Extra 20: C.A.O.S. (27)

The month flew by and by now Kurama was calling Charles Goodshow.

"I didn't expect you to be so punctual, it was literally 30 days..." - Charles said with a playful tone - "Anyway, I want to assume that you already have everything ready."

"Yes, the cities were already established and inhabited" - replied Kurama while shrugging his shoulders.

After talking to the Pokémon of the place where he would build the Indigo Plateau, he went to the other different places to build cities that are directly related to the elemental types, or at least have a slight relation, for example, he built the water gym city in the middle of the ocean, in other words, a floating city that served mainly as a vacation resort, which was run by Shirahoshi, who had been the first of Hancock's group to approach Kurama.

The ten-tailed Kitsune was surprised when he saw the enormous potential that Shirahoshi had as a water-type trainer, although this shouldn't be a surprise because of the enormous facility she had in being able to interact with the sea dwellers. The other girls in the group decided to go with her because honestly it was a bit uncomfortable living in the Uzumaki mansion, more so when they didn't want to take the first step yet.

Back to the topic, the other gyms were built in the following locations:

The fire gym was built in a village near a volcano similar to Lavaridge town, only better equipped. This place was inhabited by heat-resistant Yokais, and the assigned gym leader was Kushina.

The earth gym was built in an oasis in the middle of the desert, obviously, this city was protected with a barrier so that it was not difficult to live, as for the gym leader, this was none other than Shizuka, who had decided to go with her mother and recreate a certain city that she saw in a game of children... Gerudo Town as he remembered it.

The rock gym was in the middle of a mountain and the leader was Kurotsuchi, after all, she was an expert on the subject.

The plant gym was built in the middle of the forest and in complete harmony, just as the golden city of legends had been. The leader of this gym was Kazumi, who was together with her husband Kohaku and her family.

The fighting gym was built in the middle of a plain, and this was an ordinary city, only it had casinos with a clear age restriction. The leader of this gym was Tsunade, who to her fury could not use the casinos because she was forbidden to enter them.

The Psychic type gym was not that far from Tsunade's city, and this was also a normal city, only its focus was different because the central theme of this city was astrology. Shion was the leader of this gym.

The bug-type gym was also in thick vegetation, only unlike the plant-type gym city, this city looked more like a huge ancient temple covered by a lush jungle. The leader of this gym was Kin, who had learned a few things from the Aburame clan when they were still in their original dimension.

The Sinister-type gym was in a night city, which was covered by a barrier blocking the sun. The gym leaders were Layla and Venelana.

The ghost-type gym was in a similar situation, although this one had a more run-down theme, however, this was only the facade because the city was fully functional. The leader was Wiz, who was the most skilled at understanding the Pokémon that the people associated with the dead.

The fairy type gym was built in a sanctuary city, which was a mix between a coliseum and the Vatican, and this was why the Gym leader was Gabriel, the Archangel, as for her strategy, it was basically to recover and defeat her enemy by attrition because she didn't have the courage to attack her opponents, that's why her gym was annoyingly difficult.

The dragon type gym was inside a huge cave, in other words, it was a subterranean city that was a mix between a standard city theme and tribal style. The leader of this gym was Luna, who had decided to become a trainer because she was weak and for the first time in her life she wanted to feel like someone strong and ironically, she was just as talented as a dragon type trainer as Lance.

The steel type gym was built in the middle of a factory town, the gym leader was Darkness, who had promised to do a good job and as payment she could have a "wonderful" night.

The poison-type gym was just below the factory city, a hostile place full of dangers, the perfect habitat for poison-type Pokémon, this city was surrounded by a swamp with corrosive areas, a perfect mix between nature and pollution, which was being contained by Kurama's barriers, and the leader of this gym was Anko.

The ice-type gym was in the middle of a city that was in a frozen tundra similar to the Snowpoint city of Sinoh, in fact, this one also had a port to facilitate the mobilization of the inhabitants and merchants. As for the gym leader, this was Koyuki, the former ruler of Yuki no Kuni.

The normal type was built north of the "elemental region", a small quiet village, one that you could find anywhere. The gym leader was Hanabi.

The electric type gym was not far from the town of the normal type gym's town, and to no one's surprise, this luminous town was the one that would give electricity to the whole region. The gym leader of this place was Samui.

Finally, the flying type gym was one of the most fantastic, this one was built in a city in the sky similar to the Seireitei. The leader of this gym was Mikoto.

Leaving that aside, all the preparations were ready, and the inhabitants had already been distributed so that the cities started to stand on their own.

"Yes, everything is ready, the cities are functional and ready to accommodate the challengers, although we will need nurses Joy for the Pokémon centers..." - Kurama calmly replied.

"Nurses Joy... How many?" - Charles asked as he cocked his head to the side.

"About 60, 18 for the main cities and the rest for the secondary cities, nearby villages, as well as posts of interest" - Kurama replied calmly.

"Consider it done" - nodded Charles with a small smile - "What about the indigo plateau?"

"I've already got it covered..." - Kurama replied with a small smile.

"Hello ~!" - Lira exclaimed as she poked her head out with her baby in her arms.

"Oh, I see" - nodded Charles as he said a few things before cutting the call short because he still had a lot of things to do.

* * * * *

"This place is beautiful, but I feel bad..." - Hancock said as she let out a sigh - "Maybe we're holding on too tightly to our past?"

She looked at the sphere before sighing again.

"What do we do, Hancock-san?" - Kalifa asked as she looked at the default leader of the group.

"I think it's time we stop clinging to the past and think about our present, because if we continue like this, we won't have a future with our beloved..." - Hancock muttered with a somber expression.

Olive was silent as she closed her eyes and thought about why she hadn't made her move earlier, I mean, she was the one who should be least concerned about whether this Kurama was hers or not.

"You have a point" - Kalifa said as she let out a sigh - "Are you going to break the sphere?"

Hancock said nothing, she quickly squeezed the sphere and blasted it with the power of her fingers, only for the women to watch as a strange silver silhouette flew out the window.

"Was that it?" - Kalifa asked in surprise.

"Possibly, that was Kurama's soul fragment" - replied Hancock as she shook her head - "Now all that's left to do is wait..."

* * * * *

"This place is beautiful, it even has a beautiful view of the sea" - said Lira with a small smile while her daughter was making cute baby sounds - "I wonder how my sisters are doing?"

"You can call them now that they are in this dimension, even if you wish I could make them the Joy nurses of this region, so at least you could talk in person with them" - Kurama answered while hugging the nurse by the waist.

"Really?" - Lira asked excitedly - "Thank you, Kurama-kun ~!"

"It's the least I can do for my wife" - smiled Kurama as he watched a group of clones were flying over the indigo plateau city.

He had recreated the Aether Corporation building at Lusamine's request, and at the same time it was serving as the new home for Kurama and the women, while Naruto and the children took control of the clan's central mansion and the surrounding ones.