Extra 14: Saikousoku Fall in Love ~ (20)

Kurama was silent for a few seconds before raising an eyebrow, not because he had detected something as rare as a new source of life inside Kii, but because he could feel a faint signature of chakra coursing through the woman's body, and not just any kind of chakra, but the kind that was produced by his [Senjutsu].

"Why do I feel so good?" - Kii asked in surprise as she moved her body because she felt so much lighter, stronger and more resilient. She could even feel how nature was much more communicative with her, as if she had taken her connection with everything around her to the next level.

"It's because of my energy" - Kurama answered honestly as he took a few steps away and looked carefully at the girl who was half plant - "When I come inside you, I must have released some of my [Senjutsu Chakra] as well, that's why you feel a lot stronger."

"Why do I have some of your energy in me?" - Kii asked in surprise as she frowned.

"Because your presence served as a catalyst for me to concentrate more [Nature Energy]" - Kurama replied while frowning - "I don't understand the reason, but literally your body served as a filter for me to absorb more energy."

". . ." - Kii was silent when she heard this, but her expression relaxed when she noticed the white-haired man's frown because she could tell that he wasn't very happy with the idea of having used her as an object.

"Why did this happen?" - Kii asked as she tried to look for some response from the white-haired [Kitsune].

"I have no idea" - replied Kurama as he shook his head.

Kii again fell silent before nodding weakly - "Do you need my help to keep gathering energy?"

"No need" - Kurama answered seriously - "I will manage to gather more energy".

"I can help you" - Kii replied with a slight blush covering her cheeks - "I wish to help you".

Kurama was silent for a few seconds before shaking his head.

He had decided to stand firm on the idea of using the woman in front of him as an object.

"To be so firm in your decision, hurts my pride as a woman, but at the same time I'm glad you think so much of my well-being" - Kii said as she stole one last glance at Kurama before disappearing into the ground, one of the many abilities she had gained from being a half-plant creature.

Kurama sighed before closing his eyes again, only to frown as he noticed how the energy in the area remained constant, proving that Kii wasn't gone yet, in fact, she was extremely close.

Seeing that he couldn't continue with his desire to gather energy, Kurama decided to do other things.

When he left, Kii again appeared on the surface, looking in the direction where Kurama had gone with a conflicted, and enamored expression.

She could feel the energy inside her stirring just thinking about him, and it didn't help that she, like the other [Interspecies], fell in love extremely easily, and when they did, their feelings were also extremely strong, to the point that it bordered on insanity.

"Ugh, I think I need some private time too" - Kii muttered as she rubbed her thighs together because she could feel how her nectar was starting to run down her crotch, one of the side effects of being in the presence of Kurama's strange energy for so long.

She quickly walked to a nearby tree and hid from people's view, only for after a few seconds, moans of pleasure from the [Dryad], to echo in the area.

* * * * *

After parting from Kii, Kurama decided to go to Kimihito's, so he could pass some time, only to see how his home was being consumed by flames - ". . ."

"Huh? Kurama-san?" - Kimihito said in surprise upon seeing the white-haired [Kitsune] - "What are you doing here?"

"You better tell me what the fuck just happened" - said Kurama as he gave the man a blank stare.

"W-Well, that's a funny story" - said Kimihito as he scratched his cheek with a forced smile adorning his face - "The truth is that Smith-san told me that I would have to take care of another girl because of my contract."

"Oh god, not her again" - Kurama muttered as he grabbed the bridge of his nose because this was already ridiculous.

Kimihito was a nice guy, so there was no way he would refuse to help another girl in a bad situation, this made him the perfect prey for Kuroko, who sincerely wished to get rid of all the troublesome girls under her control.

"So what was it this time, a [Dragonewt], a [Salamander], a [Dwarf]?" - Kurama asked as he gave his friend a blank look, more when he saw how Papi and Suu were hugging his legs.

"In fact" - Kimihito said, only to fall silent when he saw how some fireballs appeared around Kurama - "Don't do it!"

"?" - Kurama turned around, only to be surprised to see the fireballs heading in his direction.

"Stop, Hi-chan!" - Kimihito exclaimed in terror as he saw how the fireballs were about to touch his friend - "He's my best friend!"

"Huh? My husband's friend?" - A female voice asked in surprise.

Kurama watched curiously as, behind the fireballs, a small female figure appeared. She showed no more than 18 years of age, with an athletic body, but what identified her most was her pale, almost transparent skin and ruby red eyes along with black scleras.

"I'm sorry for attacking you" - said the girl as she tried to approach Kimihito, only to frown when she saw how Papi and Suu, stood in front of her - ". . ."

"I'm not letting you near husband!" - Papi exclaimed with a frown.

"Master won't be hurt" - Suu said neutrally.

"I want to assume that she was responsible for this" - said Kurama while pointing at the burning house.

"It was an accident" - replied Kimihito as he explained the situation.

Himiko, or better known as Hi-chan, was the newest member of the family. She was a [Will-o'-Wisp] who had just arrived in Japan as an exchange student.

Her danger level is B+, which made it almost impossible for them to accept her presence in the human world, but after checking that she was not dangerous, they agreed that she could participate in the project.

She had been living with Kimihito for little more than a few days, but the young man's kindness had stolen her heart.

"You work fast" - Kurama said as he raised an eyebrow, only to notice how Kimihito blushed - "Ok, all kidding aside, how did all this happen?"

"Well, I tried to cook something for my husband" - Himiko muttered while her voice was getting lower and lower - "And I forgot to put out my flames, in the end, I ended up setting the house on fire."

Kurama gave her a blank look because this was the stupidest reason he had ever heard.

"What?! I make mistakes too!" - Himiko exclaimed as the surrounding flames, grew along with her fury.

"I think I understand now how it happened, this idiot caused the fire because she couldn't control her emotions" - Kurama said while giving the girl a blank look - "Just by seeing how her flames grew, I can deduce that these change depending on her emotions, and she doesn't have a good control of these."

"Ugh" - Himiko let out a small groan of pain as she felt an arrow pierce her heart.

"Possibly she was so excited to prepare something for you, that she didn't control her fire, and that's how things ended up" - Kurama continued while noticing how the girl blushed "And by that expression, it's obvious that I got it right"

"Shut up!" - Himiko exclaimed, with her face getting redder and redder, and huge flames around her.

"What he says, is it true?" - Kimihito asked in surprise.

Himiko blushed again, but still nodded weakly, after all, there was nothing to be gained by lying to Kimihito.

"Well, that settles a few things" - said Kuroko Smith as she arrived together with her group - "And it's a surprise to see you here, Kurama-san."

"Same here, you should normally arrive two hours after the events" - said Kurama sarcastically, and in the process, making the MON members laugh, even the new recruit, a cute girl with dog-like features who sincerely reminded him of Tsume.

"Ha, very funny" - said Kuroko with a frown - "Anyway, let me introduce you to our new part-time recruit, Polt-chan."

"It's a pleasure, Kurama-san!" - Polt exclaimed while wagging her tail at full speed, only to run in front of Kurama and start sniffing him - "Training, every morning for minimum 3 hours, field work, perfectly trained muscles, no excess fat, professional swimmer's physique. Awesome, I'd like you to train me!"

The people present stared at the [Kobold] girl strangely because they never expected this kind of reaction.