Extra 13: We are Pirates ~! (5)

"It wasn't the reception I was expecting" - said Hancock as she frowned, seeing how everyone seemed to jump out of their seats and run for the outside.

"We're globally wanted, I'm sure that's why" - Kurama replied as he shrugged - "Anyway, for now, let's sit down and wait for them to come to take our order."

"You have a point, although, with time, I was sure they wouldn't keep annoying us" - Hancock snorted as she picked up the menu with a small smile on her lips - "But let's leave that for another time, this place has its charm, and the aroma of the food is delicious."

"Thank you for your words, empress-sama" - said an older man with dirty blond hair. He was wearing a chef's suit with a huge white hat, along with a long braided mustache - "My name is Zeff, and I am the owner of [Baratie], it is a pleasure to be in the presence of such a majestic person."

"Zeff, I feel like I've heard that name somewhere" - said Hancock while narrowing her eyes, only to notice the calm expression of the old cook - "Well, never mind, I wish to order your best dishes, money is not a problem."

"Ok, your order will be ready shortly" - Zeff answered as he withdrew, only to throw a blank look at the man who was walking in the direction of the couple, and from the expression he had, he seemed not to know who he was dealing with, which was strange.

"Hello, sorry for interrupting" - said the man with light blue-gray hair as he stopped next to the couple's table and ignored Kurama - "I would like to know the beautiful name of such a gorgeous woman."

The woman who had accompanied the man, frowned furiously, only to shoot Kurama a flirtatious glance.

"Go away, maggot" - Hancock said neutrally.

"I guess I haven't introduced myself" - said the man with a forced smile - "I am".

"I don't know, I don't care, and I don't give a damn either" - Hancock replied sharply as she narrowed her eyes - "Unless you want me to drag you out of the restaurant with my bare hands"

"Listen, little bitch, I'm trying to be polite because you're beautiful, but if you're going to get like that, I better use force" - the man replied coldly, only to feel how the air seemed to escape from his lungs because of the strong pressure his body was feeling.

Hancock slowly stood up while releasing her Haki, only to grab the man by the neck and place him at her eye level - "Listen to me well, you little son of a bitch, I'm not going to let a scumbag like you, talk to me this way."

* * *

"Chef Zeff, shouldn't we stop her?" - Asked a herculean man with tanned skin.

"Don't even think about it, she's Boa Hancock" - replied Zeff as he continued to prepare the couple's order, and in the process, leaving everyone present frozen because they never thought their client was the legendary Pirate Empress.

"Who is Boa Hancock?" - Asked a boy who looked like he didn't fit in the kitchen with his clothes and straw hat.

"Are you truly a pirate?" - Asked a young blond man who was wearing a black suit.

"Yes, I am" - nodded the straw-hatted boy.

"It was a rhetorical question, simpleton" - said the blond young man while frowning - "And answering your question, she is the Pirate Empress, the most beautiful woman in the world, and the only one who was able to get into the position of [Shichibukai] thanks to her power."

"Oh, she's strong!" - exclaimed the straw-hatted boy as a huge smile appeared on his face - "But if what you say is true, what is she doing here, why isn't she with her crew?"

"Because she gave up her title and handed them over to her sisters" - Sanji answered as he shook his head and prepared to take a cigarette - "She is now on a trip together with her boyfriend, and as far as we can see, it's true"

Sanji wouldn't lie, he was jealous of the white-haired man because not only did he have as a partner the woman considered the most beautiful in the world, but because he was also handsome.

"I see" - Luffy nodded as he looked over to where Hancock stood confused.

"From your idiot's face I can see that you didn't understand anything" - said Sanji while sighing regretfully - "I still don't understand how you are the captain of your ship".

Luffy just smiled when he heard the question of the cook he was determined to recruit as a new crew member for his ship.

* * * * *

"What the fuck are they doing here!" - A pretty orange-haired girl exclaimed.

She was sitting across from a man with short green hair, and a young man with black hair, tanned skin, and a long nose.

"The pirate empress" - muttered the young man with the long nose while sweating profusely.

The green-haired man only frowned as he saw a person who was in a similar position to his target - "Should we take Luffy and escape?"

"I second that plan, let's get out of here as fast as possible!" - Usopp exclaimed in fear.

"I also want to give my support, but you saw how determined Luffy is in recruiting that cook" - replied Nami while frowning.

"You have a point" - sighed Zoro as he shook his head, only to watch as the aforementioned blond cook, walked in their direction with a few trays of food.

"Here's the food for such a beautiful lady" - said Sanji with a seductive smile on his face - "On the house."

"Thank you" - smiled Nami as she prepared to eat.

Zoro and Usopp quickly got ready to grab some food, but before they could extend their hands, they saw Sanji block them with a scowl - "Free food is for the lady, you guys pay"

"Why!" - Usopp exclaimed with a frown as he looked down at Nami's breasts.

Nami frowned as she noticed this, though she didn't say anything because she was used to the stares from others, after all, she used every method to get what she wanted, even seduction, though it was a relief that she still didn't have to sacrifice her purity, though there were times she came close to doing so, remembering her sister and mother, made her come to her senses.

Sanji was about to praise Nami again, but frowned when he heard glass shatter.

"Sorry, we'll pay for that too" - the pirate empress' partner said afterward.

"Well, at least he has the manners to be able to apologize and pay for his damages" - Sanji snorted as he decided to go back to the kitchen.

"Maybe we should drag Luffy, even if he hates us for it later" - Nami muttered as she sighed regretfully.

* * * * *

30 minutes later, Zeff had returned with a huge variety of dishes and had placed them in front of the couple.

Hancock was amazed, not only by the variety of ingredients, but by the enormous mastery the man had in his culinary art.

"Bon appétit" - Zeff said before withdrawing, but stopped midway when he saw the door to his restaurant slowly open, revealing a dying figure.

Kurama and Hancock decided to ignore the rest and concentrate entirely on their meal, though there were details they watched with curiosity, such as how the cooks refused to feed the man, or how the blond cook ignored the words of his companions to feed the poor wretch.

"What do you think of the place?" - Kurama asked with a smile as he picked up the bottle of wine and poured it for his partner.

"It's a simply decorated place, but with a huge charm" - replied Hancock with a small smile on her delicate lips - "But what makes the place fantastic, is not the atmosphere which isn't too bad, but the food which is extremely delicious."

"I know, you can tell they are putting their soul into their work, a very good thing for a restaurant" - Kurama replied while frowning as he felt the air change slightly.

The dying man had disappeared with a huge sack of food for a few minutes, after all, they were eating leisurely.

"Oh? That strange man is approaching" - Hancock said as her eyes glittered slightly - "Did the [World Government] get bored with the games, and send in their strongest cards?"

"That man?" - Kurama asked curiously.

"You'll see him in a little while" - Hancock replied with a quiet smile, after all, she knew her former partner's manner. He was one of the few men she respected.

"Now I'm a little curious" - Kurama said as he ignored the sound of the explosion outside the restaurant, or how the cooks seemed to be running around like headless chickens - "At least you could give me a hint".

"And where's the fun in that?" - Hancock asked with an amused smile on her lips.