In a clearing on Ian's home island.
Behind their house.
All of Ian's crew were there, along with Geo and Ian.
He and his father had already observed their physical changes.
Only Stella and Elene grew taller. Elene reached 183cm from her past 175cm. Stella grew taller from 170cm to 180cm.
Meanwhile, Bert stayed at his 230cm and robin at her 188cm.
Another change was how they became more beautiful in the case of the girls, while Bert's fur grew softer. Their bodies gained more muscle, but not in a bulky way and more like a lean build.
Ian was now sparing with them for him to be able to gauge their strength after the strengthening…
He spared with each one alone and with no weapons, only physical strength. So that way he can know where they stood.
Right now he had already spared with Stella and Bert. His current match up was Robin.
Since no weapons or devil fruits were allowed all Ian and Robin did was close combat, but each punch from Robin was so strong it released shockwaves when it hit.
After a bit, Ian was able to know her stage or realm.
"Alright, this is enough," Ian said as the both of them stopped.
"Okay," Robin said smiling. She was clenching and unclenching her right hand, enjoying the feeling of strength coursing through her body.
Ian was able to tell she was like Bert and Stella. At the peak of the second stage. The earth realm.
He was still amazed that they managed to reach all the way to the peak of the second stage. But he had to go on and test Elene next. So that his father can start training them in Haki already.
"Elene, you're next," Ian said as he beckoned for Elene to step up.
She nodded and stepped up next to him. Though she was trying to carefully control each action and move of her.
They both kicked the ground at the same time, and Ian was surprised that their speed was almost the same. He didn't conclude anything for now and attempted to attack.
He was going easy so that he can better gauge her strength.
From the first punch she threw at him, he was able to deduce her stage. Still, he gave the fight a few more minutes before he announced the end.
"Alright let's stop." He said as he started heading next to his father.
The rest all huddled next to them and sat on the ground.
"Well?" Geo asked for Ian's deductions.
It was needed so that he can formulate their training better.
"MN. Apart from Elene, all are at the peak of the second stage. While she had already entered the third stage." Ian said in response to his father. Which was something he had already expected as he had used the DNA of the Diávoloi.
He had already explained the stages to them beforehand. And to give them something to compare he told them that Whitebeard was in the early third stage while before the war he had been only at the second stage. He also told them he didn't like the name and changed it to his own. Which they liked too.
"We are in the earth realm, the second stage?" Stella said in wonderment. By comparison to Whitebeard, they were not that much weaker than him. Just yesterday she was even weaker than his commanders and now she was probably stronger than them. Not to mention her fruit… and most importantly, she would now be able to protect her family with her newfound strength…
Similar thoughts went through Bert's head as he was glad he could finally be strong enough to help Elene and the crew when in need…
Robin too had been out of it since the fight had ended. She still couldn't fully process that her strength now would require from the marines two admirals to take her down…
Geo clapped his hands.
"Alright now that we know where you stand physically in terms of power, it's time to get your Haki training going. Ian I'm going to need your help" Geo said as he grabbed their attention.
Ian nodded. He knew that this training would require his help. As it would be easy for Geo to train one person, but he wouldn't be able to train them all at the same time.
But Ian with his telekinesis can, hence the reason for asking for his help.
"Let me first start by saying… Conqueror Haki is a power that can't be attained with training. One is born with it. As such if one of you awaken it, I'll tell you the method of controlling it better. Geo explained.
And once he saw them nod he continued on.
"Our next training will be about armament Haki and Observation Haki." He said.
"You have already mastered a basic form similar to them that would help you easily learn it. Yes, I'm talking about paper body and Iron body." He added.
Once again they gave a nod. This was not something new, ever since they started training Geo had been saying that to them.
"I would recommend each of you focus on attaining observation Haki first. As with the method of training I'm going to use, it would help tremendously." Geo said.
"However, with your new strength, your fighting ability is all messed up. As you can't control yourself better. As I witnessed in the fight with Ian. So we are going to work on that too" he finished by saying this.
He then directed them all to Ian's old training spot before he told Ian that he would be responsible for three and Geo would be for one.
He took Stella leaving the rest to Ian.
"Listen up. This is the place where I used to train Ian. As you can see this place has quite the rugged terrain and steep mountains. You are going to run around it carrying weights and climb the mountains until you have gained absolute control of your body along with Haki." Geo yelled like a drill instructor. The weights he talked about were already prepared by the side.
The girls especially had horror looks on their faces at what he said. While Bert had a challenging look on his face. He was fired up for this training.
"But how are running and climbing going to help us get observation Haki?" Bert who was excited for the training asked.
"Well, we'll just have to hit you enough times while you are running around that you'll eventually learn to dodge," Geo said with an evil grin. The same grin was shortly after plaster on Ian's face.
The girls gave Bert a glare that promised pain which made him start sweating before even starting to train.
"Now wear the weights and get on it already," Geo yelled at them.