-Prologue: A new beginning


Many people believe in the theory of the multiverse even with no evidence supporting such a claim. And while many others disagree with them, even going so far to say that any person who believes in that theory is stupid, they couldn't be any more wrong.

There indeed exist many worlds from multiple different universes out there. With the earth being one of them. And it being the sole planet with living beings from its home universe as such making it extremely weak if compared with other worlds.

A person can never leave his universe, some even find it hard to leave their planets much less the universe. And even in the off chance that some being originating from a high tier planet can break the boundaries, he would step into the void separating the universes and die.

Of course, such a thing would never happen, as the universe itself will send the being to the Spíti universe -The very first universe in existence and also the strongest- where there are higher beings who will propose for him/her to join them.

Even for such beings, to travel through the void easily, there exists no way.

But there exists an exception to travel through the void. Being strong enough to withstand the pressure trying to tear every cell of your entire being apart.

Very few can do so, among them there is the oldest and also the strongest being that currently exists. It being called by the rest as o sofós'the wise.

It has no home but the void. It roams the space as if in search of something, for millions of years, often presented a question by higher beings from the Spíti universe when they are looking for ancient knowledge. As such, how it got its name.

In this particular time, o sofós'the wise who is in the shape of a blue gaseous cloud could be seen in the absolutely black void floating meaninglessly and leisurely. Occasionally, it passed by many dark grey clouds that are much bigger than it, each representing a universe.

It knows that the grey clouds surround the universe as a sort of protection against the void, while underneath it lies what it always was and still is amazed to see, the truly marvelous view of a universe.

On its journey this time. When it had reached a small universe apparent by the cloud size, it stopped and curiously stared at a bright sphere of light near it.

With its immense knowledge, it knew that it was a soul. But even in its near-infinite wisdom, it was perplexed as to how a soul can survive in the void very much like itself. It neared it with a curious thought and reached with its powers to see what makes it unique. Once near, it first identified it as an anthropoeidís race, and with a probe on its mind, knew it to be a male from a species called humans.

And as it continued reading 'his' mind, it soon knew of his whole life and a planet named earth that it saw was very weak, and only focused on the technology side, and even at that, it didn't reach a very high level like some universes it knew of.

Even after probing for information, the being was still left wondering for its unanswered questions.

But as wise as it is, it could very easily reach a conclusion.

O sofós'the wise knew that the souls all enter into the reincarnation cycle in the very universe they originated from by means it didn't know of, but always wondered about.

As such this lost soul too was perhaps going to enter the cycle but somehow it ended up here in the void.

For the reason why the human soul can survive in the void, it surmised it as a reason attributed to the many good deeds the human male had done while alive resulting in the bright sphere protecting it. As for why it didn't enter the reincarnation cycle it probed the soul further to confirm its guess.

And as it did so it turned out to be quite shocking for it.

It had noticed how this 'Human' was not linked to this universe reincarnation cycle, but rather at a universe it rather knew too well. It was also probably the reason why the soul was stuck here. It had no way to travel through the void safely.

As o sofós'the wise, thought of this, it noticed how the soul, had reacted to its presence and looked at it interestedly. The soul had inched closer to it and the white light surrounding the sphere extended to touch itself and tried to absorb the cloud substance.

With interest in the soul, o sofós did not stop it and let it take how much it wanted to. But as if the soul knew its limit it took only an extremely small amount and separated from the being. A small amount for someone with its strength, however, but not for the rest...

Thinking no more of this strange event, o sofós turned back to its earlier thoughts and considered whether or not to help the soul.

As it already knew of the human male soul being good it decided to take it to its destination.

It did not see such strange happenings all the time after all, and who knows for how long the soul has been in here.

As o sofós'the wise was extremely strong it had no trouble reaching the soul's destined universe easily in a fracture of a second.

The being mused that the human could be said to be in a situation of fortune in misfortune. As while he died young and was trapped in the void, such exposure was guaranteed to make him gain special abilities. Ones he will need where he was going to.

And he had even interacted with o sofós's energy, which can be considered as a blessing for him.

O sofós'the wise watched as the soul entered the universe that it itself used to enter to live a short life of few millennia from time to time.

It was perhaps the most mysterious universe in existence, and the only one named. It was different than others in that its planets were products of imagination. It was not that they were fake, they were very much real. But rather, it was an ever-expanding universe that added planets that were only considered dreams of higher beings and lower beings all the same.

However, to add a world to that expanding universe, you would have to reach it first. something very few were capable of doing.

As such every time o sofós'the wise thought of a new world in its mind, for the simple reason to quell its boredom, it came to check it out in this universe. Named ápeiro'óneiro, or infinite dream in the tongue of the human male soul that he had newly learned.

With a last look at the soul that had by now entered already into the universe reincarnation circle, O sofós continued on its aimless journey through the void once again.