The one-piece!

"It's good that you have finally managed to reach this place young Ian. Let me introduce myself properly."

"I go by the name Uranus. And I have existed since the birth of this world and have watched it grow."

"Similarly, this right here is my sibling, born at the same time as me, Poseidon. You know us as the sky ruler and sea emperor!"

"Together, we are the gods that kept watch over this world since its creation," Uranus said.

Ian and co were shocked for a second.

After all, Ian was still trying to guess who could they be, when this bomb just exploded in front of them.

Uranus, Poseidon… gods?

They stood there stunned in place.

Ian had to wake up from his stupor after hearing this.

"It's a pleasure to finally meet you two." Ian bowed his head respectfully. Something his crewmates hurried to follow the example of.

Not out of fear, or for their strength, but just because they deserved it as such wise and old beings.

"Haha, no need for such a thing young Ian, by now we know each other enough to forgo such a thing." Uranus laughed, his deep and wise voice leaving them feeling refreshed and calm.

But soon he turned serious as he jumped down the broken castle wall and came near them.

"I know that this is too quick young Ian, but time is not on our side. Our enemy has awoken, and any second now, a great war against the whole world could start out. You have come all this way… That is to find the meaning of the one-piece, right?" The dragon being called Uranus calmly spoke up.

"I am indeed here to finally see the biggest hidden mystery of this world," Ian responded to his question. After all this journey, he knew everything was related to the one-piece treasure that Roger talked about, so he was correct as he replied.

It appeared that the whole world was on the brink of war while he was searching for Laughtale. He decided to later call his allies for a talk.

His crewmates shared a look between themselves after they had gotten their bearings back, and decided that this time they should keep quiet and listen.

"Then come forth and see for yourself. We don't have time to waste, otherwise, we would have liked to talk some more with you and your crewmates young Ian," Uranus informed with a regretful tone.

"But don't fret, all your questions will be answered next," Poseidon spoke up.

Then not wasting any more time, Ian and co were pulled towards a dream-like world that was fully white. There was no longer anyone besides them. The two gods were nowhere to be seen.

As usual, Stella was the first to raise any question.

"Whaaaat? Where are we? And where did they go? Aren't they supposed to explain? How come…" Stella kept murmuring annoyedly as she ran around the place.



Everyone suddenly perked up as they heard loud laughter around them.

"You can all relax. We have pulled you to our mindscape so that you can see the truth with your eyes. Now pay attention" Uranus's voice rang up.

Only then did the crew relax.

Ian gave a nod at the air before suddenly a scene started to play around them.

An aerial view of a huge continent surrounded by various other smaller islands appeared in front of them.

But it was apparent that only the huge continent had living people on it.

"Once in the past, the world was united. There was but a sole supercontinent and its name was the Pangaea continent." Uranus calmly narrated.


The crew were once again stunned speechless. It came all of a sudden. But they had no time to respond.

"Humanity had not even been born yet."

"Then for thousands of years, us pair of siblings toured the world in boredom… nothing was there for us to see… Until one day, humans appeared. Of course, that wasn't due to us, that much we knew. This was related to something even beyond us. Something much grander than us"

A scene of them flying and swimming around the world appeared. And then one day, while they stayed in the sky floating, they watched as a few primitive humans worked together to hunt their prey for food.

"The years kept passing, and we grew intrigued by the humans each passing day, and thus after watching them for enough time, we decided to bestow life into our own creations. The sea kings and Empyreans. This was how they came to be."

They calmly listened not daring to stop him or interrupt.

The happenings this day would go down in history.

The scene played where their children were born, they saw a cute but still smaller in size Ariel as he first breathed in this world.

"But then, when everything was going good for the humans, something unexpected happened."

"The whole continent exploded and divided one day as a huge mass of red mountains appeared between them separating them. This was the red line."

The scene changed to one where the earth was shown in its spherical form and then the red line seemingly appeared all of a sudden all around the world.

"At the time we suspected nothing of course, and we thought this was the natural course of the world. After all, even we could not go against nature. But for me and Poseidon we still felt a vague dangerous feeling from the red line. In the future, we came to know that the continent was changed on purpose to divide everyone, and make the conquering easier for the existence which was still vigilant of us at the time."

"Following after the red line, the grand line naturedly formed, and between all the islands of the world, the red line and grand line separated the world into four parts, the east, west, north, and south blue." Next, still on the spherical point of view, the grand line crossed path with the red line. And the four seas were born.

"Until this point, nothing too outrageous had happened to threaten the world, thus we had no need to interfere."

"But strange happening started to occur after this. Strange looking exotic devil fruits that were massive in size appeared all over the world. Each one of them contained a massive amount of power. And once the humans ate it, a bizarre thing happened." Huge devil fruits were shown growing out of trees, and they were quite different from what the crew were accustomed to. These ones besides their bigger size seemingly were full of energy and it was apparent they were much stronger.

"By watching for a while we understood that the devil fruits gained their properties from the place they grew near. If it was a volcano, it gained the magma property, when it grew near a wild animal, it gained the ability to turn the eater into a new form that is the combination of both animal and human." A scene was shown where an orange fruit, suddenly changed into a swirly devil fruit and grew in size until it naturedly fell from the tree due to the weight.

"And when it grew near one of our children, it gained their properties, and thus new races were born." Similarly, ones that have grown near their children also changed and became what is now known as Zoan devil fruits.

"Humans who ate the devil fruit evolved into a new race." Humans found such devil fruits nearby and they ate them, thus they changed form to become fishmen, giants, minks, and so on. Multiple devil fruits of the same kind existed, and thus communities of each race started to form.

"The devil fruits of that time were much more potent than those of now. And thus anyone that ate one no longer gained the ability to become a human and stayed forever in that hybrid form. This is how Fishmen, giants, and all the other races came into being."

Uranus dropped a bomb on them and this time he gave them a while to digest what he had said thus far.

Ian thought about this hard. He had always wondered about how all the races including humans came to be. It turns out this was how.

Ian nodded.

