Two days had passed since Kurama had regained consciousness and spoken his name, time he had spent with the Ketchum family.
Delia had awkwardly told him that he was Ash's father, something Kurama had accepted without hesitation, after all, he could feel the strange connection between the two.
The woman let out a sigh of relief when she heard this, though she still wondered what the connection was between her son and the unknown man. She wasn't worried that he was a bad person because her son had an uncanny sixth sense to tell the difference between those who wished to harm him.
Kurama was adjusting quickly to his new life, more so when Ash was a rather hyperactive boy.
Delia had given Kurama his Pokeballs, which excited Ash because it was the first time he had seen his father's strange team.
The first, and most imposing, was Salamance, a powerful two-meter dragon that seemed to radiate an aura of authority.
The second, was Lucario, a calm Pokémon that was showing the same connection Ash had with his 'father'.
The third was a beautiful Pokémon that looked like a light pink snake. She had beautiful blue scales on her tail that ended in a sort of rainbow fan.
Delia was surprised to see such a beautiful Pokémon as Milotic.
The fourth was a beautiful jet-shaped blue Pokémon with gray color.
Latios was confused because he didn't know where they were.
Ash was looking excitedly at the Eon Pokémon, more so when he noticed the strange necklace he had because it was similar to one of the bracelets his father had on his right wrist.
The fifth was a strange green-colored Pokémon that seemed to have an arrow-shaped head that looked like an aircraft carrier and an almost transparent tail. In the cavities of its head were small creatures that appeared to be its pre-evolutions.
Dragapult was a little annoyed at the way Ash was teasing it but did nothing because it knew he was just a kid.
Finally, Kurama's last Pokémon was some sort of beast that looked like a cross between a Hammerhead Shark and a Jet. He was a dark blue, almost black color, and had a yellow star above his nose.
Garchomp grunted at the sight of being in front of unfamiliar humans, but relaxed when he saw his trainer off to the side of the strangers.
Discounting Lucario and Milotic, all of Kurama's Pokémon were dragon-type, though this was due to Kurama's aggressive fighting style.
"WOW!" - Ash exclaimed with excitement at the sight of the Pokémon that seemed to be extremely powerful, especially Salamance who seemed to be his father's main Pokémon.
Salamance grunted with concern as he saw his trainer watching them in confusion.
Lucario slowly walked over to its trainer and placed its paw that was glowing bright blue on Kurama's chest, only to shake its head in Salamance's direction and say something that none of the humans understood.
Kurama's Pokémon surrounded him with concern because Lucario had told them that their master had lost his memory.
The aura was a wonderful thing because he could use it in different ways, more so because of Lucario who was the Aura Pokémon.
"I'm sorry I can't remember you, but seeing you sad makes my heart ache" - Kurama said as he stroked his Pokémon's heads, only to sigh regretfully - "I'm sorry."
His Pokémon shook their heads when they heard their trainer's words as if they were telling him not to worry.
"I wish I could talk to your Pokémon, maybe then I could help you" - Delia said as she looked at the albino sadly.
"Thank you for your words full of kindness, Delia" - smiled Kurama, and in the process, blushing the beautiful brown-haired woman.
Lucario raised an eyebrow because he could feel the change in Delia's aura, so he informed his companions that the female was interested in their trainer.
Milotic let out a squeal of excitement because, unlike her teammates, she found it fun to play with her trainer's babies.
Latios looked on with concern at this because he knew his master had a large family somewhere in this world.
Salamance for his part decided not to say or do anything, after all, he trusted his trainer even though he had lost his memories. The only thing that mattered to him, was to protect his master with all his might until he regained his memories.
"I want you to train me to be the strongest trainer in the world, Dad!" - Ash exclaimed as he tugged on Kurama's pants.
"Trainer?" - Kurama asked as he raised an eyebrow, then looked at his teammates - "I guess I can do it, although I'm not quite sure how everything will turn out because I don't have my memories of my training with my friends."
"Ash, wait until your father recovers and he can train you" - Delia said with a forced smile because she was taking too much advantage of a man with no memories.
Kurama seemed to detect Delia's mixed feelings, so he gave her a little hug along with a few words that she didn't have to worry about anything.
Delia was surprised at this as she gave him a smile of thanks.
* * * * *
A year flew by for the Ketchum, time that Kurama was still living with the family.
Professor Oak was still traveling, and there was no way to contact him because he didn't have a Pokenav.
Kurama adjusted wonderfully to his new life, even managing to regain some memories about his life as a Pokémon trainer.
Delia was happy about her new family, Kurama was the perfect husband, and the father she always dreamed of for her son.
The two had taken the last step, which Delia honestly didn't know how to react, after all, she was having sex with a man who was originally her fake husband, although now she had no regrets.
Kurama made her happy even though it had all started with a lie, one that she wished would never be discovered.
Ash was happy too, he spent much of his time next to his Pokémon, a Pichu he found during one of his trips with Kurama to the nearby forest.
The little electric rodent was a little sphere of happiness and had enormous potential.
Kurama for his part was working as a scientist in Oak's lab while he was away. He had been hired through a call after the Pokémon professor asked him some questions along with a report that had been made by one of his most trusted scientists, it also helped that he was young Delia's new partner, a person he trusted with everything he had.
Delia was much more at ease now that they had a stable source of income, in fact, they were now able to have some small luxuries that they couldn't before and that was welcome.
Kurama's Pokémon were monitoring the different areas of Oak Ranch to prevent problems with the different species coming into the place, which the scientists were grateful for because it was a pain in the ass to have to be running from a group of wild Tauros every few days.
Delia was just starting to prepare lunch for her husband when she started to feel slight pains in her stomach, so she ran to the bathroom to throw up. She froze when she saw this, so she quickly went to the town pharmacy to get a pregnancy test.
When she came out of the bathroom, she didn't know how to react.
Should she be happy that her family was going to grow, or worried that Kurama would remember her past and leave her with a second child to raise on her own?
She didn't know what to do in this situation, so she quickly went to her friend, and explained her situation, though she clearly left the personal details out of the conversation.
Her friend quickly told her that she was overreacting and to go to her husband and tell him the truth. He must know about the child that was soon to come into the world.
Delia stood still for a few seconds before nodding and going to Oak's lab to talk with Kurama.
It took 15 minutes for her to reach the entrance, though when she did, she felt the strength drain from her body. She was frozen in the entrance as if some ice-type Pokémon was freezing her in place.
"Huh? What are you doing here, Delia?" - Kurama asked in surprise when he saw his wife at the entrance of the lab. He was just finishing his half shift and was getting ready to go to lunch, so he honestly didn't expect Delia to be waiting for him at the entrance.
"Kya!" - Delia let out a small scream when she heard Kurama's voice as her face turned a nice shade of red from embarrassment - "H-Hello, Kurama."
"What's wrong?" - Kurama asked with concern as he saw how the woman was acting.
"Etto, the truth is I need to talk with you, Kurama" - Delia said as she took a breath. She was trembling because she didn't know how Kurama was going to react when she told him the truth.
"OK" - nodded Kurama as he followed his wife.
What Delia didn't expect at the end of their conversation, was for Kurama to embrace her and start turning with her in his arms as he shouted "I'm going to be a father again". This brought a huge relief to Delia's worries and a huge smile to her lips.