Three years had passed since the meeting Kurama had with his three advisors, a time that had initiated what in history would be called the bloody hour.
Tyuule had begun the purge protocol that had been directly approved by Kurama.
The inhabitants of [Samsara] could still remember those days when the blood of sinners had begun to flow in the streets of the glorious city of reincarnation.
Delilah had taken over all the military forces of the city and had started multiple attacks against not only important people of the city, but also other part of the military.
Cries of anguish, pain and mercy echoed throughout the day as the top military leader continued to purge all those who had dared to deceive their benevolent god.
Mizari was delivering the information about how their magnificent city, had a cancer that needed to be removed as quickly as possible, in other words, she was doing damage control and gaining support from the people as she continued to slaughter the traitors.
Kurama for his part, was leaving Zufmuut's temple with him being dragged away by a group of humans, in other words, the god of light was being humiliated in the worst possible way.
The other gods quickly flew over to ask why Kurama had done something like this as they prepared to attack him, although if they were honest, they knew things would end badly if a war started between the main god and them.
Kurama quickly explained the situation while making it clear that he would not allow this kind of corruption. [Samsara] was a free land, where everyone could follow whatever religion they wanted, as long as they followed the rules already established.
The gods looked at each other, although at the same time they were sure that the words of the white-haired Kitsune god were true.
Zufmuut was one of the gods who did not like to be below anyone, that is why he had performed so many corrupt actions during all these years, so it was obvious that he would not endure for long.
Emroy knew that the god of light would end up betraying them to try to take control, so he wondered how long it would take, although he never thought it would be so fast.
Hardy quickly sided with Kurama, being followed by Emroy, that already left the two strongest gods of the group, on the side of the main god, putting the other gods in a much more uncomfortable position, although after a few seconds they quickly accepted the situation.
Zufmuut was quickly executed for his actions, leaving an open space that was taken over by Lagh, the new god of light, a rather kindly old man.
The purge lasted three whole days, and when it was over, the inhabitants saw how a large part of the merchants had been eliminated, which was not so surprising because money was the biggest motive for corruption, although that did not mean that some military or state chiefs, were not eliminated in the process.
Itami and the other soldiers, could only watch all this in silence because they never thought they would see anything like this when they entered [Samsara], though this now meant that security would be much tighter, and the higher ups would be less prone to bribery, and it wasn't as if they could blame them.
Piña let out a sigh of relief at how Bozes had managed to get them pardoned, though her expression quickly changed when she heard about the mass purge.
When it was all over, Kurama came out to give a talk about everything that had happened, after that, everything went back to normal.
The situation in [Samsara] not only improved, but slowly the nearby towns started to use some similar laws.
The empire also decided to join this cultural expansion thanks to the fact that Piña had managed to cement her position as crown princess.
Kurama was living a peaceful life, surrounded by all the luxuries the world could give him, as well as the possibility of being able to choose any woman he wished, but despite all this, people who knew him personally could sense that there was something strange about the main god's attitude.
Hardy tried to talk with him, but Kurama only responded with calm smiles.
Tyuule and the other mortals who were important to the white-haired man also tried to know the reason, but he responded in the same way, so it made no difference whether it was a mortal or immortal, Kurama didn't seem to want to talk about it.
That left us with the current situation.
* * *
"I knew you'd be here, you've been doing it for a little over a month now" - Hardy said as she appeared next to Kurama, who was meditating on the peak of the highest mountain in the special area.
Kurama didn't answer, he just kept his gaze on the sky, as if he was waiting for something.
"What's going on?" - Hardy asked as she raised an eyebrow.
"The moment is approaching" - Kurama answered for the first time in a long time - "I can feel how the current is getting calmer."
"The moment is approaching? Current?" - Hardy was confused because she didn't understand what he was trying to say - ". . ."
"Sorry, I'm just rambling" - Kurama replied with a small smile - "I feel like it's been ages since I arrived at this astral plane."
Hardy was getting more and more droopy as she felt that for the first time in years, she was beginning to know the real Kurama. Not the god that had brought a new age to this world, but the entity that sat on the celestial throne, alone, with few people interacting on a daily basis.
Even the three girls who were always by his side, now could only give him a little of their time because they were in the midst of preparations to ascend.
"Tell me, Hardy, have you ever thought about what lies beyond the stars?" - Kurama asked as his gaze drifted to the sky.
"No, I've never thought about it," Hardy replied as she tried to look in the direction that the man she had chosen as her consort, was looking, but no matter how hard she tried, she felt like she wasn't seeing the same thing.
"Beyond the stars, there are many worlds" - Kurama said as he closed his eyes for a few seconds - "And beyond those worlds, there are dimensions that coexist with our own."
Hardy raised an eyebrow as she felt her heart pounding, as if she was slowly coming to a truth that had been eluding her.
"The gods are nothing more than tools, entities that fulfill the function of administrators of the main laws of the dimension" - Kurama continued as he narrowed his eyes - "They are the strongest entities of these worlds, but at the same time they are prisoners of their own powers."
Hardy could feel as if chains were tightening around her body with every word the white-haired man said.
"But... What would happen if someone much stronger than the laws of that dimension suddenly appeared?" - Kurama muttered as a small smile appeared on his face - "The answer is simple, the world would do its best to try to assimilate him, make his existence become one with the laws, creating an equal relationship between the two parties, but at the same time, condemning the entity to a prison similar to that of the other gods."
"What if the entity didn't want to be assimilated?" - Hardy asked with slight terror.
"Oh, that's an excellent question" - said Kurama with a small smile - "And the answer is not pretty."
Hardy was silent as she swallowed saliva and awaited her consort's conclusion.
"The two wills would fight for supremacy, and the entity by being stronger than the laws, would end up being the victor" - answered Kurama as his gaze became serious - "And if the laws are defeated, that would cause a massive collapse in the dimension, slowly destroying it."
Kurama opened his eyes and with a wave of his hands, he created a sort of sphere that slowly began to collapse.
"You" - Hardy muttered in a voice that showed she had a mixture of fear and curiosity - "Why did you let yourself be assimilated?"
A small smile appeared on his lips when he heard this question - "Oh, there are many reasons, the first being that I'm not a genocidal, I couldn't just kill millions of living beings just because I could."
Hardy nodded weakly when she heard this.
"But the biggest reason, is because here I can fulfill my dream" - Kurama replied as his smile grew considerably - "In this dimension lies the answer to the problem that has been tormenting me for years"
"What problem?" - Hardy asked as she looked at the white-haired man, but her expression changed as she saw the sky begin to brighten, and from it, a beautiful silhouette began to descend.
"There you were, Kurama" - said a female voice that radiated a powerful magnetism.
"Kaguya, please bring the others before the assimilation gets to you" - said Kurama seriously - "I found the solution to our problem."
The beautiful woman with white, almost silver hair, snow-white eyes, and ethereal beauty nodded calmly before disappearing from the scene.
Hardy was struck dumb by the woman's beauty, only to notice how a strange portal appeared in front of them, from which a rather large group of women with children of different ages emerged.
"Answering your question" - said Kurama while extending his hands - "It is the secret of immortality."