"The red line itself was the thing responsible for this mess. It is the devil fruit tree producing all these devil fruits. And it is the creation of our enemy we are so wary of. Its branches are connected to every island of this world except a few." Uranus continued on after a while.

A scene showed where the red line had extremely thin branches that were connected to every island.

And these branches led to trees blossoming on the islands and from there some trees led to the birth of the devil fruits.

Next, the scene changed to show a huge mass of tentacles that were in another dimension, and each of these tentacles connected at some point to the red line.

"How it produces the devil fruits was due to using its power via the red line."

"Of course, at the time we didn't know about this being at all, instead seeing the new races, we had finally decided to show ourselves to the humans."

A scene showed where they both showed in front of a village with only humans in it.

For the other races they each decided to live on their own as no one accepted the other.

And once the two gods showed up, the humans began to worship them.

They then taught these humans about the mysterious spiritual energy called Haki and gave them the ability to protect themselves from the other naturedly stronger and newer races.

"Then for a while, nothing happened… Until a time came when wars between the races happened. It was a brutal time, and there was no definite winner." Wars between the giants and the fishmen, between the minks and the humans, between the cyclops and the long-limbs… wars were constant and bloody and it continued like this for years.

"But it was not so simple, this time was the time we managed to finally know that something was wrong. All those wars were the result of someone scheming while remaining hidden. That was the first time we found a Diavoloi. The first time where all those who had eaten devil fruits abruptly changed forms and became Diavoloi. Thus, we finally felt that vile energy. Since this existence hides in another dimension from us we didn't' find out about him any sooner." The first time a human became a diavoloi was shown, and then the gods became enraged. At that time the devil fruits were stronger than those of now, so the awakening was not an easy thing.

"Of course, now that we found this, it was time to interfere. I, Uranus, decided to choose from the worthiest clans of the humans, only those worthy and gave them a huge power to be of help to them, it was the ability to lead the Empyreans as long as they deem you worthy. And Poseidon did the same. Except he had chosen one from the fishmen to do the same but with the sea kings." Why humans, well it was due to the strength they showed after they had begun to master Haki. They had become so much strong, and they didn't get corrupted. Instead, the clan Uranus blessed, lead the humans on a path to unite the whole races under the keyword: Freedom.

And then the mermaids from the fishmen, since Poseidon trusted their calm and trustful nature. They were worthy of having their gifts.

Uranus was shown as he gave his blessing for a human king to command the Empyreans for as long as he remained just. Next, Poseidon did the same, except it was for the mermaids to command the sea-kings.

"This was how the two ancient weapons of mass destruction were born."

Ian and co listened with shocked expressions.

'What about Pluto?' Ian was about to voice this thought but he was beaten to it.

"As for the third one… That one is much more greater than any gift we could give. The existence by your side, the ship spirit, is a natural creation of the world. Just like us. Her potential knows no bounds…"

Ian gave a quick look at Libell. So essentially, she was a goddess… and her strength depended on her crew. Did that mean that she was capable of replicating Poseidon's ability since Ian had it? Ian had this dangerous thought.

"The reason why such a huge number of humans became like that all of a sudden was made apparent soon. And it turned out our decision to give our gifts to them was correct. Roughly 800 years ago, the existence itself came and attacked us with the help of all the diavoloi under it that it had changed. It had scouted enough and thought it could take us on. But we also didn't make things easy for them, and we joined effotrs and cursed the devil fruits eaters to not be able to touch the sea."

"The humans had many kingdoms, but they were all united under an ancient kingdom that was called The holy kingdom of Mariejois." Another bomb was dropped.

So that means the reason the world government didn't want the ancient kingdom's name to show, was due to this. Ian thought to himself. They had taken the very name of the kingdom they took down and then erased its history from the world.

Otherwise, if the name was known when that professor spoke, the world government would suffer vastly, since it was known at the time that the twenty kingdoms took down the ancient kingdom, but then they decided to take its name? it would be fishy and people would suspect the 20 kingdoms were at the wrong.

"It had twenty smaller kingdoms under it, and they fought on our side, along with our children with weapons blessed to damage the diavoloi… Until a betrayal happened where the ancient Kingdom was betrayed by the twenty kingdoms and it fell. We, of course, wouldn't have let that happen, but fighting against that existence was not easy and we couldn't lose focus…" A similar scene to the one Kizaru had recently seen was presented.

Two large bodies fought with a much bigger mass of darkness with tentacles swinging wildly. Meanwhile, the buildings of the great kingdom kept getting broken and soon, it was all in ruin.

"We barely defended against this existence until it finally retreated after losing too much of its energy and it knew we wouldn't lose to it. And since that time, it had never shown up again and all of us stayed hidden recuperating our wounds." The existence they fought was not someone from this world. Thus its energy was only gained through its followers and was limited.

Ian and co by this point had solemn expressions on their faces. This was the happenings of the void century.

"Following this, the one you know as Im, the servant of the existence, took hold of everything and started planning on how to change the course of history. And while we slept, the ancient kingdom itself was buried and cut from history. The gods were erased from any existing text, and the word about the devils vanished." The world was then changed forever, as the existence of the world government came into being. No mention of what was before remained and the only way to get any info on that was via the indestructible books left by the ancient kingdom.

This was all shown to them visually.

"The survivors of the ancient kingdom created the Poneglyphs and engraved them with their will, to make sure their dreams remained alive and to also guide anyone to reach the real place of the ancient kingdom since it is in this dimension and not even that existence can reach it. We helped them by positioning these five islands in a way that will be hard to decipher, and even more so since only a few knew how to read the Poneglyphs which contained their coordinates." A scene was shown as the Poneglyphs were being made, and a huge chunk of an island that remained from the ancient kingdom where both Gods laid to recuperate abruptly vanished from the one-piece world in a swirl of spatial power.

That was Laugh tale, and Roger upon visiting all four islands on the Poneglyphs was made aware of its position.

The ancient kingdom was destroyed and separated into many parts. Four of which were the islands Ian had passed through, another was the one he and the rest were in currently.

