Enters Dragon

As soon as Ian and co reached the shore, he brought the ship out from the ring, and with a gentle step, he jumped high into the sky and landed on the deck, with the rest soon following him.

"Wait, I'll be right back!" He said before he started walking.

Then he went to the storage room and brought some chairs out, holding two in his hands and the rest with his telekinesis ability.

The chairs were just regular wooden ones, but they would do the job.

Then as they all seated themselves, Ian coughed to get their attention.

"Alright. First of all, we won't be sailing for a bit!" He said starting the conversation.

Like usual it was only Robin and Elene who caught on onto something.

"Do you want to stay here until we meet Dragon?" Elene asked in understanding. Both she and the rest were under the impression that after disposing of the escapees, which they already did, they would sail and meet Dragon on the sea.

"Yes. That would be the best course of action!" Ian confirmed with a nod.

She gave a nod to that. She did not disagree after all.

"Alright, now start spilling what you are hiding!" Elene glared at him soon after.

He chuckled as he gave a nod and started speaking.

"Well you know I went to meet Garp and Sengoku already. So I'll tell you what for now." He spoke.

And then he told them everything that happened so far. Since they already knew he went to ask about the 'D' he started with. Then he moved on to how he needed to give something in return so they will tell him what he needed. And that something was information about the hidden leader of the world government Im.

He told them how he teleported them all to the empty throne room where they found Im and the five elders kneeling.

It was at this moment where Elene ended up yelling from shock.

"YOU DID WHAT?!!!" She yelled in frustration. One could not blame her. Her lover had probably stood against the most powerful entity in this world, and he was speaking nonchalantly about it.

The rest including Robin didn't know what was wrong so they just stayed silent with confusion obvious in their eyes.

"Cough, yes! It was needed as an exchange-" Ian was sweating from nervousness as he tried to explain his reasons.

But Elene cut him off.

"You know that is just a load of crap. Spill the real reason Right 'NOW', Ian!!" Elene spoke with a deadpan, not believing him for a second.

"Alright, alright… sigh, it was to confirm a guess of mine. Whether Im, is a diávoloi or not. But I really did want Garp and Sengoku to see that so that they would be on our side completely." Ian sighed. Elene could quite be scary when she wanted to.

She just gave a nod and thought about what he was saying.

She then noticed the rest looking confused and supplied them with the necessary knowledge about Im she already knew. To which they finally knew why she had panicked.

"Anyways, it turns out that Im is a woman or rather female diávoloi…" Then Ian continued on talking and telling of the story.

Of how they found out that ability where she can just order something and their bodies would be forced to listen much to the horrors of the crew.

And also of how the five elders were apparently not just decorations and were actually quite strong themselves, which was something both Elene and Ian wondered about when they were still alive and watching the anime.

And then when Elene asked how they were able to escape, he supplied her with the knowledge lest she gets angry once again.

He told her how he managed to escape his binding and how he teleported them out of there because he most likely was a 'D' himself. And also of how Garp was able to escape his binding too but Sengoku couldn't. Which only proved his guess.

Then he started speaking about the theories he had shared with the two old men, Garp and Sengoku.

About how Im, might be the supposed god that the celestial dragons worship and call themselves descendant of.

It was known how the great kingdom was attacked by the twenty kingdoms and destroyed. The twenty kingdoms are what is now called the world government.

And then he told them how the two old men had confirmed what his father had said. That the great kingdom was ruled by the 'D'.

And reaching that point, both Elene and Robin had looks of understanding on their faces.

"So, the 'D' Are enemies of Im?" Robin asked.

Ian nodded.

"The great kingdom was ruled by the 'D'. Incidentally, the 'D' can't be put under Im's ability which is nothing short of godly power. And also incidentally the 'D' are called god's natural enemies. Ever since the great kingdom was destroyed by the Celestial Dragons who call themselves descendants of god. Doesn't it make sense? For them to destroy the one race of people where their god's ability doesn't work and then brand them as the god's enemies?" Ian said. The more he thought about it, the more he was convinced it was true.

The rest gave nods at Ian's explanation. And since Im was a diávoloi, it was quite possible for them to live that long.

But Ian was sure that the revelation about the D and Im, was just a bit of the whole truth about the world. He just had a feeling.

He also managed to know what the fake history was. Or rather guess what it was.

It was most likely saying that the 'D' was the ruling family, and then if anyone from the 'D' reached the last island and found that they would wage a war against the whole world. But the truth should be something more than that. Ian refused to believe that that was all there was in Laugh tale. After all, he now had a guess to the existence of the diávoloi back in the age where the great kingdom was still there, meaning the diávoloi have something to do with the truth of the world. He just had to confirm it.

He was brought out of his thoughts when Robin had called down a news coo and was browsing through the newspaper as a bounty fell.

Ian grabbed the bounty, while Robin was shocked as she continued reading.

When he saw his bounty he grinned a bit. It had increased.

3,600,000,000 berries.

His status was changed from Dead or alive into just Dead. He knew he had pissed Im off.

But it was understandable as he knew something that could shake the whole world and result in a war spanning the whole world.

In his description, something new was added.

"Recently, after a bit of hiding, Ian Louis, had attempted to kill the highest authority in the world government, the five elders, for reasons unknown."

He snorted at that. Before he turned towards Robin and asked.

"Anything about Garp, and Sengoku?" He said.

She nodded.

"It says that they have finally reached the age of retirement and would be effectively enjoying their life hereafter." She said.

Ian gave a nod as he chuckled at that.

He knew what Im was doing. In order to not damage the reputation of the world government by branding Garp and Sengoku traitors, they said they retired. After which on their relaxation from now on, if any of them died it wouldn't be their fault as they were quite old already.

He made a mental note to warn them of possible assassins later.

Bert who was at the side managed to see something on the side, after which he called Ian and co and told them about it.

When Ian turned to look he immediately noticed that it was a ship. And not just any ship.

"That is the wind Granma. Dragon's ship." Ian announced.

The time for their talk had come.