"Where is Aries?" - Lucy asked in surprise as she looked around and noticed that her [Celestial Spirit], had disappeared.
"She went back to her world" - replied Kurama calmly as he shook his head.
Aries had returned home with a much more relaxed expression, in fact, she had mustered up the courage to join her friends and watch everything unfold, not because she felt pleasure in seeing her love, leave with another, but because she needed to be there to support Loke, and in the process, gain the strength to take the next step.
"I'm confused, but I guess everything must have turned out all right" - nodded Lucy, confused to say the least.
"Relax, everything will be fine" - replied Kurama calmly because he could feel how Aries had improved a little during her stay inside the temporal barrier.
"By the way, you haven't met Wendy-chan yet" - Lucy said as she ran over to where her friends were and grabbed the blue haired little girl, styled in twin pigtails.
"Uh, h-hello" - said little Wendy with a forced smile and a slight blush.
"Hello" - nodded Kurama as he curiously noticed the strange creature hissing behind the little girl - "And you are?"
"Carla" - growled the little white cat who was following Wendy around as if she was a very protective big sister.
Kurama nodded again before going back to his business.
Lucy was silent because she didn't expect this kind of reaction, although in retrospect, Kurama wasn't one to talk to others much. He only spoke when someone asked him something, or the topic was interesting enough.
"That was a little tense," Wendy murmured with concern.
"Relax, he's someone who keeps to himself" - smiled Lucy as she explained things a little better.
Wendy nodded weakly as Lucy explained the [Fairy Tail] situation to her, when her nose began to twitch.
"Is something wrong, Wendy?" - Lucy asked in surprise, but her expression changed when she saw the little girl start to cry - "Wendy-chan?!"
"What did you do to Wendy, you cow udders!" - Carla exclaimed angrily as she saw how her partner was crying.
"I didn't say anything bad to her, and don't call me cow udders!" - Lucy exclaimed, her face red with a mixture of fury and embarrassment.
"Grandeeney!" - Wendy exclaimed as she ran toward the entrance.
"Grandeeney?" - Lucy asked, confused at the situation.
"She is Wendy's mother, the dragon who taught her magic [Dragon Slayer of the Sky]" - replied Carla with surprise.
Wendy quickly reached the door and jumped up with tears in her eyes, but to her surprise, far from meeting a cold wall of scales, she felt something soft on her face.
"Ara? What's wrong, little one?" - asked Lucoa with surprise because she wasn't expecting something like this to happen.
She had stepped outside for a few seconds to get some air, when she felt a strangely familiar presence run in her direction.
"Huh?" - Wendy's eyes widened in surprise as she felt her cheeks begin to burn with embarrassment - "You're not Grandeeney!"
"No, my name is Lucoa, but it's strange" - Lucoa muttered as she frowned - "Have we met before?"
". . ." - Wendy was silent as she sighed with regret because she didn't expect something like this when she felt a dragon with a similar power to her mother - "I'm sorry, I mistook you for someone else."
"With Grandeeney?" - Lucoa asked as she opened her emerald eye.
Wendy was silent as she saw that pupil that was familiar - "Yes, but you're not her, you just feel similar."
"Grandeeney" - Lucoa murmured as he started to think - "I don't know anyone by that name, but in you, I can sense the sky aura, one that only comes from the dragons of the sky."
"Sky Aura?" - Wendy asked as she cocked her head to the side because that was an unfamiliar, but strangely familiar term, as if something inside her resonated at the mention of this power.
"It's a blessing I gave to a certain lineage of dragons" - Lucoa answered as she recalled the past - "It was during my times as a goddess, I gave my blessing to a certain dragon who worked for me, I believe his name was Skyla"
"Blessing, goddess, Skyla?!" - Wendy exclaimed in surprise.
She didn't understand much of the woman's words, but there was one name that struck her, and that was Skyla, because she remembered how she had said that Skyla was Grandeeney's father, in other words, he was her grandfather.
"You are Quetzalcoatl-sama!" - Wendy exclaimed as she understood who was standing in front of her.
"Well, that was my name, many years ago, now I am Lucoa" - smiled Lucoa as she looked with a small smile at the blue-haired girl - "I guess Skyla's heir taught you the sky arts?"