"And this was the same place we were dwelling in asleep. Following after, the world government, made by those twenty kingdoms, banished sea travelling in order to stop people from finding out the truth. And started labelling any adventurer as an evil pirate and hunting them dead. If the world gained the knowledge that their rulers colluded with real devils -that had come from outside this world to consume every source of energy on it- collueded with them to take down the gods that always protected this planet, there was no doubt that a great war would be started in revolt." The adventurers became pirates, she, Im, became a god, her subjects became celestial dragons, an insult to the two dragon gods, and her enemies became God's archenemies. The world government with Im at the lead commanding five elders chosen from the celestial nobles started her schemes.

The sea no longer remained free. It was regulated, and every other newly made kingdom had to pay fees for the protection of the world government to travel and sell through the seas, stating that the sea was dangerous and filled with sea kings. The grand line entrance point was heavily watched, the red line can't be crossed easily without gaining permission, and the sea largely became owned by Im.

Then along 800 years, Im amassed her forces via the devil fruits that weren't as strong as before, but would still lead to diavoloi if someone failed their awakening. And at the same time, she continued to feed energy, to the existence that was recuperating, via the corpses of the dead people collected through the wars and all these years.

Thus, when her sovereign woke up, it would have an army to fight under it while it finally consumes the gods and the rest of the world.

"But amidst these precarious times, while asleep, both of us had a vision that gave us our confidence back. A person with unlimited potential would come to beat the existence which had been accumulating power all this time. We knew he wasn't from this world, and we knew he was able to get stronger quickly. Thus, we also stayed hidden and awaited the time to come." Poseidon took the helm and spoke up this time.

Ian presumed that this person should be him, but he didn't rudely interrupt them and kept silent.

As expected Poseidon chuckled before he explained.

"As you might have guessed, this person is you. How do we know for sure it's you? Because only you and the existence we have fought, possess that innate ability to make us feel afraid." Poseidon explained.

Ian was confused, however.

How can he make these two existences that almost appeared godly fear him?

"Apart from you not being of this world, it is due to some strange quality about you Young Ian. I do not know how or what it is, but it is the reason you have been growing strong so fast. And each time you became stronger, that feeling grew for us. Similarly, the existence has had rapid growth since it first made it on this planet, until now it had become stronger than us individually. Its strength increases the more it consumes… and Its goal is to consume the whole world to break the boundaries and soar through the unlimited universe." Uranus explained this time.


Ian immediately had a bell ring in his head.

'Is it the ability I got out of the one responsible for my reincarnation?' Ian thought.

It made sense. And this existence also had something similar since its goal was actually so grand. To consume the whole world, as expected of a world boss.

Then it made sense how they knew who Ian was.

"Another point for how we knew you were the one, is in the vision, the person had been in command of the entire Empyreans force and sea kings," Poseidon spoke up.

"Since I had given Poseidon to the Fishmen, I had to bless you independently from them. But there is a reason." He continued on.

Ian was starting to understand.

"Then you'll give me Uranus since I already have two with me?" Ian turned to ask Uranus, the dragon god.


"You are already Uranus. You were born with it." Uranus snorted.

"We didn't plan it. But the only people capable of gaining Uranus are the 'D' people. Those carrying the will of 'D'. those still clinging to their dreams."

"That's how we knew it was you 100%. You had naturedly acquired the means to fight against the Diavoloi as if it was destined by gaining two of the three ancient weapons. As for the third, you were right about to get her with you, and thus you would become the person we had seen on our vision. Standing on the deck of a flying ship, with Empyreans atop in the sky, and sea kings in the sea." Uranus explained his earlier words that Ian had misunderstood.

"And I, seeing you about to get all three, relented and gave you the same ability as my children," Poseidon explained.

"He has always been a softie on his children." Uranus chuckled gaining a glare from Poseidon.

Ian understood as he smiled. Indeed, it was better the ability passes to him than for someone like the mermaid princess to go through wars and change from the innocent child she is.

But now that Ian understood this part, he was left with what Uranus meant by the will of 'D'.

It was time Ian understood that.

"When you said the will of 'D', what exactly do you mean? What is such a thing?" Ian asked.

"That is the will passed on through the Poneglyphs into every person that identifies as a 'D'. When I first blessed the leader of that clan that ruled the ancient kingdom, the kingdom itself didn't consist of only humans. No, it was full with every race that existed, some of which had come since they disagreed with their clans' mentality of being the superior race, and others were shunned from their clans and oppressed. But it was apparent that all of them were good and the kingdom was united due to them. Thus the kingdom's goals, however, were to unite the whole world under the banner of freedom." Uranus spoke with nostalgia.

"As for their will, it can naturedly be interpreted as their dreams for the world. With a smile on their faces, they wanted to bring freedom to all races and to make the world one piece once again. This trait was not hereditary, yet as we slept, countless people carrying the 'D' surname all had one thing in common. They always kept smiles on their faces and aspired to gain freedom for everyone. And since Im succeed in making humans the evil of the world, the races became even more divided, thus the will of 'D' became even more stronger."

"Among these beings that carried the will to unite the world and searched for freedom, some outstanding ones were named by us as Joy boy." Poseidon took the helm back and explained.

Ian gave a nod.

"Then does that mean that the will of 'D' is actually the one-piece treasure named by Roger?" Ian asked.

Meaning it was the dream to unite the world and make it one piece like it was in the past one giant continent. It fits with the historical tellings.

"Roger was the last Joy boy, and he had the pleasure of meetings us. He was a cheerful person that believed his son would be the person we are waiting for. Haha, that fellow was quite good."

"He had the same dream to unite all the races similarly, but he knew it wasn't possible for him. Thus, he had gone and sparked what you call the great age of the pirates. All to search for this one-piece treasure he left. While in reality, the treasure he left isn't as it seems. The fame he talked about would naturedly come if you reach the last island, Laugh tale. Since it is part of the ancient kingdom, you can rest assured the treasures that are here, are enough to shower the world in gold and emeralds. As for power, as long as you reach the last island then that means you got all three ancient weapons and thus, the power would naturedly be yours, you who commands the sea and the skies."

"So, in a way, he was not wrong as he said that. But at his dying breath, these words sparked a great movement, that was everything Im and the existence didn't wish for." Uranus patiently narrated everything as he reminisced about the past.

