War of the best: I'll destroy them both (15/?)

Standing there Ian felt exhilarated. He had never been into fights much. And now he was already this strong. Well it was true that he can't really kill them even if he tried his best.

But sadly for them his abilities worked against multiple people at the same time.

That said, that guy Kizaru was still able to move the fastest among them and he was out of his range in a blink of an eye.

"So troublesome…" Kizaru muttered as he prepared to deal with the enemy in front of him, but he was met with a shake of a head from Sengoku.

And it was at this time that Ian decided to take care of him first before stopping the others in their places.

'Since he is able to move fast, he would be the first to attack and pass me easily, and if I targeted others he would be there to bother me soon after… as such I have to take care of him first. His ability to materialize in different places is bothersome…' Ian thought to himself.

His gravity, worked the best when it was only focused on one point. And as seen earlier when he used it on them all, it did not slow them as much as it did when he used it against Garp.

He was going to do the same to Kizaru, and take him out before he even notices what was happening. He knew that the reason why Sengoku stopped Kizaru from attacking was that he realized that he was their only winning card they had…

From the corners of his eye he saw the old man didn't need a lot of time to deal with Blackbeard… perhaps he doesn't need to make another move as the old man would be done soon.

Even the retreating commanders and Ace and co had seen this and were wearing an expression full of satisfaction. Ace was holding Luffy who had fallen asleep from all the fighting he did for this day. He was lucky as this time he didn't get another shot from Ivankov.


Back to Whitebeard and Teach.

They were standing a bit of distance away from Ian and Co.

One could see the sweat dripping from Teach's forehead. By now he had already noticed that his crew had been taken care of so easily.

The crew that were supposedly so monstrous they had to lock them down at the level six of Impel down. But still they were so easily knocked out, Teach had to wonder if this was real, or if he was in a dream.

He turned to look back to the old man who had been glaring at him murderously all this while.

Truth be said… he was actually scared shitless right now. But he trusted in his fruit that will be able to stop the old man. And in the end just like all the stupid folks, his greed got the best of him.

'If I can just get the Tremor-Tremor fruit, I would become the strongest person in the world… at that time, this new person who showed up and took my crew, will pay in full…'

He laughed at the old man, as he used his attack.

"Black hole" he said as he brought his hands down and spreads his darkness over a large area. This attack was usually made to absorb anything it touches including humans, and then he would launch them back using 'Liberation'. It additionally made it hard for those standing there to move as it increased the gravity for them.

But, and as he expected to a certain extent, the old man stood his place easily as if the attack was not even there.

Which didn't bother him much as he was planning to only use it as the old man becomes distracted by his other attacks when he lets down his guard.

"Dark Star" He once again used another attack as he saw the old man standing there motionless. A huge black sphere of darkness was launched at the old man.

Secretly he was elated. This attack of his plus the enemy near it due to gravitational force. This way he would bind the old man in place and…

Suddenly his eyes widened as he saw the old man twirl his weapon with both hands before swinging it at the sphere and cutting it in two before suddenly the air around it cracked making it fragment and dissipate soon after.

It appeared that old man was not going to give him any more time to prepare.

He wanted to once again attack but he was stumped as he saw the old man's huge form looming over him like a mountain to a small tree.

'How is that possible… he should be under the effects of the 'Black Hole'' He thought to himself.

"You killed thatch, for such a thing…" The old man couldn't help but get angry even more.

Whitebeard swung down his right arm, as he switched his weapon to his left, and punched with a quake bubble surrounding it. But the attack was met with Teach's own hand.

"Black Spiral" Blackbeard said.

Whitebeard watched with amazement as both the power of quakes and the raw strength behind his punch were nullified somehow.

"I killed Thatch for this. The power to nullify all devil fruits. And now you can't make any more tremors." He finally gained his courage back as he saw how his fruit worked against the old man. He then attempted to punch the old man in the stomach, but was met with a grin.

His arm was grabbed before it hit, Whitebeard threw Blackbeard's arm to the back as he grabbed the air with his now free arm and violently and powerfully moved it as if it was tangible, resulting in the man being thrown upwards as the old man held his weapon with both hands and focused his quake power into it as he swung at the falling man at full power.

The attack hit him directly at the chest and broke several of his ribs and bones as he was launched a distance away from the old man.

Blackbeard laid there on the ground coughing blood and being unable to move… his eyes now contained nothing but fear and despair… he regretted ever listening to that being and coming to this war… in his ears the old man's footsteps continued to sound as they became louder and louder…

Once the old man reach him, he wasted no time and brought his weapon down on Blackbeard right arm and pinned him to the ground, he then stepped on his left with his left leg.

"Teach… all my life I wanted a family as I lived an orphan in the middle of chaos and backstabbing people… you knew that." Whitebeard said as he put his right leg onto Teach's chest.

"But to have a family, you would have to create rules… and the one important rule on my ship… you had betrayed, from then on I refused to call you my son. And now you even came to this war harboring some scheme about me… I would feel no regret about what happens next. Your actions have proved that you are inherently evil, Teach" Whitebeard added. He started to focus his quake energy to his right leg creating a bubble around it.

"S-Stop… stop-p I-I am you s-son…" Blackbeard started to cry as he begged for his life. He felt what the old man was doing. But the old man paid him no heed… his only hope right now was in a secret he told no one about… he started moving his arms frantically and one could hear bones breaking, while in reality they were just moving in order to let Blackbeard slid from the hands of whitebeard. But the old man did not budge one bit…

"I know about it." Whitebeard said as noticed the hope still apparent in his eyes.

"Although, my other sons think that you are just born different… I know that that is not true." He added as he said.

"Even now, you are probably thinking to yourself, of faking your death once I am done with you… however, I know about your body… I may be old but I am still strong enough to know what is wrong with you." He stomped with his right leg destroying his chest in a second as soon as he finished talking. a shockwave was then released in a brutal way.

All his internal organs in the chest area are collapsed including his heart and lungs. But the old man was not done. He charged his quake bubble once again and stomped a bit lower this time.

The last thing Blackbeard heard as his eyes started to lose their light was. "Your two hearts. I'll destroy them both"


It was just like Ian had guessed, by the time the marines finished preparing what to do to attack, the old man was already done with his business and was coming closer to him.

"Brat. You have my thanks." Whitebeard said as Ian turned to look at him, and only giving a nod in return.

"Though it appears we have an uninvited guest" Ian said back to the old man, who gave a hum in response.

Kizaru who saw them converse casually wanted to take a chance and attack them while they were laying down their guards.

But as he materialized near them he found the sword in his hands caught in a lock with another sword. He turned his eyes up and saw to who it belonged to.

"Red-haired Shanks" Kizaru muttered.