-Special ability

Ian then after talking with the entity, swam upwards to get out of the sea. He was not able to see due to how dark the sea was, and he didn't want to fight any monster underwater. His plan originally was to lure a strong one upwards where he can use his 100%.

Once he got out from the water he flew outside the fog with a continuous use of 'Shave', and left the Florian triangle as fast as he could. He wanted some time to think.

Then, when he was a good distance away, he took his ship out from the ring, and landed on it. Before briskly heading inside to his quarters. He had a lot on his mind he wanted to think about.

His bedroom didn't have much to see. It was normal with an average sized bed –he would soon be replacing- and a wardrobe for his clothes on the side. With a desk and a chair in case he wanted to write something or read a book. he thought back on what the entity said.

'First of all. Would be that it is not the one responsible for my reincarnation. Otherwise it would not have said it had been waiting for me along its friends or something? It said 'we' meaning there are more like it. It knowing that I'm not from this world is a problem however I can't do anything about even if I wanted to…' he was tapping his index finger on the desk.

'Second would be, the danger it warned about. I'm pretty sure there was no such thing in the original world… perhaps this world is different than the one I read about, or maybe my existence messed things up? i had already known this world is dangerous than the anime one but this...'

Once he reached this train of thoughts he stood up from the chair and started pacing around absentmindedly.

'A danger so great it will destroy the world… Diávoloi awakening… seeking Whitebeard… who are the diávoloi and how are they related to Whitebeard?'

'At the very least, I should meet him.' Ian reached a conclusion in regards to this. He would seek The old man and get to the bottom of this mystery.

'For now let's see what the crystal I got is all about…'

He then sighed and went to the deck and took the crystal from his ring but used his telekinesis to suspend it in front of him as the moment it was out it tried to reach to him.

Its size was even bigger than him by three times. He didn't know what it was, but he knew one thing. He could either keep storing it away, and take the safe choice, or believe in the mysterious entity and let it merge with him like it did first when the monster released it, thereby choosing the more risky choice. After a while of pondering, he finally made his mind on what to do.

Using the crystal was a risk. But he made his mind to believe in the entity, and take this risk.

So with determined eyes, he let go of it and watched how it came near him instantly then vaporized into gas surrounding him, which went through the pores of his body moments later.

He was expecting pain, excruciating pain, but rather than that, he felt a warm feeling all over his body. So he sat cross legged, closed his eyes and enjoyed this feeling.

After a while though, the mysterious energy that was already in his body got involved, which suddenly brought the pain he was expecting.

He fainted once again. Meanwhile a layer of invisible energy had surrounded his body in a dome shape to protect him.


Two hours later.

Ian's eyes stirred open.

'This is my ship…'

He looked around him to see where he was, noticing he was on the deck of the ship, before his eyes turned settling on his body after recollecting what happened to him.

'That's right the energy interrupted what the crystal was doing to my body and made me faint'

He stood up and released a sigh. Then he noticed that he was a bit taller than before.

"Each time the energy does something I always feel pain, before fainting… and now I have to cut my hair again… sigh" he murmured in an annoyed voice and finished with a sigh as he noticed his hair reaching until his back once again.

"Well, no use dwelling on it. Let's see what is different than before, I hope something good came out of this" He wanted to know what that crystal's effect was. And also what his energy did or what it changed than before.

After a while of checking his body, he found out that the energy was supposed to make his body stronger. Like a power up.

Perhaps the entity thought that he was quite weak so it told the monstrous giant beast, that he thought was an alligator but couldn't be sure as it was too dark, to give him a blessing that resulted in his body becoming much stronger than before, effectively reaching past the middle of the earth realm and closer to the peak. Perhaps with one more powerup he could reach the peak.

Just as he finished checking his body, he felt a headache as new information was pouring into his mind.

'Not this again…' Ian thought.

But this was where things changed from what the entity had intended. It had wanted to make him more powerful physically. As this was the one piece world, almost all relied on the power of the body. But the mysterious energy that he got upon reincarnating changed things.

The energy inside him, took control of his body at the time and used the crystal, to give him something else other than the body boost.

It gave him a special ability.

'Let's try it… it says I should just revolve the energy around my body once…'

He channeled his energy through his body, and watched with amazement as his unblemished glistening skin changed to a scaly pattern like it was a skin of a dragon almost instantly. The color stayed the same as his usual skin though so it was not obvious much to the naked eye.

His nails too had lengthened and became a grey color and more powerful akin to dragon claws. But he found out that he could turn his hands back to normal if he liked it. He tried it a few times and noticed that the change was instantaneous just like the scales pattern.

'This form of attack is good for me, at least until I get my hands on a good enough weapon' of course a good enough weapon in his eyes, will be nothing short of the Supreme Grade Swords. But for now this would do. He could even send force blades using them.

Ian could feel that now his defense with the scaly skin, was through the roof. Of course he would not be able to give an accurate guess, but based on the feeling he has, he knew it was a very strong defense. Plus this form gave him an increase in strength too. so much that he had reached the peak of the earth realm.

And the best thing about it was that it doesn't need any energy to be sustained unlike Haki or the like.

Ian gave a grin.

'This is amazing. There's nothing better than this feeling of power.' Ian thought.