
While the Odyssey was busy sailing in the sea, an enemy of the nightmare pirates was searching for them.

On an island in the new world, through which one can officially enter big mom's territory, several ships were hiding on the shores.

When taking a closer look, the leading ship would be identified as a warship. One belonging to the marines'.

This one was especially big like it represented the status of the people on it.

They were three people wearing cloaks and hiding their bodies completely.

Though from their general body shape, one would be able to guess that they were males.

Many regular marines were moving around, busy doing things to accommodate them and finish the tasks they were given.

One of the high ranking marines there was a person Ian had met a long time ago.

It was master Rey! (The guy Ian fought back then, when he went to rescue Robin!)

Except at this time, his hair had gotten even more silver strands to indicate his increasing age. However, his strength is another matter.

Ever since he lost to Ian, he had upped his training and had managed to reach new heights. He was confident that he would rank high among the vice admirals, perhaps he might even be the strongest one.

Of course, that would be excluding the former vice admiral Garp. There was a unanimous rule among the marines to not consider that guy as anything other than as strong as an admiral or even higher.

If one were to look deeper into the eyes of master Rey right now, they would see a hint of anger and hate as his eyes as he looked at three people ahead of him.

He stepped up close to them and awaited their permission to speak, as they were higher in rank than him.

He had been chosen to go on this trip with them, and he didn't refuse. As to why?

Well, those three had something to do with a certain pirate. They were tracking him for a while now, and their information had relayed that this pirate was heading towards big mom's territory which is why they had gotten ahead of him and reached this place to ambush him.

"You may speak!" A rather old-sounding person's voice came from the person in the middle.

And taking his cue, master Rey started speaking, doing his best to hide the contempt he had for these people.

"We have spotted our target's ship coming this way! What should we do?" Master Rey inquired.

"Hmm!" the one on the left hummed for a bit as he leaned closer to his companion and they started whispering, while the third person stayed a bit away. After a bit, the one in the middle nodded his head.

"Tell our ships to ready the cannons, and to fire at my mark!" He then stopped talking and resumed looking ahead with his hands behind his back.

Master Rey acknowledged the words with a respectful bow and a nod before he went to relay their orders.

'Sooner or later you will get what you deserve…' He thought to himself.


Back with Ian.

After Kuzan had rested for a while. He had taken him to meet with Garp and Sengoku on another island they had moved to.

He left him there for a while for them to catch up, and just now he had brought him back after getting a call from Garp.

It was a perfect time too, as right now, the odyssey was enclosing on the last island before entering big mom's territory.

When Kuzan appeared from the shadows, he looked around for a bit before his eyes settled on Ian.

He gave a nod in greeting.

Though Ian noticed the shock in his eyes.

He knew that what Garp and Sengoku had to say would shock the hell out of anyone…

But it was better this way. Kuzan had already left the marines, so his shock was not as high as someone who would be devoted to his job…

Still to know that a devil was leading your government from the shadows…

Kuzan looked deeply at Ian.

"Thank you!" Although it may seem that Kuzan was thanking Ian for bringing him back, Ian knew better.

Kuzan was thanking him for not keeping him in the dark. For letting him know all of this valuable info. For finally understanding the reason Garp and Sengoku were kicked out of the marines.

"No problem!" Ian smiled at him. He liked Aokiji from the anime, so he was quite friendly to him now. Not to mention that he had become part of his crew.

Kuzan understood now that when Ian at the war had said that the real threat to the world was lurking in the shadows while they were playing justice and evil.

He truly understood now.

Still, his goal did not change even a bit.

Previously he had been planning to change the world government. As to disposing of it? Or abolishing such a system? He didn't agree with that.

That system was needed in this world. What needed to change would be those who lead it.

He had planned to change it bit by bit from the lower of the hierarchy until he reached the top.

It was just that now, he happened to know that the previous top he was aiming for, was not actually the real top but just a public one.

In other words, the five elders who he had been aiming to eliminate at some point, were now just servants to the real leader of the world.

That person, Im, she was his newest target now. And knowing that Ian too was going against her, he felt reassured.

His chances now, that he had a crew behind his back, were much higher.

Kuzan prepared to go and rest for a bit to digest everything he heard today.

But unfortunately, something came up.

Both he and Ian were suddenly alerted to an attack made on their ship.

Staring at the front, Ian and Kuzan saw close to thirty ships, all of them aiming their cannons at them from a very large distance away and firing.

"What are they playing at? No way would that reach us!" Kuzan muttered.

And Ian nodded.

The ships appeared to be still far away, and there was no way that the shots would reach them.

But just after the first volley was shot, it made a resounding Boom as it impacted the ship. Smoke was raised soon after.

There was no way the cannonballs would reach from all that distance away.

So 'how?' Ian thought to himself.