Explaining things

[A/N: Good news. Now I'm back! and you can expect a more steady release schedule. I'll try to do one daily chapter, but if not, maybe one every two days. Mush better at least than one every week haha]

Ian spoke about everything he knew about the diávoloi to shanks…

He didn't mind his crew hearing that. After all, they would most likely become allies later on. And if someone like Shanks trusted them, then Ian will too.

After a while, Shanks looked at Ian deeply.

'If what he said is true, then this is bigger than what I had in mind…' Shanks thought to himself.

Ian apparently was gathering allies for a fight he was all too sure was going to happen… and based on how many times he had fought the diávoloi now, his reasons for gathering allies appeared to be correct.

If he didn't do that based on his hunch that the diávoloi were going to be a massive obstacle in his path, or rather in the path of any adventurer in this world, then at that time when a fourth stage being ambushed him he would be dead now…

'Old man Ray, Shakuyaku, Old man Whitebeard, Shiki, Kaido, Garp, Sengoku, Dragon… to think he managed to make all these people his allies…'

'Perhaps he is indeed the one Roger is waiting for!' Shanks had this thought pass through his head.

Ian did tell him, that a war was going to happen that was going to engulf the whole world… and he suspected its originator was going to be the diávoloi… no, at this point it went beyond suspicion and it was almost a certainty.

Ian of course knew about the war due to Whitebeard's last words before dying in his original world's anime… and he was not so naïve to not know that the one who would reach laughtale and fight against the diávoloi was most likely going to be him, since the mysterious voice decided to speak to him of all people… this was, after all, the other reason he was gathering allies.

If he was going to be in a war that massive, it didn't hurt to have such strong people have your back…

"I will join you," Shanks answered Ian's earlier question…

Ian had told him he didn't mind him becoming his ally which is why he told him everything he knew, and this was Shanks's response to that.

If such a war does happen, and the whole world was going to be a part of it, then Shanks would rather be on his side… the side he was sure was going to win…

He just had that feeling about Ian.

Shanks now knew about Im, the diávoloi, the future war, and the past war that happened years ago between the humans, their allies the Empyreans, and their enemies' diávoloi.

And even that war was lost… But Shanks knew this one was destined, and thus he knew they would win.

Ian also told him about the voice that spoke to him and guided him to reach laughtale.

At that Shanks was finally decided on something… Ian was the chosen one.

There was no use to keep doubting that… everything was crystal clear now.


Shanks still had to hear what 'His' own goals were.

Was he planning on ruling the world after everything is done, then Shanks won't help him!

"However, what do you want to do, Ian?" Shanks asked him.

Ian closed his eyes…

After a few seconds, he replied…

"If it was up to me, I would just like to sail the seas with my crewmates in search of adventures, occasionally battling strong people, and occasionally enjoying banquets… I like my freedom, and I like my peace!" Ian replied.

But he was not done yet.

"If there is an end to these seas, I would like to see it. I want to conquer this world. Not tyrannically and not to rule it, but by unearthing all its mysteries and journeying across every inch of it with my crew by my side!"

His tone was sincere, and Ian was never an excellent actor so whatever he said was the truth he believed in.

Shanks looked at him amazed.

His goals were similar to what Roger's were…

He knew Ian would never let anyone hurt one of his crewmates, in fact, Ian did tell him that he and they had vanished for a while back then because he took them to train…

So he knew he was selfless and would even sacrifice himself for them since he did save Robin at the cost of making the whole world his enemy… but he is selfish in that he wants to go on adventures no matter what…

He would never run from battle, and he is mostly carefree keeping a smile on his face.

The quickest way to anger him is to hurt his friends or curse them…

Shanks took a deep breath.

"Then after the war is done, and assuming we win, would you rule this world and its people? What would you do after that?" Shanks asked.

Ian didn't need to think about this hard.

"I won't. I enjoy my freedom thank you. But I may strive to make this world a united place where every person from every race can enjoy their life and live happily!" Ian replied with a small smile…

Ian did have thoughts about this, which is why he didn't take too long to answer.

At that time achieving this goal would be easy…

Shanks nodded at Ian's words…

"Then I'm satisfied with your answers. As I said, I will join you at that time and help you, my crew is quite strong you know, so we would be of huge help!" He said with pride. With the said crew smiling at the praise.

Ian nodded with a smile. Another ally gained. Things were looking great for them…

"You are still young, Ian, so you may not know this but there is a higher form of Haki, currently in the whole world, only I had mastered! I'm going to teach you precisely that!" Shanks told Ian as his demeanor changed back to a serious one.

Shanks when he was still on roger's ship had shared a talk with Roger… This form of Haki was taught to him by Roger, and he was made to promise to teach it later on to the person Roger was waiting for… The late pirate king hoped it would be his son… Shanks hoped it would be Luffy… but it turned out it was Ian.

Still, shanks felt satisfied now, and he had no problems teaching it to Ian.

Ian looked on wonder.

'Was this what my dad had talked about?' Ian thought.

Shanks grabbed his sword with his hand.

"But first let's see where your current power stand, shall we?" Shanks asked as red lightning started to surround his form… with the sound of electricity crackling around.

Ian saw this and smiled.

'In the end, what that crazy man said was true!' Ian thought to himself…

He shook his head and for now focused on the coming fight.