"As for the name One-piece, as you might have guessed… Four pieces of Poneglyph leads to laughtale, where you'll find the truth of how the world was once one piece. It is aptly named by him." Uranus added.

Ian gave a nod.

But he then had another question come to mind.

Where does the moon people fit into this? According to what he knew they had originated from the moon and relocated to earth.

As such he asked.

"What about the moon people?"

The answer came soon.

"They had always existed on the moon and their technology was high. But, as you would expect, they were also shunned by the other races, and thus they joined the ancient kingdom that accepted them and became a huge part of why the ancient kingdom was successful. They were actually among the survivors of the great kingdom. And some of their descendants live to this day on the sky island." Uranus explained.

"Young Ian, it seems like it's time to end this now." Uranus all of a sudden turned serious as he said this.

For a while, he had been lying comfortably on the side with his wings folded. But now he stood up in his full height and was at full attention. Similarly, Poseidon was the same.

It seemed what they had to say next was quite important.

"You must embrace our power and ready yourself to face off against the greatest enemy this world had ever seen!" Uranus spoke in his deep voice.

"Your allies have already moved and deployed to Marijois, our enemy had awoken and recalled all his diavoloi via teleportation. The normal humans and civilians had all moved back from there, meanwhile, everyone capable of fighting had moved to join our side under the convincing words of the emperors, and the Marines."

"And we also did a little something to convince them even more. Our conversation about the threat we are facing was fully broadcasted to the whole world. And now, considering our enemy had yet to fully awaken, they are moving under the orders to buy enough time and prevent as many casualties as possible." Shocking words were delivered. It had been just a short few days since Ian had come here, and the whole world had already moved in such a rapid way.

"Buy time… you say?" Ian was overwhelmed by the news he had heard so far.

The final fight for the world had come too soon. And even though he already knew he had to fight against Im's master, wasn't this too soon. He could feel after all that he wasn't its opponent.

"Yes! Buy time for you to finally come and deliver the last strike. Even we can't beat that entity. The hope of this world lies in you young Ian." Uranus spoke up and the form of the two majestic dragons next to him speaking with such confidence, brought Ian out of his momentary confused and nervous state.

He nodded.

"I understand. But first, let me give my crew their orders." Ian said and turned to face his crewmates.

They had been keeping silent so far and watching how things would go. After all, these two before them can be called gods. Even they who followed Ian and had practically evolved and stood atop the world in terms of strength had zero chance of beating them. In fact, they doubted if even Ian could scratch them, much less beat them.

Even though he had entered a similar stage to them, this was practically the godhood stage, and he had just entered it. Meanwhile, they had reached the peak. Every small increase in this state was huge in comparison to other stages. Ian couldn't jump and fight stronger opponents this time, there just was too much of a gap.

"You guys, as you heard, things have become too chaotic this time. You followed me this far and we together reach heights no one had ever reached before. But now you must head out. There are some reliable folks there protecting everyone and buying time, but you must join them, only then can I focus on this current task. I promise to join you as soon as possible… and then we will liberate this world" He sincerely spoke his mind.

His crewmates didn't need to be told twice, they all saluted him with an ay ay captain, and the next thing he saw was Uranus creating a portal for them before they were gone.

And now only Ian was left there.

"I'm ready." He spoke.

"That's good." Both gods laughed echoed in the space. They had high hopes for Ian.

"Then first of all, take that devil fruit you have kept all this while…"


Fights between the diavoloi had already started.

The war took place atop the red line near the castle.

Every pirate, every marine, every mink, everyone against the diavoloi was present. Even the residents of Kurma, including Ian's father, were here. And their biggest allies, sea kings and Empyreans.

They fought against the surprising number of diavoloi that had almost reached a third of their numbers.

But why were the diavoloi so hugely numbered? That was because a huge roar that echoed through the whole world had rallied them up and awoke them from their slumber…

Everyone who was under Im and the owner of the roar had to abide by the order to come.

But even then, their numbers were just not enough.

Next, the elites among them came from their hiding place in the Florian triangle.

Still not enough.

This time when the allies thought everything was going well and that the enemy's numbers were not that much, a second much more powerful roar that shook the world came.

The consequences of it were huge.

Every devil fruit eater all of a sudden started to face the toughest battle of their lives so far.

Their devil fruits awakening had come.

And inside their mindscapes, they had to fight one on one against a diavoloi, and the winner would gain control of the body, while the loser would be imprisoned.

This way the numbers of the diavoloi side increased, but it was not such a devastating blow as to completely change the tides of the battle.

After all their numbers didn't even reach a third of theirs.

And this fierce roar didn't manage to turn all the devil fruit eaters. Surprisingly most of them survived with their strong wills.

But they didn't know that their side had two gods who had done their best to weaken the roar and allow them to win.


A diavoloi was a tough being, as such no one person except the strongest among them could with them alone.

The regular pirates had to team up just to barely fight against one of them. Whether this diavoloi was huge or was regular sized it still needed a few of them to bring down. Their sizes and power varied, and those newly transformed ones were quite weak and stayed human-sized too.

And this was after their weapons had been strengthened with the water given to them before the start of the war.

Poseidon had further blessed the sea to increase the curse on the diavoloi. And if they coated their weapons in the water, their attacks would prove effective on their enemies.

This proved effective in making the allies side more powerful.


While everyone was fighting, and the sounds of weapons clashing around echoed out, a select few people were quite busy.

"Guh! These bastards are tough." Pirates struggled in their fights.

Among the diavoloi surrounding the red line, there were a few that had reached a high enough level to overpower the pirates.

And only a few could deal with them.

This led the top powers of the allies to interfere.

They were: Shanks, Whitebeard, Garp, Rayleigh, Mihawk, Kaido, Shiki, Sengoku, Dragon, and so on.

Each one of them was keeping at bay two or three of the elites at the same time.

"Oi Dragon, how come you're only fighting two of them? This old man can deal with three," Garp laughed out loud at his son.

Dragon shook his head.

"This is a war. War!" He gave up on his father who was playing around. But even if he said so, they were all giving it their all.

