Sanji vs Yonji

"A weak person has no right to speak!" He yelled at Sanji. The mere sight of him getting on his nerves.

Yonji used his suit to propel himself at Sanji at an impressive speed.

The speed was quite decent as Ian remarked. But he knew that it was not a problem for Sanji as he was now.

Yonji though thought otherwise. He knew that no ordinary person would be able to endure his power, especially while wearing the raid suit. He was confident in his abilities. And of his brothers for that matter. So what Ian said about Sanji being on par with his father or perhaps even stronger? He took it as just Ian lying or something along the line.

But who was Sanji? The Moment Yonji neared him and was about to punch him he dodged him and swiftly dealt him an attack of his own in the form of a kick.

He kicked him regularly without even coating his leg in Haki. But it was enough to throw Yonji back a distance away.

Sanji had been pissed off at his family for ages now. And he wouldn't miss this chance to show Yonji his place. Especially now that he didn't have anything shackling him…

Yonji who was thrown backward from the force tried to stabilize himself in the air using his Raid suit and was successful after a bit.

Still, both he and his sister were quite shocked at this.

His hands which were crossed as he had guarded against Sanji's attack were a bit dented…

This surprised him. It was not possible at all.

Sanji was not like them he was not born genetically enhanced. As such he should not be able to reach this power level. He was just a failure.

'What the hell?' Yonji thought to himself with gritted teeth. A failure should act like a failure.

Although Reiju didn't believe in the same thoughts as her brother. This was proved as she looked at Ian and his crew. If that was true then monsters like those shouldn't exist, Right?

Meanwhile, Yonji couldn't accept this so he went for his signature attack.

His hand suddenly extended towards Sanji at a very fast speed trying to capture him. But Sanji moved back easily out of the way.

And even when the fingers on the hand extended themselves he still easily slipped out of the way.

Sanji was highly adept at using observation Haki. In fact, he was one of the few capable of reaching the advanced stage of seeing the future.

So someone like Yonji who relied on his raid suit and genetically engineered body had no chance against him.

"Impossible… JUST SIT STILL YOU ASSHOLE!" Yonji was angered as he yelled.

Sanji was done being passive, so he jumped to the sky following after the figure of Yonji.

This action again shocked them, as even though they were aware of the skill that allowed one to fly, they didn't think a failure like Sanji would be able to use it too.

Well, mostly Yonji as Reiju was happy for her brother even though she didn't show it.

Sanji then used his signature skill 'Diable jambe' and kicked at Yonji's face at a very fast speed, leaving him no time to react.

"Concassé" Sanji shouted as he slammed his heel on Yonji's head effectively deforming it and knocking him unconscious while still being thrown to the sea.

Sanji jumped back to the ship soon after.

And just like that, the fight ended.

Or so Sanji thought. But Yonji came back up soon after.

He had indeed lost consciousness for a second. But he regained it soon after. This time he was calmer as he looked at Sanji. It appeared that what Ian said was quite correct.

But he would not give up. Using both hands he punched his head from both sides, fixing it from the deformation it had suffered.

And then he charged at Sanji again. This time using his suit to dodge Sanji's kicks. While trying and failing to land any hits.

All of them kept watching this fight that kept going on for a while now.

Until all of a sudden Sanji using his flaming leg attack kicked at him multiple times and though he guarded the very first few strikes he couldn't guard them all and ended up losing consciousness in the end and falling to the sea, again his body deformed and dented in many places.

Though Reiju was shocked she didn't show it, again. But it appeared that Sanji had left them in the dust. He was possibly as strong as her father as she saw. Possibly even more. As evidenced by him toying with Yonji all this time.

She moved using her raid suit and intercepted Yonji before he fell to the sea. After which she promptly threw him to the ship effortlessly towards a couple of their soldiers.

Then she jumped towards Ian's ship. She had to apologize to Ian and his crew, and she was a bit nervous about it. She also wanted to meet her brother… it has been a while since they last met after all.

Briefly, a thought passed through her head…

'What if Sanji had a raid suit…'

If he had then he would definitely be the strongest among them, that's for sure.


When she stepped on the ship, Ian and co turned and gave her curious looks.

Though Elene was quite excited too.

Why? Well, both Reiju and Hancock were her favorite characters from the anime.

As such she would be excited to meet any of them. Well, she already met Hancock earlier but for Reiju it was the first time.

She even planned to ask her to join them. But that would have to wait until she beat big mom.

"I would like to apologize for my little brother, Yonji! He is a bit brash but he didn't mean this." Reiju started by saying.

Ian could feel her nervousness so he laughed as he replied.

"No need to be nervous, I don't mind at all, so just forget about it," Ian said.

And Reiju heaved a sigh. Finally a bit more relaxed.

She planned to ask what Ian was doing going towards big mom and to warn him about what big mom had planned for him. Only then would she talk with Sanji about what happened since the last time they met.