Kuzan again!

(A/N: Hey, I'm back :) So I wanted to ask you guys a question. Should I make a discord? I don't have a lot of free time, so I won't be able to manage it much, but then again I have many things I want to ask you guys before releasing a chapter so it would help me a lot. Can anyone give a solution?)

Galmar Island was not an overly visited island. And it would appear to be boring during the day, with people going about their days regularly.

No one would suspect anything.

However, between the underground folks, it was a place one comes to 'enjoy' their selves in. many shady deals were conducted here. The key point being nothing happened until it was nighttime.

Still a particular person on the island this day was not here to enjoy himself.

Walking among the streets was a rather tall person that stands out. He was wearing a blue bandana that covered most of his hair, leaving only the tips which fan out.

His outfit consisted of a V-neck shirt with black trousers along with a dark blue-green trench coat. Cowboy boots can be seen on his feet, while a knapsack hung from his shoulder. Presumably carrying all of his belongings.

This person was Kuzan. Or rather known as former admiral Aokiji.

'The city appears to be peaceful…' He remarked to himself.

His contact had briefed him about this island and its inner workings. Though it appeared to be peaceful now, he knew that he would soon witness the truth about it.

He continued on his path towards the room he had already booked.

And after a while, just as he entered the room and laid down on the bed he started speaking.

"Whoever you are, it's best you come out now!" He lazily intoned. However internally he was on high alert. No one was supposed to know about his coming as of yet.

Did his target already notice him?

However, when the person stepped up from the shadows, it was not who Kuzan was expecting.

"Emperor Ian!" Kuzan said in shock.

His mind raced to know what someone like that guy needed with him.

"We meet again!" Ian greeted. A calm look on his face.

Kuzan gave him a nod.

"To what do I owe the pleasure?" Kuzan questioned him. While internally he was hoping it had nothing to do with fighting.

He knew his limit. And even when he was at his one hundred percent power, he would still not dare fight Ian. Perhaps at the last time they fought, he could still be considered his equal, but two years later? He would most definitely not be. Especially since he had gotten weaker due to his many injuries he got from his fight against Akainu. Mainly his missing limb.

"Nothing too serious! I just want to ask you some questions!" Ian told him.

He was able to feel the tension of Kuzan despite him keeping a calm look on his face.

At that Kuzan thought for a bit. He knew that Ian had something in mind now, but he was willing to play this game if it meant they wouldn't fight. It was more important to him to finish his mission.

So he nodded.

"Why did you leave the marines?" Ian asked him. An intense look was visible on his face.

Kuzan felt like if he lied about this, Somehow Ian would know for sure.

He felt like Ian's eyes were staring at his soul.

Deciding to answer truthfully he proceeded to explain.

"At the time there was the empty position of fleet admiral! And though I didn't want it, I felt like it was best that that position does not go towards Sakazuki! So the two of us fought a duel! I lost and didn't want to be under Sakazuki for the same reason I fought him for in the first case!" He told Ian truthfully.

He saw no need to hide this at all.

Ian remained silent.

He already knew this beforehand. But he had expected something along the line of Kuzan being a spy or something. He was glad those expectations were wrong.

"I presume that ever since then you have come to see the truth of the world government?" Ian asked him next.

And though it hurt to admit this, Kuzan still nodded his head. It was the truth after all.

"Then what have you been doing these past two years?" Ian proceeded to his next question. And the most important one too.

In the anime, Kuzan had somehow gotten somewhat allied to Blackbeard. Obviously, since he was dead now he didn't meet him. But it doesn't change the fact that something was wrong. And when you add to it what Dragon had told Ian…

Dragon had said that Kuzan was well acquainted with the underworld.

Kuzan at this stilled.

Before he finally sighed.

He sat up from his laying position.

"You have so many questions for me apparently… so troublesome…" After saying this and seeing no change whatsoever on Ian's face he continued. "Basically, I hunt the corrupt! Preferably those in close relations to the world government!" Kuzan said.

And just like earlier Ian knew that this was the truth.

"Is that what you plan to do on this island?" Ian asked him.

And Kuzan nodded.

"How do you do that then? I doubt you are going around hunting people so casually!" Ian continued.

"Yes! Well… since it's known now that I left the marines many people wish to rope me into their circles and I make use of that. I join them for a while on the premise of giving them some 'toys' while requesting that my identity remain hidden before I destroy them from the inside!" Kuzan explained.

It was a good strategy. If he had gotten around and started destroying them casually eventually it would spread around that he was doing so. But now he was playing his cards right and having them hide his identity, which would serve to keep him unknown while he keeps disposing of his targets.

Truly a good strategy.

And Ian knew that he was saying the truth with his ability. With this, he finally relaxed. It appeared that Kuzan was still an honest person. And as honorable as before.

Even his relation with Blackbeard can be explained now. He was planning on destroying him from the inside out. But since Blackbeard in the original anime was quite the suspicious type, he had only agreed to be in relation to him and had not let him join his crew. So Kuzan was most likely biding his time first until he was trusted more.

"Alright since you asked me all these questions, you must have a goal for that right?" Kuzan then questioned Ian.

Ian gave him a nod.

"I have a proposition for you!" He started.

"What is that?" Kuzan was suddenly on high alert, what could Ian want from him…

"I want you to join my crew!" Ian dropped the bomb.

Leaving a shocked Kuzan.

But he recovered quickly and started speaking.

"I thought I made it clear that I'm pursuing my own justice even though I left the marines…" He replied hoping this indirect refusal of his would be enough.

Sadly for him…

"Yes! So? Are you implying that I'm evil? You can't possibly think that when you know Robin is on my crew. Plus I'm sure that you have not heard anything about me in that way…" Ian told him the facts.

Indeed he knew about Robin. She was the victim turned aggressor by the world government. And she would not join a cruel captain. He also remembered that Ian had not killed any marines in the war previously even though by the end, it was apparent that he was able to do so.

And again the truth was that he didn't hear anything about Ian doing things like big mom and Kaido.

"Your current goals are the same as the revolutionary army! I know that by targeting the corrupt marines you are trying to cleanse the world government but sadly you can't do that on your own! I would also not ask just anyone to join me! You must know how small my crew is. But of all of them, I feel like you are the one most similar to me! I'm on close terms with dragon and I had promised to lend my hand to him! I would extend the same to you!" Ian told him.

Kuzan stilled at this. The revolutionary army had asked him to join them as they knew what he was doing thanks to their spy network. Which he guessed was the reason how Ian knew where he was, since he just said he was allied with them. He refused at the time stating that he would think about it…

"Don't be hasty to refuse! There are several things you still don't know about the world government even though you were an admiral! Believe me on this! If you join my crew, I would not limit you, you could do what you want, but when the time comes I would count on your help that's all I ask." Ian told him.

"Why would someone as strong as you need my help?" Kuzan asked perplexed.

"Just like I said there many things you don't know about the world government! Currently, I am allied with Dragon, Garp, Sengoku, and Whitebeard. But I'm still seeking your help now, that says a lot right? However, your position is more special since I want you to be a part of my crew!" Ian said in explanation.

The very idea that all of those big names had joined Ian was enough to alarm Kuzan.

"If you decide to join, everything I know will be relayed to you! For now, I will leave you to continue your mission and think about my offer!" Ian said before he suddenly vanished from the room in a swirl of shadows. Going back to join his crew.

Leaving Kuzan thinking about what he said.