"Let's do a quick recap as we watch our participants continue to fight" - said the commentator as he looked at those present - "Participant Ash has Pidgeot, Kingler, Ivysaur, Squirtle, and two unknown Pokémon on his team. Pidgeot and Squirtle are weakened while Ivysaur and Kingler are tired."
"On the other hand, participant Gary has Fearrow, Blastoise, Arcanine, Electabuzz, Nidoking, and an unknown Pokémon in his team" - the commentator continued - "Fearrow, Arcanine being the ones who are out of the game, and Electabuzz along with Blastoise being the ones who are tired."
"Now the question is, what will be the remaining Pokémon?" - asked the commentator excitedly as he saw how the battle was much more exciting than he thought - "This is it, Kingler from participant Ash has increased its speed thanks to [Agility] and from what we can see, it's going with an all or nothing strategy by using the [Guillotine] move again!"
The crowd quickly turned to watch the battle, only to see Nidoking's horn begin to glow.
"Watch carefully! Participant Gary doesn't want to be left behind, he ordered his Nidoking to use [Horn Drill]!" - exclaimed the commentator excitedly as he explained to them how the [Horn Drill] move was just like [Guillotine], a one-hit K.O. move - "A risky idea, although seeing the differences between the speeds of the two Pokémon, it's a good idea, after all, the only way to stop a one-hit K.O. move, is with another one-hit K.O. move!"
* * * * *
"I know this is risky, and it's a move I shouldn't do, but my Nidoking doesn't know priority attacks" - Gary muttered as he watched with concern as the two Pokémon got closer.
Sweat was running down his forehead as he watched the impact of the two fulminating techniques as a huge smokescreen surrounded the battlefield.
Ash was sweating just like his rival, concern for his friend's well-being was the only thing going through his head as he waited for the smoke to disappear.
The seconds ticked by and everyone present had risen from their chairs and were waiting for the outcome.
The smoke slowly began to fade as everyone tensed in anticipation of the outcome.
Ash and Gary were breathing heavily as they begged for victory, but their expressions froze when they saw how two Pokémon were on the ground.
"Kingler and Nidoking can't continue, the battle ended in a draw!" - exclaimed the referee as everyone watched in surprise at the result.
None of them thought that the battle would end with a double K.O.
"You did a good job, now rest" - said Ash as he smiled and returned his partner to his Pokeball.
Gary for his part could only sigh with regret as he saw how it had ended, although inside he wasn't as upset as he thought he would be - "Electabuzz, it's your turn."
"Go, Ivysaur!" - Ash exclaimed as he threw his Pokeball, releasing his newly evolved Pokémon.
"Ash's Ivysaur Vs. Gary's Electabuzz!" - The referee exclaimed as he gave the starting signal.
"Ivysaur, use [Leech Seed] along with [Sleep Powder]!" - Ash exclaimed seriously.
"Use [Shock Wave] to cancel [Sleep Powder] and follow up with [Quick Attack]+ [ Fire Fist]!" - Gary exclaimed fiercely.
The sleep dust was quickly consumed by the strong electrical discharges, only for Electabuzz again to use its great speed.
Ivysaur was at a disadvantage because the sun had disappeared thanks to the [Rain Dance] move.
"Saur!" - Ivysaur went flying as he received his opponent's powerful igneous fist, but to Ash's relief, the power wasn't as great as he thought because the rain was still falling.
Ivysaur slowly struggled to his feet as he shook his body away from the pain, only to see Electabuzz again standing in front of him, only with his fists imbued with a strange blue energy.
"Dodge it, Ivysaur!" - Ash exclaimed as he recognized that attack - "That's [Ice Fist], and with your body covered in water, it's going to be twice as effective!"
"Saur!" - Ivysaur's eyes widened in surprise before it shook its body to try to push the water away, but there seemed to be no end to the rain, nor did it help that the icy terrain restricted its movements thanks to the cold temperatures.
Ivysaur was in danger, and both he and Ash knew it, and the worst part of the situation was that there was no way he could save himself.