Rayleigh finally showed the world why they called him the dark king, he was like the king of hell as he reaped the heads of countless of their enemies, all the while laughing to himself about how the youths around should train some more, and how his back was hurting him, which was a lie.

Sengoku dealt pure and fierce power strikes to the enemies as he was in a giant buddha form that gave him a huge defense.

"A bunch of kids… even at this time they remain true to themselves." He muttered to himself.

"Oi you guys, move on already and reinforce the left side, you have only taken down one of them." He didn't forget his role and gave orders to their allies.

Kaido was in his huge form and he mainly chose to fight the bigger ones since they could deal damage just by walking or moving their hands due to their size.

Mihawk similarly did the same as he had the ability to send huge cutting sword air blades full of Haki.

Shiki settled into a role of a game master as he reinforced all allies and provided timely attacks to save their allies by his earth dragons. He was also targeting a few large diavolois and keeping them occupied.

Meanwhile, it could be said that the one most effective among them was Shanks by how easily he disposed of any enemy he came near.

But just as things were relatively stable…

All of a sudden four huge blaring presences appeared on the battlefield. They were encroaching from all four directions surrounding the red line, and they had to stop them on the sea before they make any more steps.

Shanks shared a look with old man Whitebeard.

"This is quite a dire situation, old man…" Shanks spoke.

Whitebeard snorted as he brandished his bisento.

"Troublesome…" He snorted but nonetheless prepared to go hold them off.

But right before the confrontation happened, new people showed up in the sky. Specifically, nine of them.

They were Ian's crewmates.

Akemi from her falling position in the sky blurred through the air and moved around the battlefield in her transformed Sulong form as she attacked a diavoloi with her lengthened claws.

The attack stunned her opponent for a second, and the surrounding allies took advantage of this.

Following after her was Reiju, who had stopped using her family's tech. she could fly on her own anyway using Geppo.

Her abilities revolved around poison, which was quite ineffective against the diavoloi, but there were various types of poisons…

Drawing the shape of a bow with her hands, she floated in the air and started shooting poisonous acid shots that actually managed to hurt the diavoloi.

Stella was actually quite impressive as she also moved like the rest. Her direction towards a suspicious mop of green hair. Not to the surprise of her crewmates.


She jumped on him and hugged him while her legs coiled around him.

"Hey, stop, I know it was a while since we met, but I can't see like this." Zoro hurriedly sheathed his swords as he tried to move her to the side, but she stuck on like a koala.

"Oh, no need, I can fight like this." She happily told him.

Her attacks didn't target just one opponent, she rather moved to incapacitate as many as she could for the others to attack.

Here chains with ends shaped like a scythe moved through the air and cut the bodies of the diavoloi, and bound them by spinning around them, the chains then cut off from her, but stayed in place, as she now didn't need to be always in contact with them.

Seeing this Zoro was helpless. His crewmates laughed openly at him, meanwhile, only one person was crying tears of blood on the side…

"You brat, leave him alone, can't you see where we are?" A mature charming voice came from the side and admonished Stella.

The guy on the side crying turned energetic immediately.

"Robiiin-Chwaaan!!" But then as if he came to a sudden realization, his shoulders dropped and his eyes dimmed. Even Robin is taken…

Robin chuckled as she saw Sanji, and then greeted the straw-hats.

"It's been a while everyone." She smiled at them.

Nami and Nojiko came running from the side and hugged her.

And Luffy laughed happily.

"Robin, you have gotten very strong!" he smiled at her.

She gave a nod.

Although Luffy had sensed her Haki, it was also due to the fact that around them, huge giant Robin, who was even bigger than a Giant was rampaging and beating diavolois left and right with her giant and multiple Haki coated arms. This giant form of her however was only from the waist upwards and she was fully clothed.

"You have also become stronger, Luffy!" Robin gently replied.



Far above in the sky, someone else who came with them was also fighting.

It was Libell. Who by appearance would have been underestimated as a small child… but after they see what she was doing, they would cower in fear.

All abilities owned by her crew were easily used by her. Dark chain, darkness shields and weapons, giant arms, legs, lightning, fire, telekinesis, water attacks, ice, everything was used by her to provide timely attacks and buy time for their allies.

She was doing the same thing as old man Shiki who was grumbling at the side.

It was because she was doing it better. The both of them were like game masters that regulated the battlefield.


Don who was freefalling from the sky, looked at where the rest went before he shortly decided too. He saw the four huge diavoloi closing in and then turned to where Whitebeard was and laughed.

He then kicked the air and propelled himself near him landing and making a big crater.

"Old man, I'm grateful to you for protecting my home island. You can leave this side to me and go deal with the big guys." Don had a bloodthirsty smile on his face as he punched his fist into his palm.

Whitebeard laughed, one look at Don was enough to know how strong he was. Excluding his devil fruit, Whitebeard was sure he would lose to this young Fishman.

"I'll leave this to you."

But whitebeard had the strongest man title for a reason. And against the diavoloi, his devil fruit always proved that it was effective. Not to mention he and the rest of the guys had been further helped by Ian and increased their strengths, but of course, Ian's teammates would be at the top of this world by now considering how close they were.

"A reliable bunch just showed up… you guys go wild and show the world our real strength!" Whitebeard remarked before he shouted for the whole battlefield to hear.

Whitebeard then jumped from ship to ship and went to intercept one of the four diavoloi.

Once he had reached close he bent his legs and jumped as high as he could, reaching far above the head of his huge opponent, and then he kicked the air to reach its head, a technique quite easy when your speed and power were at a certain point, and he then started to spin like a wheel and delivered a strike to the head of the diavoloi.

His bisento was coated in his full power Haki of armament and conqueror plus his quake power, and this led to the air breaking on top of its head and threw it into sea violently.

"Gurahahahah, I would have never dreamed that I would be part of the greatest war the world had ever seen…"


"I do not have the old man's destructive power…"

Similarly, Bert had taken over the guys Shanks was fighting. This provided the chance for Shanks to go in a blur of red electricity and deliver a shocking, literally, strike to one of the legs of the diavoloi coming from the side. The blow was heavy and had a stunning effect as the diavoloi keeled on one side and almost fell over from losing balance.

