"I see..." - Kakashi muttered as he frowned, then looked up at Sasuke. "I'm sorry this isn't the welcome we had in mind... though I am grateful that you are back in Konoha.
"Same to you, Kakashi sensei" - nodded young Uchiha as he received something thrown by the Hokage - "?"
"That belongs to you" - said Kakashi as he watched the leaders of the different clans begin to arrive at the office - "I regret that this cannot continue, but when I speak to my guests, I will report on the truth of your departure from Konoha, Sasuke".
"Ok" - nodded young Uchiha as he watched in surprise as Mikoto entered the office - "Okaasan?"
"Sasuke-chan!" - exclaimed Mikoto as she wept with happiness at the sight of her son - "You're back at last!"
The two Uchiha embraced each other with a smile on their faces while the others made room for them to have their special moment.
"I see that something bad happened during the process of bringing Sasuke-san" - said Kushina as she looked at her husband.
"You guys can go, Kurama, you're staying," Kakashi said seriously.
Tenten and the Iwa shinobis withdrew silently.
"It's good to see you're well" - said Mikoto while crying with happiness - "You don't know how worried we were..."
"I'm sorry Kaasan, but it was something I had to do," Sasuke said with a smile.
"I am sorry to interrupt you but we need to talk," said Kakashi seriously. "Sasuke, you had better go see Sakura, I am sure she has to be at the Uzumaki residence.
"Ok," Sasuke nodded seriously.
"I will send a clone with you," Kurama said as he created a Kage Bunshin and sent it home with Sasuke.
"Well, it's time we talked about something important..." - Kakashi said seriously as the atmosphere in the room felt full of pressure.
* * * * *
"We finally arrived..." - Sasuke said nervously as the two of them appeared at the entrance to the Uzumaki mansion.
"Relax, everything will be fine," said the Kurama clone as he patted his friend on the shoulder, just to open his arms.
"?" - Sasuke did not understand what he was doing but understood when he saw a black flash running in his direction.
"Daddy!" - Izumi exclaimed with a big smile as she hugged her father, though her expression changed when she felt another familiar presence - "Sasuke Nii-chan!"
"Izumi-chan!" - Sasuke said as he saw how big his little sister was.
"Sasuke Nii-chan!" - Izumi exclaimed as she hugged her older brother.
"Izumi-chan! Where are you?!" - Sakura exclaimed as she ran around.
"In the doorway, Nee-chan!" - the little girl exclaimed.
"You really... should... Sasuke-kun!" - exclaimed the pink-haired girl as she saw her boyfriend. "You're back in Konoha at last!"
"I'm sorry it took me so long," said Sasuke as he held her gently.
"I will forgive you this time," muttered the girl as she saw that she could finally be with the boy she loved without fear or hiding.
"Come Musume, let them have some time alone," said Kurama as he took his daughter and left the couple.
"Daddy?" - asked the little Uzumaki girl.
"What's the matter?" - replied the redhead.
"When will Itachi Nii be back?" - asked little Izumi. She only knew about her older brothers from pictures, so seeing Sasuke for the first time in the flesh had made her want to see Itachi as well.
"He will be here soon," replied Kurama as he stroked his little princess's hair. "He has some things to do, that's why he's not back yet, but something tells me that he will be back soon"
" Are you serious, Daddy?!" - the little girl asked again.
"That's right, Musume," said Kurama with a smile as he stroked her head, making her fox ears pop.
"Yeeeesh! Itachi Nii-san will come back!" - Izumi said as she jumped around.
"Are you serious about that?" - Sasuke asked quietly as he listened to his friend's words.
"I would never lie to my princess," Kurama said seriously.
* * * * *
"If what the youngsters said is true, then we're in trouble..." - said Hiashi as he frowned - "Have we heard from the Fire Temple?"
"I sent a message when I received this information but I don't think we'll get an answer for now" - said Kakashi while a cold expression appeared on his face - "But I'm sure we'll get an answer soon"
And as if they had heard his words, a duo of Konoha shinobis entered the room with a small scroll - "Sir, confirmation has come from the Temple of Fire..."