He could not use his solar combo because there was no sun, and the [Solar Beam] would take ages to charge, nor did he have any cover attacks to defend himself, much less could he use [Sleep Powder], [Stun Spore] or [Leech Seed] to try to buy some time because both the water and the enemy's attacks made them infective.
"With everything, Electabuzz!" - Gary exclaimed fiercely.
"Sorry buddy, but it looks like there's no other option left" - Ash said regretfully as he noticed how Ivysaur was nodding - "I see, if that's so, then let's give it a little parting gift! Ivysaur, use [Poison Powder] when you take the attack!"
"What?!" - Gary exclaimed in panic because he knew that if that attack hit, Electabuzz would go down in a matter of seconds.
"Ivysaur!" - Ash's Pokémon quickly jumped at Electabuzz, as if it didn't care about the consequences of taking the hit.
"Bubuzz!" - Electabuzz knew he was in danger, but there was no turning back, not with the slippery ground he was on, much less with his arm outstretched in his opponent's direction.
"Now!" - Ash shouted as Ivysaur moved the flower on its back and released heavy purple dust.
Electabuzz felt slight dizziness as he received the attack as his fist sent the frozen statue that was now his opponent flying.
Ivysaur continued flying until it impacted the stage wall, only for everyone to watch as the ice covering its body, fell in pieces next to its unconscious body.
"Ivysaur can't continue, the winner is Electabuzz!" - The referee exclaimed as he looked in Gary's direction, only to see Electabuzz fall to his knees against the ground with a pained expression.
"Electabuzz!" - Gary shouted as he noticed the suffering his friend was going through.
"Not to try to ruin your victory, kid, but your Electabuzz is on its last legs" - said the referee as he walked over to the boy's Pokémon and shook his head - "If you make it fight your opponent, it will end up in a state that will take days to heal."
"I know, you didn't have to tell me" - Gary replied as he sighed regretfully and returned his Electabuzz to its Pokeball - "He's retiring from the battle."
"Ok, Electabuzz is out of the battle" - said the referee while looking at the two participants - "The two participants have two Pokémon, it's the turn of the participant Ash"
"Go, Pikachu!" - Ash exclaimed as his partner jumped onto the battlefield and concentrated electricity in his red cheeks - "Pika!"
"Go, Eevee!" - Gary exclaimed as he released his Pokémon, a cute brown fox - "Evoi!"
Ash quickly pulled out his Pokedex and saw Eevee's information, after all, it was his first time seeing a Pokémon like it.
"Eevee, the Evolution Pokémon" - said the Pokedex - "Eevee's genetic configuration allows it to mutate and adapt right away to whatever environment it lives in. The evolution of this Pokémon is usually possible thanks to the radiations emitted by various stones."
"The evolution Pokémon" - Ash muttered as he remembered some creatures similar to the Pokémon in front of him that he had seen during his journey - "He can evolve into Flareon, Jolteon, or Vaporeon?"
"She, and answering your question, that's Eevee's special ability, she can evolve into different species depending on the conditions" - Gary answered seriously - "In fact, there are other ways to evolve other than exposure to elemental stones"
Ash was silent for a few seconds before nodding - "I see, but that doesn't mean anything, Pikachu and I are the closest duo."
"You're wrong" - Gary replied seriously - "I've known this Eevee for years, she's my first Pokémon, and I'm so fond of her that I haven't wanted to force her to evolve until she wants to"
"Then this is a battle to show our bond with our partners" - Ash said as Pikachu looked seriously at Eevee, after all, he knew Ash for years, so many that he no longer remembered his life before his friend captured him as a Pichu.
"It's time to start with the match, Ash's Pikachu Vs. Gary's Eevee!" - exclaimed the referee as he looked at the two youngsters - "Begin!"
"Pikachu, use [Quick Attack] to get close and use the momentum to hit with [Iron Tail]" - shouted Ash as Pikachu nodded firmly.
"Do the same, Eevee!" - Gary exclaimed earnestly - "Let's show them that we are no less than them!"
"Evoi!" - Eevee shouted as it ran against Pikachu, only for people to watch as the two little Pokémon impacted their tails against each other's.
The two Pokémon went flying from the impact before landing properly, and looking at each other with serious expressions.
The damage had been even.