"Grandeeney, my adoptive mother, was the daughter of Skyla, Quetzalcoatl-sama" - replied Wendy humbly, after all, she was in front of the person who helped her grandfather become what he was.
"Oh, that explains a few things" - Lucoa smiled, though she quickly frowned as she sniffed the little blue-haired girl.
"S-Something's wrong?" - Wendy asked with concern.
"No, it's nothing, I just felt a strong dragon smell coming from you, which is strange because you're originally human" - Lucoa replied while shaking her head - "Anyway, if you need help with anything, you can come talk to me, technically you're part of my clan, and it's my duty to help you."
"Thank you very much, Lucoa-sama" - Wendy smiled as she went back to where Carla was.
Lucoa smiled when she heard this as she walked behind the little girl.
"Come to think of it, what are you doing here, Lucoa-sama?" - Wendy asked in surprise as she watched the blonde woman with huge breasts, follow her with a smile.
"Well, my husband is in this guild" - smiled Lucoa as she disappeared and reappeared behind Kurama.
The white-haired man, kept his back turned, only for Lucoa to press her body against him, and in the process, causing all the men to look jealously at the albino who was living their dreams.
Lucoa had quickly climbed in popularity thanks to the fact that she was a kind woman with an explosive body that could excite even the most impotent man.
"I'm back ~" - smiled Lucoa as she hugged her husband.
"I can feel it" - replied Kurama as he gave her a blank look, though it wasn't as if he disliked showing affection in public, it was just that Lucoa was one of those people who showed too much affection, to the point that she could create a pink aura around herself.
"Huh? Kurama-san is Lucoa-sama's husband?" - Wendy asked in surprise because she didn't fit the situation.
"Well, it's a bit complicated" - replied Tohru, who was putting some dishes on the table.
"Another dragon?!" - Wendy exclaimed in surprise because she hadn't realized that there was already a dragon in the guild.
"Two" - answered Kanna while licking her lips because the food in front of her, was much better than the last few days.
". . ." - Wendy looked at Kanna in surprise before slowly reaching over and touching one of her horns.
Kanna gave her a bored look, but didn't interrupt her, after all, that didn't bother her.
"Sorry!" - Wendy exclaimed as she noticed how she had acted badly.
"Relax, I'm sure you're not the only one who's curious" - Tohru replied as she walked over to Kanna and wiped her cheeks that were dirty from her food - "Come on, Kanna-chan, you don't have to get so dirty."
"Sorry" - mumbled Kanna as she went back to eating.
"Are you her mother?" - Wendy asked curiously.
"Well, I'm her foster mother" - replied Tohru as she stroked the little white-haired girl.
Kanna nodded weakly as she went back to her business.
"I see" - muttered Wendy as she watched Kurama start talking to Lucoa, though to her surprise, the strange white-haired man was watching the little girl in front of them with a smile - "Question, is Kurama-san Kanna-chan's older brother?"
"No, he is her foster father since she came to this world" - Tohru answered with a huge smile - "He has treated her as if she was his blood daughter, isn't that right, Kanna-chan?"
"Dad is the best" - replied Kanna with a small smile.
"I-I see" - nodded Wendy, though she had to admit she was jealous deep in her heart.
Kurama raised an eyebrow when he saw this, and even Lucoa sensed this change in little Wendy, so she whispered something in her husband's ear.
Kurama thought about it for a few seconds before nodding and walking over to the girl.
Wendy was surprised by this as she looked at the strange white-haired man, confused because she didn't know what he was planning.
Carla quickly stepped in front of her friend and began to growl.
Kurama paid no attention to her, he just reached out his hand and started stroking the little girl's head.
Wendy opened her eyes, surprised and frightened, but calmed down when she noticed the calm gaze of the white-haired man.
"Are you okay, little one?" - Kurama asked with a fatherly tone.
Wendy opened her mouth, unable to say a word until she felt Lucoa hug her.
"Relax, you don't need to force yourself" - Lucoa said with a smile.
It was that moment where she began to sob because Lucoa's embrace, reminded her of her mother.