Extra 13: We are Pirates ~! (25)

The couple continued talking until they heard as outside the palace huge chaos began.

"What's going on out there?" - Hancock asked with a frown.

"Hey, Kurama, Hancock, the straw-brain is making a show out there" - said Alvida as she walked to the couple - "And from what he heard, it looks like he wants to talk with you."

Hancock was silent for a few seconds as Kurama snapped his fingers and made the boy appear.

"Please, let me pass, I have to talk with Kurama-san!" - Luffy exclaimed, only to be surprised to see the albino standing in front of him - "That was great!"

"I heard you wanted to talk with us" - Kurama said as he looked at the boy.

"Right, I need to get a boat so I can leave as soon as possible!" - Luffy exclaimed in terror - "I have to go save Ace!"

"I think you're skipping a lot of information, please explain further" - said Kurama while frowning.

"There's no time!" - Luffy exclaimed as he grabbed the albino by the shoulders and started to lash him - "I need to save Ace!"

"Would someone please explain to me what the fuck is going on?" - Alvida asked with a frown as she saw the straw-hatted boy's very upset state.

"That I can explain" - said Nyon as she took a breath after chasing the boy all over the island - "It seems that [Hiken no Ace (Fire Fist Ace)], is Luffy-san's older brother, and he has been captured by the navy."

"I understand, please continue" - Hancock said seriously.

"The thing is that Ace is one of [Shirohige]'s direct subordinates, as well as Gol D. Roger's son" - said Nyon while explaining what she had read in the newspaper.

"Wait! You're saying that Fire Fist is the son of the [Pirate King]!" - Alvida exclaimed in surprise, only to recall a certain rumor during her childhood - "God, your family is getting more bizarre, boy!"

"I don't have time, I need to save Ace!" - Luffy exclaimed as he looked at Hancock and Kurama - "I beg you, please give me a boat!"

"It's no problem to give you a boat, but you have to understand one thing, Luffy" - said Kurama as he pointed towards the newspaper - "It says here that Ace is locked up in [Impel Down], the most secure prison in the navy."

Luffy was silent for a few seconds, but Kurama could see how his gaze was still one full of firm conviction.

Hancock was about to explain a bit more, but her expression quickly changed when she heard a [Den Den Mushi] ring. She slowly picked it up, only to frown when she saw how it was the communicator the [World Government] had given her to serve as [Shichibukai].

"What do these idiots want?" - Hancock wondered as she frowned, only to answer the call, after all, she was curious.

[Hancock, hope you had a good day.]

"Get to the point, Sengoku" - said Hancock with irritation - "Because I remember saying that I was resigning from the position of [Shichibukai]"

[You haven't changed a bit, always so straightforward, and in answer to your doubt, the [World Government], has not accepted your resignation].

Hancock frowned as she began to lose patience - "Tell me what it is you wish and let's get this over with once and for all."

[I know very well that we have some friction between our two forces, but it's nothing we can't fix with a conversation]

"My time is limited, Sengoku" - Hancock said impatiently.

[I'm issuing a summons for all the [Shichibukai], including you].

"I'm sorry, I don't plan to go" - Hancock replied coolly - "I don't have the time, nor the patience for your games."

[I knew you would say that that's why I have decided to give you the following conditions if you decide to accept. First, we will release all the Kuja pirates we have in our control, we will deliver a communique accepting the sovereignty of [Amazon Lily], and we will not mess with you as long as you are moving about the seas within your control as sovereigns]

"Oh? That's interesting" - Hancock said with surprise, after all, she never thought the conditions would be so good.

As [Shichibukai], she was under the protection of the [World Government] and her organization had amnesty for her actions, as long as they were not too radical or destructive against them, but now Sengoku was making it clear that the [World Government] wished to give her complete control of their area.

"Although now I have a doubt," Hancock said gravely.

[Which one?]

"How do we know you won't back off after I accomplish my mission, or attack me while I'm doing it?" - asked Hancock with disdain.

[You have the strange barriers covering [Amazon Lily], I'm sure your safety is the slightest]

"Give me a moment to think it over more calmly and discuss it with my emperor" - said Hancock earnestly.

[As you wish]

With that said, Sengoku cut the call.

Hancock gave a glance to Kurama, who was thinking calmly - "What do you think?"

"That this is a good opportunity to expand our territory" - Kurama replied with a huge smile. As the ruler of Uzu, he knew about the advantages and disadvantages there were in [Amazon Lily], as well as its biggest problems, one of these being the lack of marketability.

The [Kuja Pirates] were strong, but at the same time they were criminals, that gave them more than enough reason for the [World Government] to attack them, it was for this very reason that he had been thinking about talking with Hancock and her sisters to drastically change the actions of the [Kuja Pirates] to less criminal ones.

"Besides, this is a good opportunity to help our young friend" - Kurama said while pointing at Luffy - "We could make that one of the conditions to accept, is to go and talk with Ace"

"!" - Luffy looked at Kurama with emotion as he felt tears running down his cheeks.

He never thought that someone would help him so selflessly, but now he saw that like all the good deeds he had done during his journey, they were being rewarded.

"But I have to say that you won't be going," Kurama said as he stared at Hancock, "It's obvious that the navy wants to use the [Shichibukai] as cannon fodder against [Shirohige]."

"The primary objective of the [Shichibukai], is to serve as rivals for the [Yonko]" - Hancock replied with a frown - "And I can take them on."

"Yes, but you won't, one, because I don't want the [Shirohige] pirates to hold a grudge against you, and two, because you don't need to go" - said Kurama while shaking his head - "Not when our goal is to help Luffy"

"You better listen to him, Hebihime, remember that you are pregnant and during a fight, you won't be able to protect the baby that is developing inside you" - said Nyon seriously.

Hancock opened her eyes in surprise when she heard this as she unconsciously put her hand on her stomach - ". . ."

She was silent for a few seconds before sighing regretfully and nodding - "Ok, I'm going to take your advice."

"Why don't you fight with a barrier covering your body?" - Alvida asked as she raised an eyebrow.

"Because my barriers aren't all-proof" - Kurama answered seriously - "Remember that Kuma's ability passed through it, that means other abilities could do the same thing."

Alvida nodded weakly when she heard Kurama's cold words, though she had to admit it was a good reason.

"Well, back to the point, I'll be your replacement, and I'll cause as much damage as possible on the navy forces while pretending to fight [Shirohige]" - Kurama said with a huge grin.

"Sounds like something you would do" - smiled Hancock as the others nodded.

Even Kalifa, who was formerly a member of the navy and until recently had joined their group, felt sympathy for the poor enemies who would have to face the albino.

"Well, it's time for us to plan our next steps while you tell Sengoku that you accept, but due to personal problems, you won't be able to go, so I'll replace you" - said Kurama while nodding in Hancock's direction.

"Done" - smiled Hancock calmly, after all, she wasn't scared or worried about Kurama's safety, not when he was possibly the strongest person in this dimension.

"When are we leaving to help Ace?" - Luffy asked in confusion.

"Give me a few hours and we'll leave for [Impel Down], although I don't promise to help you inside that prison because it would destroy my cover" - Kurama answered seriously.

"Ok, with being able to enter that place, it's more than enough, I've decided to save Ace with my own hands" - Luffy said firmly while looking as he tightened his hands - "I'm not going to let my other brother, die when I can do something about it."

Kurama nodded with a smile when he saw this - "Ok, let's start our planning."