Alder island

Ian didn't know this particular information about his parents. That they were from the 'D'. After all his father said about them were their first names and some adventures they had along with what their dreams were.

But Ian only knew their names as Alyssa and Roan Louis. However, now it was quite possibly one of them or maybe even both of them were from the 'D' clan. Meaning by giving birth to him, Ian was too. He didn't know how to feel about that.

But he took solace in the fact that this ability of Im wouldn't work on him anymore. Last time it held him as he was caught off guard. But the next time he won't be. He learned a lesson from this time. A lesson to never underestimate someone because of arrogance.

He shook his head from these particular thoughts and made a point to call his father later and ask him about his parents.

He turned his eyes towards Garp and Sengoku. Both of them were immersed in their own thought.

Perhaps sensing him, they looked at him.

"What was your purpose this time? Ian Louis." Sengoku asked. By now he knew that Ian had known about Im beforehand. Or at the very least knew someone hidden was leading the world from the shadows. So by showing this to them he had something he wanted from them. He was almost sure of that.

Garp perked his ears for the answer. He similarly thought that Ian had something he wanted from them.

"Don't overthink it. It is simply because I feel you two are good guys and deserve to know the truth. I had a guess about Im being a diávoloi from before and I wanted to prove it, while simultaneously showing you the truth. You are our allies after all." Ian said. And it was the truth as he knew they were good guys from the anime. And they were worth being his allies.

They both gave nods. Even though Sengoku felt something else was at play.

Still, the realization that their world government and why the world nobles are such evil beings was a result of a hidden ruler named Im was still shocking to them.

After all, that throne was supposed to imply that there was no one ruler. Or rather no selfish ruler. But apparently it was just a decoration right now. Its purpose never fulfilled.

Both of them looked at each other and nodded. Garp had been wanting to retire from the marines all this time so that he would never be under the world nobles. Similarly, Sengoku who was the closest to them thought the same. But now after this… revelation, both were going to quit the marines.

Not to mention they were probably going to send assassins at them because they now know something they shouldn't… although they were sure that publically they were going to be announced as just having retired, and then dying of old age…

Garp chose this time to talk.

He had been staying silent and processing things. But by no means was he stupid, like most people, were lead to believe.

"How are the 'D' special to be able to escape the control of Im? And is that ability of the whole diávoloi or just Im?" He asked seriously. By asking these questions, he showed to Ian that he trusted his theory about Im being a god.

But sadly even Ian didn't know those answers. Yet.

So he shook his head.

"All we have right now are guesses. It could be that the 'D' people have a special constitution or something. They are known for their willpower after all. Or it can even be that they are the diávoloi's enemy since ages past. And that would be nature's way of balancing things… I don't really know. But I promise if I uncover the reason, I would tell you as soon as possible." Ian said. Once again all he said were guesses.

"As to your second question, I'm lead to believe that it's not something every diávoloi is able to do. Otherwise, the one we killed could have killed most of us in that fight we had in the past. Maybe Im is their leader? And she has the most powerful ability of them? Again this just me guessing…" Ian shook his head and stopped talking.

"Even though they are guessed, they are not without reason. I think you are on to something Ian." Garp said after a while of thinking. He felt like one of Ian's guesses would come true.

Even Sengoku had to admit so with a nod of his head.

Ian nodded in return.

"I'm going to try helping you, so don't panic," Ian said.

And when he saw them nod, he stepped closer to Garp first and put his hand on his shoulder. He did the same thing he did towards old man Ray.

He revolved his energy in Garp's body, healing all injuries. Internal and external. And then he rejuvenated his body to make him feel younger than before.

After a while, the process was finished and Garp stood up and stretched a bit, shock apparent in his eyes.

Sengoku was about to ask what happened. When Ian neared him. He chose to trust him since Garp was looking fine.

A couple of minutes later, Sengoku shared Garp's shocked look.

"There still many things I don't know, and I'm going to get to the bottom of this eventually. Until such a time, I'm going to have to bid you goodbye" Ian said finally after a few minutes of shared silence.

"Right. Goodbye. And thank you." Garp said his goodbye. And thanked Ian for what he did for them. With the way he was feeling, he knew that Ian had done him a huge favor.

Sengoku nodded. Still out of it from the shock.

Then Ian was engulfed in shadows and spoke one last thing before he completely vanished.

"Be careful from now on." He said. And then he was gone.

Leaving both men to think deeply about this.


When Ian reemerged he was standing on the Odyssey. His ship.

Looking at the surroundings, he noticed that it was docked to an island. From what he could see he guessed this island to be their destination from before. Alder Island.

Suddenly his ears twitched. He picked up the sound of fighting from the inside of the island. And guessed that it was his crew hinting down their targets.

He stepped off the ship towards the ground and started speaking.

"I'm going to store you inside the ring, just in case some idiot decides it is okay to hurt you to get back at us," Ian said towards the ship. He was speaking as if she was alive, and a person at that. But he knew that if he turned his voice of all things on, he would have heard her thank him. Too bad he still wasn't confident in controlling it.

Before he then stored it inside the ring, which his crew couldn't as he had it with him before he started walking towards the place where the fight was going on.