Everyone’s fighting

While Elene was fighting big mom, Ian and co were keeping the rest of the pirates at bay.

Since Ian was quite strong, he could right now move them all backward and easily cage them in an energy field.

But his crew wanted to fight these pirates to see the level they had reached. After all, this is what they had been training for.

Just as the fight against big mom had started they each had engaged an opponent.

Well, an opponent from the ones that were still left standing after Ian released his conqueror Haki.

He had done so a bit after Elene had started her fight. And as evidence of their concentration, they both ignored this wave of Haki.


With Bert.

Ian had already told them all that the strongest of big mom prates were respectively as follows:

Katakuri, Cracker, Smoothie, Perospero, Snack, Oven, Daifuku, Streusen, Compote, Tamago.

Anything below that and their fights would just be downright easy.

In fact, he had said that apart from the three first people on the list, they could defeat the rest easily, but at the very least the opponents would entertain them a bit.

And as Ian used his Haki, it was apparently true as only those few people were left standing and awake.

Bert's luck had him paired up with Snack, who according to Ian was actually a former sweet commander.

But he apparently was not anything special as shown right now.

Bert had attacked the moment the other person moved.

Bert had used nothing but 'shave' to move around his opponent and deliver various attacks from different sides. Snack was left there guarding with his sword whatever he could and taking the rest of the strikes with gritted teeth.

Until finally Bert thought that he should end this.

His eyes landed on the three people Ian and Kuzan were keeping at bay.

Maybe one of those would give him some excitement.

At that thought, he used electro on his sword before he vanished and appeared near Snack to deliver the last strike.

And just like that, Snack was done for. And Bert was left unsatisfied due to how weak his opponent was.

But in reality, he was not weak… but rather Bert was just too strong.

A mink known for speed, using 'shave on top of that, would be just straight-out bullying.

Still, Bert did not head towards Ian… not yet. He would help take down all the other powerhouses before heading to fight against one of those three.

Right now the closes person to him was Streusen. So he headed towards him with haste.


With Stella.

Her opponent was Oven. And just like with Bert, he was lying at her feet as she mocked him with her words.

"Who's the little girl now? Huh?" She said with a smug look on her face.

Her eyes were a bit weird to anyone looking.

They were bloodshot as if the person was extremely pissed off. Still, from her words and tone, you will not think that, you would just assume that she is being playful.

This was why she was named crazy eyes Stella. Her eyes were those of a psychopath when she was angry, but her manner of talking would remain the same, making people weirded out by her.

"You should have just let me beat you, uncle, that way you would not be so hurt right now. Sigh." Stella muttered in sadness as if he felt sorry for him.

The person in hand was regretting having this girl as his opponent. He has told her to move out of his way so that he could go and help his Mama.

But he made the mistake of calling her a little girl. And how Ian was weird by having her in his crew and fighting in his stead.

The moment he had finished that he was wrapped up in chains all of a sudden. He was then abruptly lifted to the sky and thrown violently to the ground.

Then a couple more chains went straight through his body and emerged from the other side before the previous process was repeated and he was once again left buried in the ground.

He didn't even have any time to react before he was totally incapacitated and left coughing blood.

She then walked calmly near him still restraining him with her chains.

When he raised his head to try and melt the chains nothing happened apart from the chains turning red.

She had mocked him and told him that the heat was not enough to damage her chains.

She then placed him on the ground still chained so that he would not move.

Then walking around until she was in front of his right arm, she stepped out on it gently at first, before she swiftly applied pressure and broke it completely.

Relishing in his screams, she moved to the other arm and did the same.

Once again he had yelled his heart out in pain.

The process continued until both arms and legs were broken.

Ad now here she was looking at him with her smug look.

With his last remaining consciousness, he etched the smiling face of the devil that inflicted this on him. Not so that he would have his revenge. No. but rather so that he would never offend her again…

Stella then regained her calm.

Before she looked at the others. She saw Robin near her bullying her opponent before she made towards her with a happy smile.


With Robin.

Her opponent was actually Daifuku.

He was quite strong actually with his devil fruit that was able to generate an even stronger halberd-wielding genie.

But… his opponent was sadly Robin.

He was quite confident in his abilities as he had used the genie to launch an attack against her, but then a giant arm much bigger than the genie caught easily and it struggled to move out of the way.

Before it turned to smoke and passed through the hand towards Robin.

But then the hand caught it once again and this time it was coated in Haki.

So the genie couldn't escape.

Robin then made another giant arm as she caught Daifuku.

Unlike the rest of her crew, she didn't want to compare her strength or anything, she was doing her best to help Elene in any way she could.

She tightened the arm around Daifuku and had him lose consciousness by suffocating.

She then threw him near Ian where all the beaten opponents' of their crew were lying.

She saw Stella coming near them and she responded to the hug of the little girl.


Akemi similarly to Bert had easily disposed of her opponent.

She fought against someone called Compote.

She didn't let her do anything and attacked her with absolute haste and defeated her swiftly.

Although she still didn't start to train in the six marine's skills, her speed was even faster than Bert when he was not using Shave.

That was because she was a cat mink.

She delivered a Haki imbued strike straight to the face of Compote. And she was not able to react whatsoever. Her speed was just so much for the poor woman.

She still had not mastered other forms of Haki, after all, she had acquired her strength through Ian, but she was getting there.

Looking around after compote lost consciousness, she saw Bert coming near her and towards Streusen, she moved towards him soon after.


Reiju who was the newest addition to the crew had some trouble with her opponent but not much.

She was put against Tamago.

He is a good swordsman, and as a person from the long leg tribe, he had quite the kicks, but Reiju was genetically enhanced and all his strikes, at the least the ones that made contact, didn't deal much damage.

Whereas in contrast, Reiju dealt him increasing doses of poison to his body each time he made contact or she landed an attack against him.

By the end he fell off to the ground, his face purple and his breathing rushed. And he then soon after lost consciousness.

Reiju moved near him and tapped him with a finger, and the poison in his body exited it like smoke which she inhaled soon after before looking at her 'crew'.

She then moved to join them.