"Is today the day to come and visit your teacher?" - Kurama said as he walked towards the door and watched as a group of students fells one after another - "Seriously, you guys must be bored to try to spy on me."
"Sorry, I just wanted to know how your preparations were going, sensei, as well as ask if I could observe your deck" - said Bastion with embarrassment.
"I'm just curious how bad that bastard Zane is going to end up, no offense, blue shrimp" - Chazz said as he stood up and crossed his arms.
Syrus gave an annoyed look to the boy who was wearing a black jacket, one he had been wearing since he returned to the academy after disappearing for a few months due to an accident he didn't want to talk about.
"I'm just jealous that you guys are going to fight while I have to watch" - Jaden said with a scowl - "I would have liked to have faced either of you two in your last academy duel"
"Typical of you, idiot" - snorted Chazz as he looked at Jaden with disdain - "You can't handle Kurama-san or Zane's basic strategies, so it's obvious how things will end up, at least with Trusdale we'll get to see some action, and not a very clear defeat in one turn"
"I see you want to fight" - Jaden replied as he drew his deck.
"Anytime, I still have to pay you back from our last duel" - replied Chazz as he narrowed his eyes.
"Seriously..." - sighed Bastion as he shook his head - "Anyway, I'd like to know if I can observe your deck."
"Sure" - nodded Kurama calmly.
Bastion was surprised that he agreed so quickly, though he quickly shook his head and focused his attention on the white-haired professor's deck - "So this is your original deck, [Elemental Ninja]"
Jaden and Chazz stopped fighting and focused on the white-haired man's cards, after all, this was their first time seeing them in person.
"That's interesting, there seems to be a lot of unknown cards" - Bastion mused as he tried to connect these new cards with old cards from his teacher - "Although I have to admit that they are much more dangerous now, especially these three."
Kurama just smiled when he heard this.
"And from what I see, you're using a lot more magic cards now" - Bastion continued while raising an eyebrow - "Is it because of using the [Sky Striker] deck for so long?"
"No, it's just that I realized that more monsters are not necessary for my strategy" - Kurama replied while shaking his head - "The vast majority of my trap cards are slow, that's why I enjoy using magic cards."
* * * * *
"How are you feeling, Zane?" - Alexis asked after reaching his friend's room and seeing how his older brother was standing next to him, possibly discussing some strategy against Kurama.
"Honestly, nervous" - Zane answered honestly - "Kurama Uzumaki is the most difficult opponent I've ever had the pleasure to challenge to a duel, yet at the same time, it's this pressure that encourages me to keep going and improve my deck."
Zane wasn't lying, he was actually thinking about this, more so with all the new combinations and add-ons he had gotten for his deck.
"Zane is excited and nervous, that's new, though I understand why you feel that way" - Atticus said while shaking his head - "I hope you won't feel the same way during the duel"
"I have everything prepared" - Zane snorted as he looked at his best friend - "Now I feel it would have been better if you hadn't come back, Atticus."
"Oh, that hurts" - said Atticus as he feigned pain.
Alexis observed at this with a small smile because it was just like how everything was before her brother's disappearance - "Thank you.... Kurama-san..."
"Did you say something, Alexis?" - Atticus asked as he looked at his sister.
"Just stop annoying Zane, he has enough trouble dealing with the problems of facing a deck like the [Elemental Ninjas], without having to worry about you" - Alexis replied as she gave her brother a blank look.
"I told you, we can't trust her when you're going up against her boyfriend" - Atticus said before falling to the ground after receiving a punch to the face from an embarrassed Alexis.
Zane found this amusing, though he quickly returned to his stoic facial expression - "Seriously, you two..."
* * * * *
Time continued to move on, and the day of the duel between Kurama and Zane had arrived.
The Dueling Grounds of the academy were bursting at the seams from all the people who were looking forward to this all-important duel, especially to see what Kurama had up his sleeve.
"Everyone welcome to this year's valedictory duel!" - Sheppard exclaimed as he walked to the center of the arena - "You all know the rules, the valedictorian who graduates during this year has the privilege of choosing any duelist within the facility to have his/her farewell duel, and this time we have the ultimate promise of the last few years, Zane Trusdale fighting the legend Kurama Uzumaki!"
