to talk to Diana if it kills me!" "Go to bed bratt!" I breathe in at my mother and lay back down groaning.

After a few more hours I realize that I can't sleep, so I start to think about what to say.

Scenario 1:

I walk up to Diane reach out my hand and say, "Hey my name is Holly, want to be friends?" Diana glares and says coldly, "So you can beat me up when we are alone no thank you..." ((Okay so that's out))

Scenario 2:

I walk up to Diane and sit next to her, and just say nothing...She walks away and starts eating by the dumpsters only making her life worse... (Ungh, no that is out too)

Scenario 3:

I walk up to Diane sit down and say, "Hey I'm Holly and I've slept with your sister." ((OKAY!!! at this point I'm trying to get on her bed side 😑😐🙁🤤😨😱, I MEAN BED SIDE, ARGH BAD SIDE!!!))

Scenario 4:

I "accidently" run into Diane in the hallway and help her with her books, from then on we become best friends, then girlfriends, then marry after high school and have our first kid after college and- ((Okay I'm gonna stop myself right there cause now I'm just being flat out un-freaking-realistic!!!! Why must talking to your crush for the first time be so complicated?!))

Scenario 5:

I walk up to Diane with open arms and exclaim, "DIANE I AM HOLLY AND I HAVE BEEN IN LOVE WITH YOU SINCE FRESHMAN YEAR!" ((I am not helping myself right now people...))

Scenario 6:

I follow her into the woods and with the help from the pack I kidnapp her and... ((Okay no, just no...that won't work either. Where the hell would I take her?? If only I had a romantic cabin in the woods...))

Scenario 7:

I sit next to her and say, "Hi my name is Holly, Diane right? I realy like the the Roman goddess Diana right?" Diane gives me a confused look and says, "Yeeeeeaaaahhh, why are you here?" Theeeeen I panic and blurt, "Because I'm in love with you." ((Yeah so this hopeless...I'm just gonna...wing it?))

I wanna cry this is so hard! I sigh looking up at my ceiling please be school already so I can get this over with! I watch my fan spin until my alarm goes off, did I just stay up night trying to figure out what to say to Diane, caus I think that just happened. I swallow and breathe in turning it off. Someone kill me now. I get up and start digging into my clothes, I need to be hot but I also need to be subtle when I do it. Like why I'm hot but I'm a normal person like everyone else and is easy to talk to.

Do I have any clothes for that oooooorrrr....I find some normal skinny jeans and nod putting them aside. Argh there has to be something cute to wear as a top. I pull out an old long sleeve shirt with a black hoodie attached to it. Eh close enough? Ungh I do not have time for this, I quickly throw on the clothes and then I look for my normal tennis shoes. This is going to be a while. It takes me ten whole freaking minutes to find both shoes and I quickly throw them on.

Then I begin to fix my hair, oh my god...Makeup! What The heck am I gonna do for makeup! Should I go for something slutty or normal or cute! I wanna die right now! I eventually decide to go with a natural cover with eyeliner, black eyeliner. I look in the mirror breathe in, and walk out of my room and rush out of the house before my mother could see me.


She should be here by now, I get to first period and my mind stays blank the whole period, luckily. normally have next period with her. Okay, okay, okay, it's gametime. I ignore Rebecca's gaze the entire time in Theater when the bell rings before she could come to me I rush towards second period and to my surprise I arrive before even the teacher. Honestly this is not surprising for some students in high school. I wait until the teach gets there and about 5 minutes into class Diane...Diane isn't here? But she is always here. She has never missed a day in high school.

I stay completely blank until Lunch when I pass by the nurses office. Maybe she's in here, I know it's kind of like her safe heaven. I knock before walking in. To completely stop in my tracks when I see Mr Ferro drench in tears as he sobs loudly at his desk, his hair wasn't even messed with today, and since when isn't he wearing a white lab coat. Mr. Ferro is one of the strongest people I know, what in the world could be making him cry?...

"Mr. Ferro?" I ask reaching out to him. He pushes my hand away. "Go away ya devil!" Since when is Mr. me? I thought we had a pretty good relationship. I brush off his crudness and ask, "Why are you crying?" he turns to me and I back away as he gives me a stink eye, "Didn't your little red leader tell you?" I'm groan, "I don't even like Rebecca, what are you even talking about?!"

He shoos me away but I don't leave, after a long while of awkward silence he says, "She ended it...all this time...I never thought..." I look at him barely able to hear him, "Who ended what." He gives a sad chuckle and say barely able to stop crying, "Diane Whithers take her own life in the middle of the fucking woods, inside an old house that belonged to her mother..." He then begins to sob again.

I drop my phone as I can barely believe what I just heard, no, no, no, no, no, it's NOT TRUE!!! I don't know what else to do, I drop everything and I run into the woods frantically screaming. I get into the middle before looking around and screaming, "DIANE! DIANE! DIANE! DIANE! NO! Please! please...please,please,please nooooo..." I fall to my knees holding my chest sobbing as tears strain down my cheeks. Diane! Diane, please, noooo...


HEEEEEEEEY..... Okay so this one is really sad and funny...But I hope you all know how Holly is by now, Part 3 will come out most likely in the morning...Then we will switch back to Diane/Winter aka the main character. I. you all sleep well... Night 😚😊