
{A/N: I had said before that this arc is about bonding and training. but I still wrote many spars to keep the action going. I even included a couple of mysteries to be answered. such as what Sanjuan wolf did... or what the island was... or why the 'D' are hunted when they reach a certain point... I also implied that the D was the ruling family of the great kingdom and were betrayed by the celestial dragons, although at this point Ian still isn't one hundred percent sure so he will try to get answers from Garp and Sengoku. but apparently all this isn't exciting to some people as they said this is boring. well, what can I do? I'm doing my best you know. I'm just a novice writer but I thought since the majority are enjoying this that I'm doing a good job. I tried to make the characters more in-depth by giving them tragic pasts and reasons to want strength... Sorry for the rant I just wanted to ask your opinion if this is good. and if not then what should I do to make it better? anyways enjoy the chapter! this author note is not included in the word count. someone also said the chapters are small I understand that as a reader myself, but it is what it is. I work and write in what limited time I have. writing is exhausting also. and soon I will be going back to study for the last year for my diploma in architecture, the best I can do is a chapter between 1000 and 2000 words}

Ian gave him a bottle of water. Meanwhile inside he was surprised at how Bert was not in any visible pain. From what he knew from the anime when the mink people used this form they will grow extremely tired.

But Bert was relatively fine apart from breathing a bit roughly. Which after he drunk the water managed to be regulated by him.

'Is it due to the strength of his body? Or the drug he took? Perhaps a combination of both.' Ian thought to himself.

"Alright, I know what you all are dying to know," Bert said with a small chuckle. Finally, for a change, his usual lazy eyes were filled with excitement and satisfaction.

Ian certainly couldn't blame and neither can the rest of them. Bert had gotten close to his wish. So he every right to be happy.

"Wait, first let's take care of you," Ian said as he motioned with his hands for him to stop.

At Bert's nod, he moved closer, and using his power he rejuvenated him and healed any injuries he might have.

Only then did he motion for him to continue.

"Since you all have devil fruits. You still had something to do in the last five months. Meanwhile, I didn't. Well, at least I didn't until master Geo made me remember something. That I can train my sulong form." He said as he told what happened so far. "The sulong form is a trump card of the mink people but before it can become quite deadly, you have to first master it as the people transformed tend to lose control over their minds. Usually, it can only be utilized on a moon night. I had thought of training to master it, but it is usually taught in our home. So I had no way to do so as I had left when I was still young." He added.

Ian gave a nod. This much he already understood from watching the anime.

The rest too gave nods of understanding.

Robin especially was more attentive. She loved learning new things and she was enjoying this. Though she had a question to ask.

"Then if you can only transform in a moon night, was yours related to the drug you ate before?" She asked him. In truth, they all were wondering the same thing.

Bert chuckled as he gave a nod.

"Indeed. Since I had to be at our home to train it I originally refused master Geo. Not to mention that in five months I would only be able to transform five times which will make it hard to train. But master Geo assured me that he will find me a solution." Bert said. Then he paused as he gave a bow in the direction of the standing Geo who only waved his hands.

"We both visited the most esteemed doctor on this island who has a vast amount of knowledge in medicine and medicinal drugs. When presented with the problem he took only two and a half days to invent that drug you saw me eat. After that, it was me training to master it. As you can guess the first few times I had completely lost control until I was brought back with the help of master Geo. Until at one point I could control it well enough. Then I moved on to test my time limit in the transformed state and worked on prolonging it. And as you can see this is the result of five months of training like that." Bert said. There was a hint of pride in his voice.

His wish to be able to protect all those he cares about and to help Elene was very much near his capabilities now. Granted that all the crew was strong themselves but at least like this, they would be able to trust him to cover their backs. He was satisfied.

And it was all thanks to Ian and his father. He vowed to himself to never betray Ian and Geo. They had gained his absolute loyalty.

"Hoh, I think that it is impressive that you managed to reach this state in just five months." Ian gave his assumption. One must be really talented to do that in such a small amount of time.

"But I'm guessing you can't just eat the drug anytime you want right? It can't be that easy?" Ian asked.

Bert nodded.

"Indeed. I was told I should wait a couple of hours between each intake for the fear of my body internally breaking apart. And the limit is two pills per day. But after you healed me I feel like I can do it again right now." Bert said as he flexed his arms and looked at his hands.

This made Ian pause to think.

He had had an idea in mind for a while now but didn't have time to try it. But with what he just heard, he had to try it soon. The idea was about him using his healing energy on a barrel of water or wine or some drinkable liquid, after which he will test if it will get any healing properties. If it worked that will mean that Bert would be able to transform in critical situations more than once. But even with that, he knew Bert wouldn't be able to transform more than 4 or five times per day.

"I might have a solution to this particular problem of yours. But let's leave that to later. Right now I want to ask you if you know the implications of that drug." Ian spoke seriously as he eyed Bert.

The rest took a second to think about what Ian was saying, and he was not shocked when they too reached the same conclusion.

"I do," Bert replied. He knew what Ian was talking about. "I was actually going to ask you if we along our journey can make a stop at my home island. I have to present this drug to them. For my people's survival" Bert then said. He was excited at the prospect. As not only would he visit the home he left all those years ago, he would also be bringing with him a mean that will make his people stronger.

Indeed. The sulong form was the trump card of the mink people. And they were only able to use once per month. Imagine if they can now do it once or two per day. That will be one scary race at the time for sure. But Ian wouldn't refuse to help them.

The mink's were among the most peaceful races that ever existed. Plus they were strong allies to have.

"Of course that's fine Bert. And I'm sure the rest will agree?" Ian turned and asked the girls.

They gave nods with smiles on their faces. They too wouldn't mind at all.

Bert gave a short bow before Ian hurriedly helped him up and glared at him.

"We are family so you should never do something like this again." He sternly advised. Which made Bert nod gratefully.

"Alright, now that you are all finished let's go celebrate your last night in this island you brats." Geo then broke the moment of silence that permeated. Indeed this was the last night the nightmare pirates were going to spend on the dragon turtle island.