Extra 17: To Love Ruto (45)

"Seriously, you two look like Earth rabbits with all the sex you're having" - Tearju said while frowning.

Another week had passed since Tearju had shared the news to Kurama about her pregnancy, time that Mikado didn't waste.

"You can join us" - replied Ryoko, who was still lying on the bed.

"As tempting as that sounds, we have work to do" - Tearju said with a frown.

"Meh, our work can be done by Kurama's clones, now I have to get pregnant" - said Mikado while slowly moving over Kurama with a huge smile - "Time for the next fight?"

"Seriously, I think you're exaggerating" - said Kurama while frowning.

"No, I'm not exaggerating, I think it's my instincts telling me to reproduce" - replied Mikado with a frown - "The truth is that my race is a very long-lived one and for this reason we have a low birth rate, to the point that we are on the verge of extinction."

"That's the first time I've heard that" - Tearju said with surprise, although if she was honest, she hadn't heard about the real race of Mikado. From her point of view, there were 4 possible races, although the researcher's words didn't make sense because they were all flourishing.

"I am a member of the Rivelis race" - Mikado said seriously.

"Rivelis?" - Tearju repeated as she tried to remember everything she had heard about that race, though to her surprise nothing came to mind - "Is there such a race?"

"The truth is that my race is a very old one, one in which the probability of birth is quite low, in fact, I am the only one that has been born during the last few years" - replied Mikado while shaking her head - "As for why my instincts are so lively, I suppose it is because of the enormous vitality in Kurama's semen, or at least that's what I can deduce."

"Now that you mention it, by instinct I took out some of his semen, and I have to admit that it has an enormous vitality, it's as if it was designed, so it could create offspring without much trouble" - Tearju muttered as the two women started talking about the properties of Kurama's essence.

Kurama let out a sigh before switching places with a pillow and starting to get dressed because honestly, all that scientific talk had caused his mood to plummet.

Ryoko was so focused on her conversation with Tearju, she didn't even notice this change.

* * * * *

"So this is Earth, the place where Konjiki no Yami lives" - muttered a beautiful white-haired woman as she gazed at the planet from the window of her ship - "Soon I will have my revenge and regain my title as the best assassin in the universe..."

* * * * *

"And how does it feel to know that you'll soon be a big sister?" - Mikan asked, who had transferred schools to Seinan along with her friends now that everything was under control thanks to Kurama.

"I don't know, I'm confused" - replied Yami while shaking her head. If it was her old self, the one who still hadn't forgiven Tearju for abandoning her, she would have ignored everything, but now that she understood the truth of everything that had happened, as well as everything Tearju had done to try to find her, she felt like she was part of the family, not to mention that Kurama was everything she had seen during her travels on how to be a good father.

"I know, I was feeling that way too when my mom told me I was going to have a baby brother" - replied one of Mikan's friends - "I'm sure you'll soon be smiling when you see your little brother."

Yami was silent nodded weakly because she wasn't lying, she was confused about this whole family thing, after all, she had been all her life living alone.

The golden haired girl was silent for a few seconds, though her expression changed when she felt someone watching her, though to her annoyance, she couldn't feel where this gaze was coming from.

* * * * *

"So it was true that your abilities have weakened" - Azenda murmured as she smiled slightly seeing how her target had not detected her, something that had not happened before - "I guess this makes things a lot easier."

What the assassin didn't know, was that she had already been identified, not by Yami, but by someone much more dangerous.

* * * * *

Kurama raised an eyebrow as he sensed how a woman was looking at his new daughter with hostility - "Should I intervene?"

The white-haired man was silent for a few seconds before deciding to only do so if things got out of hand, after all, he knew that Yami-chan could defend herself from anything.

Kurama went back to his work, though his expression changed when he heard someone knock on the door.

"I'm here for my Monday appointment" - Run said with a huge smile.

"I'm one punishment from expelling you, Run-san" - Kurama said neutrally.

"Noooooooooooooooo ~!" - Run exclaimed with a pale face.

* * * * *

Yami hadn't been able to concentrate on her classes all day because no matter what she did, she kept feeling someone's gaze behind her. It was annoying to look in that direction and find nothing, to the point that she was beginning to think that maybe all this peace was affecting her abilities.

* * * * *

"As I thought" - Azenda smiled as she watched as Yami seemed to be squirming in frustration, though at the same time she was feeling something strange, after all, no matter how much Konjiki no Yami weakened, she shouldn't be able to get that close to the assassin - "Is she already figured me out and is trying to lure me in?"

Azenda was confused because that seemed to be the answer, though there was one detail that contradicted this hypothesis, and that was that Yami was showing her frustration too well.

"No, Konjiki no Yami is not known for showing emotions, so that reaction is real" - Azenda muttered while frowning - "Although now I'm left with only one question... How come she hasn't detected me even though I've already entered her detection range?"

"Oh, I could answer that one" - said a male voice.

Azenda opened her eyes before she felt everything around her go dark. Panic appeared on her face as she watched her surroundings change to an office in which a handsome white-haired man stood.

She gawked for a few seconds before jumping back and getting on her guard because this man's presence didn't portend anything good.

"Relax, I don't plan on doing anything bad to you, at least for now" - Kurama replied with a smile as he motioned for her to sit down.

Azenda frowned as she put on a defiant expression, though it disappeared when she felt the terrifying aura of the unknown man.

"I said sit down and talk," Kurama said neutrally.

He had decided that he wouldn't intervene, but after thinking about it, he decided to do so because he didn't know what kind of actions this woman would take if she didn't get what she wanted, not to mention that he didn't want the school to suffer damage when he was just putting it on the right track.

"O-Ok" - Azenda nodded as she followed the instructions of this unknown and powerful man.

Kurama smiled slightly as he continued to do his job.

Azenda gulped as she waited for the man to finish, which didn't take long.

"Ok, let's talk" - Kurama said calmly as he raised his gaze and looked carefully at the beautiful white-haired woman - "Who are you, and what do you wish with my daughter?"

"D-daughter?" - repeated Azenda as a cold sweat ran down her back.

"Yami-chan, or as you know her, Konjiki no Yami" - Kurama answered as he narrowed his eyes.

Azenda's eyes narrowed as a cold sweat grew thicker - "S-she's your daughter?"

"Well, I'm dating her mother, and she's pregnant with my child, so yes, she's basically my adopted daughter" - Kurama answered calmly as his smile grew slightly.

Azenda gulped as she knew she had made a grave mistake, and no, she wasn't referring to her desire for revenge against Konjiki no Yami, but to the fact that she hadn't done enough research on the overall picture surrounding the new life of the golden assassin.

"Now that we got that straight, tell me, what should I do with you?" - Kurama asked as his smile grew drastically.

"Mercy?" - Azenda replied fearfully because she could feel her life was in the hands of the man in front of her.

"An interesting suggestion, it's a pity I can't accept it just like that" - said Kurama while feigning a sorry expression - "Well, tell me what you can offer for your life?"

Azenda quickly knelt down and begged for her life - "I offer you my services! I'm the second-best assassin in the universe after your daughter!"

"I see, I accept your proposal, and as a token of loyalty I would like you to tell me about the people who gave you Yami's information" - Kurama said as his pupils sharpened.