"But I can deal with you in this way"

The diavoloi roared.

"GUH! You're that red-haired brat!!" It swung its hand onto him, but he deftly moved around leading to the attack to miss him.

Surprisingly the diavoloi can talk. Or unsurprisingly since they were quite strong, and among them was also Im who they knew of from before. It made sense the others could talk.

"I'll take you on from now." Shanks was casually standing on the mast of a ship as he brandished his sword.

A grin of excitement was on his face. He didn't worry about this war, as he knew that being on the side of Ian guaranteed their win.


After Don and Bert took over for them, this left the rest to spread around and deal with the other troublesome opponents. They had to buy enough time for Ian.

Plus, they could tell that from under Marijois and the red line, something huge was coming.

Only Elene and Aokiji stood there.

"Kuzan, I want to take on Im!" Elene said with a serious expression on her face.

She rarely adopted such an attitude even in dire times as she would always keep a smile on her face.

But now she knew her opponent demanded as such. And this whole war was huge enough to affect the whole world.

It was no longer small things like pirates vs marines.

It had become humans against diavolois.

Kuzan gave a nod.

"I understand. Then I'm off," He wasn't sure he could deal with Im's ability to command people anyway.

He kicked the ground and subsequently vanished from there.

He was flying rapidly through the air, his body blue in colour and almost transparent as if he was just a mass of icy wind.

It was such a huge speed that he had reached the third of the four strongest diavoloi just as he had finished his talk with Elene.

His form passed through the leg of his opponent and then he started climbing on it until he reached the waist before he jumped back avoiding the diavoloi's strike with its hand.

The places where he passed through started to freeze rapidly then and its lower body was completely frozen a second later.

But… the diavoloi didn't bother using its arms to break the ice, just moving its legs did the trick.

"Ara ara… You easily dealt with that… then how about something stronger?" Kuzan slowly spoke up as white smoke came out of his mouth.

The normal white ice he uses turned a pure blueish colour as it was being broken off the body of the diavoloi, then it expanded and once again bound it, but this time something was different.

Spike protruded from inside the ice and punctured holes through the diavoloi making it roar in anger.

Aokiji, was a strong man, as evidenced by the fact he can keep up just now with one of the enemy's strongest forces. Only Whitebeard, Elene and shanks could do the same.


Elene who saw that smiled, but she soon followed his example.

Except she directly teleported into the shadows of her target.

She then said spoke out.

"Come forth… my loyal children!"

And her shadow expanded to cover the whole sea area around them and she stepped above the water cover in shadows as if it was land area. And then like it was some portal, hands started to propel themselves from beneath and climb to the surface.

Magma beings, water beings, wind beings, earth beings, lightning beings, shadows beings, beings of various elements, of various states appeared around her.

They all howled in happiness.

"Scatter around, deal with the diavoloi, and provide support when you can't win!" Elene gave an order.

Then her cloak spread around her to transform into a pair of dark wings while the hood atop her head had two white eyes.

Her boots crackled with lightning as she flapped her wings to float in the air slowly.

Here black gloves had flames on each finger as she finally grasped at her sword, Erebus.

The sword with a simple swing of her, extended to reach a huge height as she then put it on her shoulder and looked at her opponent.

The shadow empress Elene.

She had eaten big mom's devil fruit and had further evolved its usage.

She didn't need to consume parts of her own soul or others to create homies, or as she called them, Abyssals.

It was enough for the inanimate object to have a bit of will, for her to give life to them.

And With her was Ian, who had the ability of the voice of all things. He could hear that weak will, and thus he led her to create her Abyssals.

Her armaments were special however in that it was created as a joint effort of her and Ian using his lightning and fire on her boots and gloves, and she gave life to them, thus they gained that property.

Her clock was similar to Erebus and just made with darkness.

Giving one last glance at the battlefield and at her opponent still moving forward not caring about her, she finally moved.

Her from blurred like a bolt of lightning, reaching the target instantly.

She then swung her sword now being infused by her lightning, fire, and Haki.

An arm flew through the air, but surprisingly her opponent didn't cry in pain.

Not too shocking, since a second later the arm flew back in and reattached itself. Appearing as if it was normal.

"YOU! The companion of that ignorant insect… You!!!" The diavoloi's anger before her was overflowing like waves in an ocean.

This was… IM. In her primal diavoloi form.

A huge quadruple beast with feelers on her head growing back as if it was hair.

Each one had a sharp end like a spear, and just by looking at it, one's eyes would start to hurt.



Time moved on, and as the war was continuing on, a day had already passed.

Meanwhile, in another place.

The wind howled as two huge dragons moved about.

One of them flapped its wings and started to float in the sky, meanwhile the other swam adjacent to its trajectory.

They both were heading to a portal that had opened, one leading to the place of the war.

These were the two gods of this world.

They were sharing a conversation.

"Hmm, do you think he would succeed?" Poseidon asked telepathically.

He was asking about Ian, and if he would succeed in combining both of their strengths to come up stronger than both and finally put the enemy down for good.

His fellow dragon took a look at where Ian was but didn't stop flying forward.

There, behind them, his form laid cross-legged on the ground and being surrounded by a raging storm of elementals. There was fire, lightning, and water visible.

Each second passed, and the surrounding energy would become smaller as it was absorbed into Ian.

Both could feel his strength rapidly increasing, it was only a matter of time before he is done.

But they weren't sure if at that time he would be able to take down the entity leading diavoloi.

"Let's have faith in him." This was his reply before he turned his eyes forward.

Right now, they had more important matters.

While Ian was getting stronger, someone else was also preparing on the other side.

Their enemy was an alien form to this planet, so it did not come under the effects of its system.

It couldn't use spiritual force or as it's called now, Haki.

Unlike its creations which were at the base transformed humans. Thus, the world acknowledged them as part of it. And didn't reject them. But for it, it suffered a huge penalty being unable to resist Haki attacks.

Still, even with such a disadvantage, it was ridiculously strong. Even the both of them came short.