"That was quick..." - murmured one of the attendants.
"Give me the scroll," Kakashi said coolly as the shinobi handed him the scroll and left. Slowly, he opened the message and began to read it, only to frown at the contents - "Kurama was right... someone in the Fire Temple possessed the Kyubi no Yoko chakra"
The voices didn't wait when they heard this.
"The chakra was big enough to release two tails" - continued Kakashi seriously - "That's why the person who possessed the Bijuu chakra, was isolated from the others..."
"Who was that person?" - Kurama asked as he frowned.
"He was the son of the present Head Monk of the Fire Temple..." - replied Kakashi as he shook his head - "In fact, he is asking for our help in rescuing him..."
"Fuck him" - answered Kurama coldly - "The jerk doesn't know the trouble he has caused us now that Akatsuki has part of my chakra"
"I would like you to explain the situation, Kurama," Kakashi said as he looked at the boy. If there was anyone who knew what shit was going on and what Akatsuki's plans were, it was none other than the redhead in front of him.
"I will only say that Akatsuki is playing with fire," Kurama replied as he shook his head. "I do not know how they managed to discover the mysteries of the moon and the secret of the Bijuu but we are now in a crisis that could cause the end of the world"
". . ." - a deep silence invaded the room as everyone in the room put on an uncertain expression.
"Please continue," said Kakashi.
"I am sure some of you have heard of the legend of Rikudou Sennin," said Kurama as he looked around. Some nodded but others only frowned at the mention of such an ancient myth - "Let me tell you that the legend is true... all the contents are true... although there is one small detail that no one knows, like that the Rikudou Sennin had a younger brother...".
"!" - those present were surprised again.
"I am not going to go into deep details because they don't matter, so I will get straight to the point" - said Kurama while looking around - "The Rikudou Sennin faced a beast capable of destroying the world and to stop it, he sealed it inside himself... giving birth to the first Jinchuriki in history"
"During his time with the beast inside him, he walked all over the Elemental Nations to teach the Ninshu, the ancient arts that gave birth to the Ninjutsu" - continued the redhead - "But there was a problem in all this... he felt how everyone looked at him in fear for having so much power, so he made a decision... he took the beast inside him and divided its energy into 9 parts, leaving only its carcass and so that no one would take it for dark purposes, he created the moon to lock it up"
"With the beast gone, Rikudou Sennin began to lose much of his power... but his mission was not yet over" - said Kurama as he sighed regretfully - "He used a technique that only his family could use to shape those nine energy fragments and thus give them physical body and consciousness... giving birth to the 9 Bijuu"
The screams were not long in coming as the words of Kurama came from his mouth.
"Silence!" - Kakashi roared as he looked around.
"With the birth of the Bijuu and the beast's carcass on the moon, the Rikudou Sennin entrusted these new entities to protect humanity while his younger brother traveled to the moon to serve as the beast's keeper," continued the redheaded man as he looked up to the sky, "though you know how the Bijuu ended up... being feared for their power and constantly attacked"
". . ." - the audience only looked away when they heard that last one.
"Kurama. . . I don't think this is the time to make us feel guilty" - said the Godaime Hokage.
" I know, it's just thoughts that came out" - answered Kurama calmly - "And returning to the subject, the Rikudou Sennin decided that to make sure that the beast would not wake up again, he divided his power between his two sons. The older one inherited his eyes while the younger one inherited his body, thus initiating what would be the first two clans with Kekkei Genkai.
Mikoto frowned because, in the hidden pillar of her clan, there was somewhat similar information. Kushina also reacted in this manner because in the writings within the library of Uzu no Kuni, there was information that was correctly linked to what the ginger was saying.
"The Rikudou decided that it was time for him to have a successor who would continue his mission to expand the Ninshu and bring peace to the world, so he decided to do a little test for the brothers" - said Kurama calmly - "That's where everything started to fall apart"