Meeting the prince Loki

Soon, they had reached the top of the tree, and Bemir, the wolf mount continued on towards the big place that they could see even from where they were. Atop the tree many wooden houses were visible, but they appeared to be uninhabited for some reason.

Maybe the other giants wanted this place to symbolize their king, well prince for now…

When they reached the castle, Fognir went inside and they followed after him reaching a place where they could wait.

"I'll go ahead and see if you can talk with our Prince today," Fognir announced before he went away.

Ian and co were left standing there.

They looked at each other, before they just relaxed, and sat on the huge chairs and couches.

"Let's just wait then," Ian told them.


A few minutes later, Fognir came back along with another person, much bigger than him.

This one had a braided red beard and didn't wear anything from the waist above. He only wore vambraces and his pants along with some boots. He had a huge axe on his back that appeared to be extremely sharp.

As for his height, it had actually reached almost 29 m.

"Welcome, Yonko Ian! My name's Fenrisúlfr. I am the captain of the royal guards, and also the captain of the Loki Special Forces. Our prince is ready to meet you. Come join us." He started. And while it appeared that he was normal on the outside, he was panicking on the inside due to the strength he felt from Ian.

He knew then and there, that Ian could beat him easily.

Ian gave a nod.

"It's good to meet you." He said.

He then started to follow after him.

Meanwhile, Fognir stood behind along with Ian's crew.

This new guy that was leading Ian was the reason he wasn't scared about Ian and his crew. He was the one responsible for the protection of their prince since although Loki was strong, he was still young.

He was also the one responsible for the Special Forces that had a lot of important duties in the kingdom… his existence along kept the tribe leaders in line…

If Fenrisúlfr heard what Fognir was thinking, he would have slapped him. He himself had felt Ian's power, and immediately knew he was no match to him.


With Ian.

"You don't mind if I join you inside?" Fenrisúlfr asked Ian just as they had reached the throne room, where Loki was sitting. Although he knew Ian was stronger if anything wrong happened inside, he at least could buy time for his prince to run away… he was the captain of the royal guards after all, and has been even when Loki's father was the king.

Ian nodded his head.

"Feel free to do so." He said.

This guy was strong, he could feel it. As such, it was good to have him on their side. There was no reason to refuse this simple request.

After knocking on the huge doors, they entered inside, and Ian was able to see the giant sitting there on the throne.

He was not actually that tall, for the prince of the giants, but that was understandable since he was still young. His height was close to 22 m. which was not bad but rather shirt for a giant.

But… Ian was able to feel that he was quite strong himself…

"Prince Loki… It's good to meet you." Ian started.

The moment Loki laid eyes on Ian, he finally understood everything.

Standing in front of him was the one person he was waiting for since a while now.

He decided then and there, that he will make sure to bring Ian to their side.

"Please, just call me Loki."


Ian started his audience with the prince. He explained everything to him about the diávoloi and what was soon going to happen.

He continued on by mentioning all his allies that he managed to bring so far, that way he would put pressure on the prince, since so many strong people have joined, then what Ian was saying gained more credibility.

Sadly for Ian, the moment Loki had seen him, he had already resolved to follow after him for some reason… so there was no reason to go to all this trouble.

(A/N: Not going to bother and write this again haha so *Skip no jutsu*)


"And that's why the addition of the Giants to our forces, will give us a massive advantage against our enemy." Ian finished.

Loki gave a few minutes before he nodded his head.

"I agree to your request. The giants will join your alliance." He firmly stated.

Ian smiled. This was good news. But first…

"Loki… You mentioned, the giants… You mean those under you right?" Ian questioned.

Although a lot of giants were here, Ian knew that this was barely a fraction of their huge numbers.

And what he wanted and came for was the whole of the giants' race.

Loki smiled.

"No. I meant the whole race of the giants will join." He spoke up.

Ian didn't know where his confidence was coming from.

Although he was their prince, Ian knew for a fact that it didn't mean shit, until the day of the coronation happened and he managed to become the king.

Ian had learned all of this from Sengoku and Garp.

Loki was the son of the previous king. But the giants didn't care for blood relations to crown a king. He would have to prove that he is worthy of the title before he gets it.

How? By beating any other challenger for the kingship from the other tribes.

But, there was a giantess, whom Sengoku, said is much stronger than Loki from one of the tribes, and it was estimated that he would lose his place at that time when they fight…

Loki as if he understood Ian's worry, reassured him.

"I will be the king. You don't have to worry. In fact, you by being here had already helped me come closer to that goal. And it's not because you are a Yonko don't worry. I have something that will guarantee that the whole race of the giants will become united. That's why I can confidently state that the giants will join the alliance." Loki spoke up.

Ian didn't know what he meant. If it was not his status that will help then what? Ian didn't know the answer, and it appeared Loki was not going to explain what that was either.

He would have read his mind… but he was not that type of person. So he refrained from that.

And if Loki was this confident, Ian would just have to leave it up to him. In any way, he was sure that Fenrisúlfr who was by the side wouldn't let Loki lose.

After all, Sengoku did say he was the strongest among the tribe leaders… and that was in his base form. He had eaten a Zoan devil fruit, so his upper strength was yet to be known.

As such Ian gave a nod.

"I will leave that up to you," Ian said.

A short smile made its way to Ian's face. Another strong ally had joined their side.