After their last battle many years ago, it was now ready to fight for the last time.

And they, just like the allies, needed to buy time. For Ian, and for the world.

"For now, we have a fight we can't afford to mess up on…"

They passed through the gate to fight their enemy.

The devourer: Typhoon.


Calm. Silence.

This was all that Ian could hear.

It had been almost a full day since the war had started, but Ian didn't have any means to know that.

The energy he was absorbing, continued to move at a maddening pace, but it was just so plentiful that it would probably take another full day to absorb.

Ian's form had become taller and more shredded. His bones and muscles density changed completely from that of before to reach a level comparable to that of dragons.

His entire DNA was rewritten to become a new species. it didn't have a name since it was the first of its kind, being a combination of diavoloi, human, giant, dragon and so on, but those who had reached such a level had a common name they went by.

The pure ones.

Similarly, to his body that had reached the absolute possible state of this world, his energy was also quantitatively and qualitatively changing rapidly. In fact, the whole first phase focused on his body, meanwhile, this one focused on his energy.

As usual, his mysterious energy that laid dormant most of the time only made a move at times like this.

It reinforced everything, and instead of just absorbing power, it actually evolved his body to become something natural for it.

His lightning, fire, and new dragon fruit fused to become natural abilities of his new form. If he had a descendent, there was a possibility for them to inherit such abilities.

But Ian wasn't aware of what was happening and was only focusing on absorbing the power. Half of the sky was still filled with this energy, so time was still needed.

Just like that… another day went by.


Chaos. This was the state of the battlefield.

Everything had been going smoothly for the allies' side, but then everything turned bleak as the true final boss of this war came.

It did not even appear fully.

Only its tentacles from under the red line sprung up and started rampaging around. The empyreans and sea kings were quick to interfere, and soon they also had the support of the two gods who joined the battle.

But as the fight went on, everything was getting worse; the allies' side just couldn't keep up.

While more and more of the boss's tentacles appeared. And each time that happened their side got suppressed.

Their only hope was Ian, but he was nowhere to be.

There was one thing the god feared and that was Ian arriving too late. And their opponent manifesting completely before.


Soon… their worries turned into reality when Typhoon the devourer fully manifested.


Ever since long ago, this being entered reality.

It was still an infant by it's species standards, and needed nutrients to grow.

When they reach their first growth spurt, they would be able to leave the planet they are on, and have a chance to meet one of their species.

What is considered nutrients to them?

Everything. It was not called a devourer just like that.

In fact, they were notorious in space for being an absolute menace, that even in their first time reaching adulthood, they would have to consume the whole planet they are on.

They were quite a hated species.

But no one on the world of one piece knew this.

And now that devourer had completely manifested after a long time.

Even the last time it did not have this current fearsome form.

And the two gods were not sure they could handle it as it was.


Its form was terror inducing to anyone that laid their eyes on it.

It had various tentacles for a lower body, numbering in the hundreds.

For its upper body, it had its tentacles surround its thin arms which had three sharp and long claws. Just before the elbow the tentacles twisting around its arm stopped and squirmed around. Similarly, its chest was full of such moving tentacles, almost functioning as if an armor.

Above said tentacles on its chest, there was another armor looking plate, that appeared to be made from spider webs, only it looked like a crystalized material rather than webs.

On its back, six sharp wings laid fluttering there, and from their shape and intensity, one would think it was swords rather than wings.

Which left only it's head, arguably the most terrifying thing about it.

It had only one wide eye sitting above a moth full of sharp teeth, that can open as if the whole head was split up with a sword.

Its one eye glared sharply ahead, specifically at the two gods.

But even while it didn't concentrate on the bugs below, some of them still fainted like that.

It gave one last roar before it moved.

Or more accurately, its tentacles moved.

They shot towards them from its arms, and were about to catch them, when suddenly they retaliated.

Uranus breathed such a concentrated tornado of golden flames at the tentacles before he flew forward towards it.

Poseidon simply dived in the sea, and then vanished before he appeared right below Uranus, bot moving at a high speed forward.

The tentacles that followed him into the water, were subsequently frozen in place. But they soon broke free, and Typhoon retracted its tentacles instantly.

Bringing its right arm to shield its face, crystalized web tissues woven together formed a shield to defend, and then another flame tornado struck at it, but it managed to easily move it to the side, before its tentacles snaked through the air to retaliate.

And just like that, Uranus ended up being caught by one of his legs, and then he was retracted along with its tentacles and slammed into the red line.

Uranus just couldn't dodge that number of tentacles at once, but even such an attack that would easily kill any other person, didn't manage to deal much damage to him.

But how much more of such attacks can he tank, and how long can he hold on like that?

Thankfully he had Poseidon to help.


Unfortunately for the allies and gods, Ian did not come as fast as they wanted.

Until now.

He had silently appeared over the battlefield and took in everything that was happening at once.

The two gods were still dealing with the enemy, meanwhile the elites of the diavoloi, including Im, had already been done for but the help of Elene, Aokiji, Shanks, and Whitebeard.

And right now, they were flying on top of the gods, and providing what help they could.

For the rest of the powerful combatants, including his crewmates, they were making sure no casualties happen on the battlefield as they moved from one place to another.

But while the battlefield didn't appear to sustain much damage, it did in fact suffer.

Many had already lost their lives in this war, no matter how the rest tried to prevent that.

And if it wasn't for the gods, it would have been worse. That was why they had it the worse, with Uranus losing a wing, and Poseidon having many deep gashes on its body.

But now he was here.

A new distinction people noticed about him were his wings, horns in his head and scaly tale.

But his face did not change except it appeared more refreshing and attractive.

Ian then spoke up with a normal voice.

"From now on, leave this to me. I will provide help for you to overcome your enemies, and I will take care of the bigger guy over there!" He did not yell or anything but his voice carried on like a whisper to the ears of everyone.

Then following this, everyone suddenly felt their wounds heal, and their energy recover at a rapid speed.

It didn't stop there, they felt their strength increasing following that.


This brought their fighting spirit back and had them yelling out in excitement.