Kurama and Zane entered the dueling arena, completely ignoring the screams of the crowd. The two were extremely popular with the girls at the academy, especially the white-haired teacher, so it wasn't much of a surprise that so many people were shouting their names.
"How are you feeling?" - Kurama asked as he started a small conversation.
"Excited" - answered Zane with his typical stoic face.
"It doesn't show" - said Kurama sarcastically before shaking his head - "Anyway, I hope we have a good duel".
"I say the same" - Zane replied as the two put their decks on their dueling discs.
"Zane, you're the one who decides who goes first" - said Sheppard as he looked at the student who was about to graduate.
"I want you to go first, Kurama-san" - said Zane as he looked at the first year teacher.
"Ok" - nodded Kurama as he drew 5 cards - "Duel! I summon my [Ninja Kitsune Naruto] in attack mode!"
In front of Kurama appeared a red-haired boy of about 8 years old with two furry ears sticking out of the top of his hair and two tails at his rear.
* * *
[Ninja Kitsune Naruto (Lvl 3)] [Beast-Warrior (Fire)]
If this card is normal or special summoned by a [Ninja Elemental] card effect, you can dig the top 3 cards of your deck, and if one of them is a [Ninja Kitsune] monster, you can special summon it, and it puts the others at the bottom of the deck. After this effect resolves you can't special summon other monsters, except [Ninja Kitsune] monsters, you can only use the effect of [Ninja Kitsune Naruto] once per turn.
Atk: 800 / Def: 500
* * *
"Thanks to its effect, I can dig the top three cards of my deck and summon a [Ninja Kitsune] monster among them, although I have to send all the others to the bottom of my deck" - said Kurama calmly as he drew three cards and looked at them with a smile - "And luckily, one came out.... I summon [Ninja Kitsune Kurama]!"
* * *
[Ninja Kitsune Kurama (Lvl 4)] [Beast-Warrior (Dark)]
When this card is normal or special summoned, you can search for a [Jutsu] card in your deck and put it in your hand, if this card is [Jutsu: Kage Bunshin], you can draw an extra card, you can only use the effect of [Ninja Kitsune Kurama] once per turn.
Atk: 1500/Def: 1500
* * *
"And with its effect I can search for a [Jutsu] card, and I choose the card [Jutsu: Kage Bunshin]" - Kurama continued calmly - "Also, thanks to this I can draw an extra card."
Zane was silent as he narrowed his eyes.
"Now I activate the continued magic card, [Arrival of the Uzumaki clan]" - Kurama continued as a banner with a strange symbol that looked like a red swirl appeared in front of him - "And thanks to its effect, all my [Ninja Kitsune] gain 500 attack points and I can summon a [Ninja Kitsune] from my deck, as long as I have 2 or more [Ninja Kitsune] with different names on my side of the field, and use it to summon [Ninja Kitsune Kushina]!"
* * *
[Arrival of the Uzumaki clan (Continuous Magic)]
When this card is activated, and you have 2 or more [Ninja Kitsune], you may special summon a [Ninja Kitsune] from your deck of level 4 or lower. While this card is face up, all of your [Ninja Kitsune] gain 500 attack points, you can only control one [Arrival of the Uzumaki clan], and when this card is destroyed, destroy one [Ninja Kitsune] monster you control.
* * *
[Ninja Kitsune Kushina (Lvl 4)] [Beast-Warrior (Fire)].
This card can be special summoned to the field, as long as you have [Ninja Kitsune Kurama]. When this card is special summoned, you can search for a [Kekkei Genkai] equipment card from your deck, and if this card is [Kekkei Genkai: Kongo Fusa], you can draw a card, you can only activate the effects of [Ninja Kitsune Kushina], once per turn.
Atk: 1000/Def: 1000
* * *
"By being special summoned, Kushina allows me to search for an equipment card [Kekkei Genkai], and I choose [Kongo Fusa]" - Kurama said calmly - "And with this I can draw an extra card."
[Cards in Kurama's Hand: 7].