Ian D. Louis

Ian stirred awake from his sleep. He was in his room in the house given to them by the mink people!

Last night was a pretty long and wild night for him and the girls.

He turned to the side from his position and was met with an empty bed. He usually woke up before them and made them breakfast, but today it appeared it was different.

As evidenced when Elene and Robin entered the room, fully clothed, each carrying food in their hands.

Robin had a tray that held some fruits and juice, meanwhile, Elene held a tray filled with bacon, eggs, and bread.

They on the bed near it off in the bed near Ian. All the while he just watched on curiously.

"What brought this on?" He finally questioned once they had sat down on the bed.

Robin and Elene shared a look before Elene stepped closer and scolded him.

"Are you going to let the food get cold?" She said with a glare.

The meaning behind her words obvious to Ian. Eat first, talk later.

He gave her a nod, and without further ado, he propped himself up on the bed and started eating.

He did offer them to eat with him, as the food was plenty enough, but they just said they had already eaten.

After a while, Ian was already finished.

He got up from the bed, excused himself for a bit, and went through his morning routine.

After he was finally properly awake he stepped to the bed and sat near them as he gave them nods to speak their minds. This time it was Robin who started talking.

"Well… remember how you said you might be related to the 'D' clan?" She asked him with a soft voice.

Ian gave a nod and immediately knew where this was going.

"You might think that we had forgotten, but it is apparent that you have been avoiding this subject. Even more, you didn't even question master Geo about it." Robin continued on.

And it was true. Even since Ian had reached that conclusion after he and Garp and Sengoku had met Im.

He had played it as if it had merely slipped his mind, but it was in fact because he didn't want to think about it.

Ian sighed as he looked at his two girlfriends.

"It's not a big deal actually, I just wanted some time to think to myself," Ian replied after a bit of silence.

His father had said that in the past his parents were injured on a nearby island, where he tried to save them but couldn't help them in time. After which he took him in.

However… if they were actually from the 'D', didn't that mean that his father took him in just because he was from the 'D'?

There was also the fact that Ian had asked his father if he knew who had injured his parents but he hadn't said who. Now that he thought about it his father had told him that he didn't know about that, but maybe he was hiding it from him?

"Ian Louis, Ian D. Louis, another letter in your name doesn't change anything, and don't let something like this stand in your way!" Elene looked Ian in the eye and spoke up.

Robin gave a nod too.

'Well, I have been prolonging this for a while now… sigh… they are right. I would eventually have to confront dad about this. Might as well be now!' Ian started thinking to himself before he reached a conclusion.

"Alright then." He said.

"So will you give him a call then?" Robin asked.

Ian shook his head.

"This is very important to be done via a call!" Ian said as he stood up.


In a swirl of shadows, Ian materialized near his house on the island of Kurma.

Going such a long-distance via teleportation was actually taxing even on someone like Ian. So as he reached the island he took a few minutes to recover.

Geo was a strong person himself, as such, there was no way he was not going to notice the new presence near his house. But soon after he realized it was Ian.

As such he came out of the house and saw Ian just looking at the sky and standing there.

"Ian? Why didn't you give me a call if you were coming to visit?" He asked as he came closer to his son.

Looking at the surroundings, he noticed that Ian was alone.

"Where are the rest?" He asked once again.

Ian looked at his father straight in the eyes.

"We need to talk. It's about my real parents." Ian said.

And immediately Geo knew this was serious.

As such he motioned Ian to follow him inside the house.

Arie had come up and greeted him with a short hug, but then Ian apologized and said they can talk later.

When he and his father reached his study, they closed the door, before Geo released a heavy sigh.

"How did you know?" Geo asked.

Ian started for a bit before he replied.

"I had another meeting with a diávoloi! In which I was lead to believe only a 'D' can get away from that ability of her! And since I was able to get away too, it means my parents were from the 'D' clan," Ian explained.

His father thought about that for a bit.

"What is that ability you are speaking about?" He asked.

"She can order you to do anything, and you won't be able to resist. Garp the Fist was able to break free from that, but Sengoku couldn't. Similarly to Garp, I was able to resist her too!" Ian then went on to explain everything in detail about what he discussed with Garp and Sengoku.

Even about his theory of why the 'D' are called God's enemies…

"I have to say that this theory is quite likely to be true." Geo by the end agreed with Ian.

Even though he was the guardian he didn't know much himself.

"Even if you don't know, maybe Kurma does, right?" Ian asked his father.

His father nodded.

"Most likely." He said.

At that moment another voice, one filled with power spoke up inside both of their heads.

"I, in fact, do know. However, young Ian, I can't tell you anything. If you really want to know, then you must reach the last island known to this world and find out for yourself!" Kurma said.

After that was heard by both Ian and Geo, Ian tried to further ask Kurma, but it didn't reply at all.

Ian sighed. But after a bit, he gave his father a look. Returning to why he came here in the first place.

"So?" Ian questioned.

"What?" Geo asked back perplexed.

"Are my parents from the 'D' clan?" Ian asked again.

His father closed his eyes for a bit.

After a while, a sigh can be heard.

"Yes! They are!" He replied.

It had been apparent to Ian but it still came as a shock.

This meant that his theory was more likely to be true.

It also meant that his father might as well have only taken him in because he was a 'D'.

Seemingly as if reading his mind, Geo hastily explained.

"No! I didn't know your parents were from the 'D' clan at the time. When I saved you I didn't know. It was not until I came back that my father identified them as one of our people who went venturing into the sea. By that time I had already wanted to raise you." He said seriously.

Ian released a sigh he didn't know he was holding.

And then he proceeded to apologize.

But his father stopped him saying that there was no need for that.

Ian gave a nod. But inside he was quite happy that he was wrong.

Arie came up and knocked on the door.

When she entered she set a tray on the table between them with tea and some snacks before she went downstairs.

For a while, Ian and Geo just sat there drinking their teas in silence.