Ian smiled, he had used his evolved abilities to something regular to when he helped evolve his crewmates, except since the number was so huge, it was rather temporary. Plus, he couldn't waste such a huge amount of energy to make the effect permanent, in the first place, the mysterious energy in his body was limited.

Next, he waved his hands, and across the whole battlefield every diavoloi still alive froze up, due to Ian holding them in place, and then he spoke.

"Make use of this time,"

He then looked at the enemy that was also staring at him.

And then they both vanished from that place.

Uranus used a small trick to show screens in the sky for the whole world to see.

The location, where Ian had just gone to.


There was no need to talk between the two.

They had reappeared in the dimension where Laugh tale was, since even if they destroyed this place no real damage would happen to the real world.

Ian could gauge that their strengths was almost equal.

But… he would win.

His form, a result of consuming the last devil fruit, was due to him becoming a dragon.

He wasn't transformed into a hybrid from but rather his whole race had changed, since this devil fruit was one of the few ones that had grown the very first time.

It had grown near Uranus and he along with the ring he made, he gave them to Ian.

It gave Ian the ability to control space, and to turn into a dragon.

Ian concentrated for a second, and then he directly entered his strongest form to date. His Raijin form.

Its size had increased to reach almost four meters in height and he turned completely made of lightning, but this time, his hands, legs, and head were covered by flames that coexisted with the lightning.

『There is no need to waste words on an insect soon about to be stepped on…』 Typhoon muttered with its one eye glowing red in anger.

Ian didn't mind. He simply grinned before he sped up towards his opponent.

He wasn't planning on making this fight long, he would kill it as soon as possible.

The moment its tentacles reached him, he swung his arm forward and the golden spear filled with crackling lightning moved and grew in size and started to spin while cutting every tentacle that got near him.

Ian then shot it forward at a high speed at the enemy, but the enemy covered its hands in that crystal thing, and then swung the spear to the sky and soon Ian couldn't see it anymore.

He simply smiled and continued on his attack.

The sky above them as a result of Ian's Haki, was full of stormy clouds and lightning raged on as the rain poured continuously.

An attack soon came at Ian in the shape of various crystal swords shot at him from the enemy.

He put his hand forward and created a shield. And it managed to hold them all effortlessly, in fact he directly took control of them and shot them back, but similarly to him, they were dealt with.


Except in this case its tentacles used to defend were shredded and regenerated leading to it roaring in anger.

"What was that about an insect?" Ian taunted it.

But surprisingly it didn't bother replying.

Surrounding its form, crystals started to grow and cover its whole body, even the tentacles.

It then attacked him while energy seemingly started to gather at its chest.

Ian knew something big was about to come, as such he decided to bring out his big guns too.

Ian calmly breathed before his hands moved slowly and he brought them forward.

He then punched forward at a high speed, and huge glowing dragon heads made from both lightning and flames shot at it instantly. He used every type of attack that he knew and sent it its way. His only hope was to overwhelm it with such attacks, as otherwise his physical power was not a match as such, he focused on his other powers.

Thousands of such attacks reached it and it almost looked like it panicked as it tried to stop its attack, but then its teeth were gritted and it decided to continue on as it would regenerate anyway.

Its defense held out well, but it just wasn't enough against such a huge number of attacks. Some attacks were redirected to the sky and some dispersed as it struck them…

But soon, even with the added crystals, the tentacles were severed, and even if they kept regenerating, Ian kept attacking.

He made two huge whips in his hands made of both fire and lightning and swung them horizontally as they bisected the tentacles sneaking around to attack him.

The lightning unlike the fire, stayed on its body and stung it every second.

He kept attacking using every move he knew, he applied gravity to any part he wanted to attack to slow it and prevent it from dodging and then he deal his blow.

But soon he noticed that its attack was done charging, and he stopped his attack.

The moment the sky was cleared, he noticed that its chest was opened, and a huge mass of darkness swam around it.

It then shot at Ian instantly.

Ian could feel the energy on that thing, and he was not confident he could deal with it.

As such he brought fourth his trump card.

Water from the sea below snaked through the sky and collided with the darkness slowing its movement.

And then bit by bit, the darkness started to decrease and Ian knew he was on the right path.

And then it completely vanished.

『 Impossible…!!』

Its one eye widened as it saw Ian stop its race special ability.

But Ian didn't give it time to think.

While it was charging its attack, he was attacking it, but that was merely a diversion to his true attack.

Ever since he had entered here, he was prepared to deal with it in one attack.

As most of his energy, Haki, his everything, was focused on the clouds way above in the sky. And only the tiny rest left was used to stall it.

And now it was done.

He used his water ability he got from Poseidon to restrain its form in place since it was still stunned.

The water like chains, wrapped around it tightly and started slowly seeping its strength.

Following after, seven rings in the sky parallel to each other appeared and Ian grinned.

"It's done." He muttered.

From the clouds a huge dragon head peeked and roared.

Typhoon froze up at the huge amount of energy it felt from it.

It started to struggle violently but it was too late.

The dragon instantly moved its body to pass through the first lightning ring, after which it shrunk a bit in size, but its energy doubled and its glow intensified.

Then it passed the second ring, and further shrunk with its energy once again doubling, but this time its shape started to fade away slowly from a dragon to something else as it kept getting more concentrated.

Third ring, fourth ring, sixth ring, seventh ring.

By the time it passed the seventh ring, its shape had become a huge spear that was glowing at such an intensity everyone watching the screen had to cover their eyes.

『 N-Noo…!!』

Then the spear hit Typhoon, and not even a second later, it completely split its whole body into two parts from the head into the sea.

The sea turned turbulent as waves were induced, the wind howled as a storm resulted from such a strike and even Ian had to hold himself in place from the intensity.

The surrounding mountains broke apart, and it appeared as if the whole world was about to get destroyed. In fact, if it didn't hit such a beast first and directly hit the world, it might have destroyed it.

And then the clouds that were dispersed by the strong wind led to the sun peeking through, and everyone could finally see the result.

Now all that remained was to bring back the regular balance that existed before.

As for the diavoloi, they had turned into dust, the moment the entity died. Everything was over.

Just like Ian had said…

It was done!