-I think I do

Paradise. Water 7.

Ian could be seen standing on his new ship on the docks of water 7. He was preparing to leave the island right about now. It was already the afternoon of the next day. Once he readied his ship, he made it back to the house the straw hats and Robin were waiting on.

He had decided to give them time to rest before he gives his Farewell. Which is the reason why he waited until now. He had even ate his fill from Sanji's food, and truthfully said, any food that guy made, was made tastier than anything he ever ate.

He and the straw hats had already introduced themselves properly once they were a bit more rested.

The whole town was under construction. Every broken house or building was fixed. All people able to help was doing so with a smile on their faces, even the guys who were injured from galley-la Company were helping too, making the people of the island thank them repeatedly. Every bit of distance Ian walked he could see people working, the atmosphere was extremely lively in this island.

Once he reached the house, he was a bit perplexed as he saw many marines standing guard outside. He did not remember anything like this from what he already knows of the anime.

He hid his presence and entered the house, only to see Garp holding Luffy by his shirt and his left fist in the air threatening to give him hell. Comically however they both were asleep in that weird position. He finally remembered this part from the marines. He was a bit on guard, as he still did not know how strong Garp was.

But as soon as he entered the house, Garp's eyes snapped open and looked at his direction.

Granted Ian only hid his presence normally so any well versed master of observation Haki would be able to detect him. But he had other means to completely hide his presence he just did not use them this time.

When Garp looked at Ian all the others turned to see where he was looking, only to find Ian. He was very close to them standing like a shield between them and Garp. Ready to help.

"Since when were you here?" Sanji asked. As he was not able to sense him at all.

"I was coming to say goodbye, but I saw marines standing outside so I came to help… only to find this weird situation?" Ian said. He did not take his eyes off Garp just like Garp did the same.

Ian was able to feel the strength Garp had. Although he could not be accurate, however, Garp definitely deserved his reputation of fighting Roger repeatedly. Ian felt that if he didn't go all out against this old man, his chances of winning would be null. At least with his current strength. Garp should be stronger than the admirals.

And from this Ian finally could deduce his strength. he should be as strong as the admirals at the very least. perhaps even more...

Sanji gave a thankful nod towards Ian. He had helped them plenty already, but now he was here again to help. Such a person, was worthy of being friends with. The two of them and Zoro had already talked and became sort of friends very quickly.

Luffy woke up too, and as he noticed where everybody was looking he spoke.

"It's you" he said with a grin before he added, "Hey don't try fighting with my grandpa, he is very strong, he would leave you half dead"

"Grandpa?" Ian muttered. He had to play the clueless part on this.

Garp who was still looking sharply at Ian finally spoke as he heard Luffy.

"I wonder about that…" he muttered. All the others including the marines were alerted. Was he hinting that he would not be able to beat Ian…?

Suddenly they heard the sound of fighting from outside. A marine reported to Garp that it was Zoro the pirate hunter wreaking havoc.

Garp laughed and ordered the marines to take him down. Luffy too went outside to stop Zoro but was kicked instead.

Meanwhile Garp got outside to see what was happening with the fight. And he came to notice how Both Zoro and Luffy had dominated their opponent. He laughed at them and left Luffy and his friends to talk. Before he ordered the marines to fix the wall he had apparently broke himself. And in the end ended up helping himself.

Then while he was fixing a wooden board, he turned to Luffy who was now sitting there with his crew, and casually talked about who his father was. Resulting in everybody except Luffy getting shocked.

Then once they were done with that, Garp gave a sidelong glance at Ian, before he asked.

"Is he also one of your crew?" Garp said. He thought that maybe Ian had a hidden agenda if he was on his grandson's crew.

And Luffy shook his head no.

"He is not." He said. Before he turned to Ian and asked him to join.

"You are strong. Do you want to be on my crew?" he said.

"No. I do not want to be a pirate. Although most likely this fake government of this world would have already branded me as such." Ian shook his head. And said something that made all the people there shocked.

And Garp even after he heard this didn't show any sign that he was angry. He just ignored what Ian said.

"What are you doing here?" he asked Ian. And although to the others it was a simple question. To Ian it was said in the form of, what is someone as strong as you doing here? Playing in this weak part of the sea.

Ian took a few seconds to think.

"Would you believe me if I said I had come to save her?" Ian after contemplating a bit finally said as he pointed at Robin.

Garp looked at robin before turning back to Ian.

"You like her?" Garp asked.

"I do. But not romantically. But as a friend. In truth I had asked her to join me much earlier than your grandson had met her. But she did not agree to join me at that time. I am still hoping she would though as small as a chance that might be" Ian said, he was not about to announce that he likes her romantically in front of them all...

"You would go to such lengths for a friend? Remarkable." Garp said with a hint of admiration. He knew how strong this guy was. And for such a guy to do this for a friend, he didn't mind being friend with guys like these.

"If she had gone with you at that time, than nobody would have bothered her anymore with your strength." Garp said with a short boisterous laugh. He had mainly said as such for Robin to hear.

Ian gave a nod.

"Of course, I would have done my best to protect her." He said.

Robin the girl in question only smiled, and said nothing. She had already made her mind about what to do from now on.

Ian then turned to straw hats and spoke.

"Well it had been a pleasure getting to know you, but it is time for me to leave." He said.

And each of the crew gave him a hug and bid him farewell.

When it came to Robin's turn, he asked her.

"I have already said so before but do you want to join me on my journey?" he asked. In truth Ian already guessed that she will be staying and joining the straw hats.

Robin though, looked at each of her friends face, and saw how they gave her an encouraging smile. She finally reached Luffy who gave her a thumbs up when he saw her looking at him.

She finally turned back to Ian and said.

"I think I do"