An Atrocious crime

As Geo spoke the crew broke out into grins and promptly sat at the ground. They were still breathing a bit rough but otherwise, they were fine from the earlier spar.

Geo eyed them with pride visible in his eyes before he coughed to get their attention.

"I'm afraid the rest of the five months left, you would have to work on your devil fruits and try to understand them more and develop more attacks. I have nothing to further teach you. Apart from some advice I can give if you need it sometimes" He said with a small smile.

He had already taught them all the marines' skills, and then followed that by Haki. As for the advanced forms of Haki, he had shown them their effects and it was something that has to be understood on your own.

"As for you Bert, since you have not eaten a devil fruit obviously, I'll have you visit someone from the village to help you with something special I planned for you for the remaining five months, so you don't have to worry," Geo said and grinned.

He had already thought of what Bert was going to do for the remaining time since the start of the spar against Ian. And he couldn't wait to see the looks of surprise on the crew's face when they see the new Bert later.

"Yes, master Geo" The crew echoed out as one. The respect they had for Geo was so vast they were going to keep calling him a master until their deathbed. He had given them what they wanted the most in their lives. Strength. Plus his teaching methods were unrivaled as far as they knew, and he treated them kindly if a bit strictly.

"Good. Now you can take the rest of this day off, and resume training tomorrow." Geo told them and watched as they were happy they got the day off. He shook his head with a smile.

They all then reconvened at the house where Geo cooked them a nutritious and delicious dinner, which they all enjoyed as he was a great cook. Bert started helping him since the very first few days of training, effectively helping and learning a bit of his special cooking.

They chatted and fought for food at the table just like a real family and enjoyed their times until they had finished.

After that, they all hit their own rooms. While Ian late at night visited both girls at their rooms, for some nightly activities.


The following morning had one frantic Robin stop them all from spreading out to start their training and wait a bit.

Each of them was going to enter the forest and search for a quiet place to train their devil fruits while Bert was following Geo who now joined them in circling robin too at the commotion.

'Is that from that island…?' Ian thought to himself as he eyed Robin in concern.

She was obviously agitated and Ian didn't understand what was happening until he saw the book she was holding in her hand. If he remembered correctly that was a book from that destroyed island they had visited in their voyage to his home island.

They surrounded her and waited for her to calm down.

"As you know I have been trying to understand the language with which the books were written in. and with master Geo's library, I managed to find some books to learn it a bit." She said after calming down a bit and taking a deep breath.

They gave her nods but kept silent and waiting for her to explain what was wrong.

"Well, yesterday was the first time I was able to decipher the books. Some were about noble families and laws of that kingdom which managed to keep me interested in the duration I read before sleeping." She said.

"But the book I chose this morning, proved less pleasant than I had expected." She said with horror in her eyes.

Ian moved to her side and held her hand as he massaged it and tried to calm her down.

"I'm fine, I just didn't believe something like this could happen in the world." She said as she assured him she was fine.

"I have managed to find out what happened to that kingdom, named, Alouira. It was just a small kingdom in the first place, in what was supposed to be just a normal day for the people there, tragedy struck them so suddenly it left them utterly destroyed.

It was a diary entry rather than a book, which I found out as I continued reading. The person writing is a girl by the name Suiha Lawrich. She was apparently the youngest princess of the kingdom.

One day a certain giant was made to be a guest at their place. He was found unconscious and due to his heritage, he was treated with respect, as the person in the diary said.

But due to his huge size, they sent people to treat his injuries at the very place they found him as they were prepared to treat him as a respected guest.

Sadly for them, he was a savage giant, and repaid them by disposing of the party that tended to his injuries and killing them." Robin said.

In the last part she still had a disbelieving look in her eyes.

And Ian guessed from that that there was something more to that.

"Dispose of?" He asked her for clarification.

"At the time according to Suiha, that was what they thought had happened to the healers' party. They sent unit after unit to take care of the giant in retaliation to his hostility but they didn't come back to report. Until one time where one managed to return to them and told them the truth, he had seen with his eyes.

The giant had… A-Ate them!!" She said.

All of them gasped at the revelation. Ian was even about to question Robin if this was one of her usual jokes. She would tell scary stories with a straight face so you wouldn't know if she was serious or just joking.

But one look at the disgust and anger she held in her beautiful blue eyes had him know this was true.

But as sad as that was he didn't understand why Robin would stop them all and say it. As even if they wanted to do something they didn't know who the giant was and most probably it would be dead for a crime like that.

Robin took a deep breath and continued talking.

"The royal family was enraged and accordingly attacked him with their all.

But the giant's size alone was enough for him to stand in the shore of the sea and his head would still be showing above the water. They easily lost against him. Furthermore, as they attempted to run with their ships and boats, he stood waiting for them. When they tried the other side of the island he stood there waiting once again. And so like this, he kept 'disposing' of them each time until he actually emptied the whole kingdom." Robin muttered with a sad tone of voice. She couldn't fathom the evil contained within such a person… nor the fear of the girl writing this diary…

"He ate them all?? A whole kingdom?" Stella asked horrified.

But none answered. They were all considering what they had just heard. Even Geo appeared to be angry. And he was always calm.

Ian resolved that if the Giant was still alive he would personally go and take care of him. But he doubted that as the kingdom appeared as if ages had passed since it was destroyed.

Still, he asked.

"Do you know who that giant was?" Ian said. Making the rest perk up for the answer.

"Yes. That is why I told you all to come actually. That Giant is actually still alive to this day." Robin said shocking them.

And they all made the same decision as Ian of taking him down. He didn't deserve to walk the earth.

"It's one of the Impel down escapees. Sanjuan Wolf." Robin said much to the shock of everybody.

But it did make sense. Sanjuan Wolf was one of the legendary criminals held in level 6 of Impel down. As his crimes were so atrocious they had to effectively be erased from history itself. It really did make sense.

He was a cannibal that had destroyed and feasted on a whole country. Ian regretted not paying him more attention in the war... he knew about the giant from the anime, where they portrayed him as a bit childish. he now knew how evil people could be.

"Well, he wouldn't stay alive for too long…" He said.

"But we will not leave for him until you all finish training." He won't budge on this.

The others nodded, glad their captain was of a similar opinion to them and agreed about finishing the training. And even Geo gave a nod at Ian's decision.

Sanjuan Wolf was a dead man walking.