The New World

It was about a days ride in the carriage from this small town to the city Mango lives in, Espil, he called it.

Along the way Mango attempted to help clue me in on the world and what's going on, I think he felt sympathetic I "didn't remember" anything and let's be honest the giant loves to hear his own voice. Sarcasm aside being a popular merchant, Mango hears a lot of news and is pretty well informed so I actually got to learn a great deal from the man. It seemed we're in a large country called Ostia which houses large cities all around and villages and towns scattered throughout, basically the same as a regular feudal system. The large cities were heavily fortified but the lords within and were essentially fortresses but because of the safety they provided trade could easily flourish. The only difference between the old stories I read back in my world and this was that the Lords weren't some fat, old, unimpressive specimen. Certainly some were but in this world, Mango claimed was ruled by the powerful, those adventures who, if he could be believed, wielded magic and other medieval esque weapons combining with other strong members to fight monsters of many types and strengths. Apparently those who won great renown could be granted land and titles by the King. Though most made enough to retire somewhere small, or like Mango, become traders or other professions. That is, those who make it to that age. Mangos face became eerily dark when he explained that chapter of his story, not wanting to press the angry giant I just let him stew but I suspect he has a dark history with monsters besides the game and glory he was boasting of earlier. Not everyone has the ability to use magic, and it can manifest randomly, and even if you can summon some magic it all depends how much you're able to "focus" which if we're thinking like those old MMO games I used to play I guess it's just how much magical power or mana you have. Regardless though once a year you're able to pay and be tested to see if you have any affinity for any of the magic types and see if you have any skill in focusing it. Mango was an earth user, though the most common of the magic types can still be powerful if used by those skilled. Mango (if his size didn't make it obvious) used to to greatly enhance his defense and add weight to his weapons to tank enemy damage while being able to unleash powerful blunt type damage which worked very well on heavily armored or scale type monsters. "We're essentially at Espil now, when we get there my daughter will handle logistics and the paperwork you just focus on helping me unloading the cargo and I'll show you just how good my warrior skills still are if you manage to fuck up and drop something." Mango said with a wink. Nonplussed because I was only focused on one thing, "you have a daughter huh? This job keeps getting better every second." As if a hammer had hit my skull my head started throbbing from pain and after a second of recovering I noticed the dinner plates were back and they were squeezing my head. "If you so much as look at her wrong with your weird bandit wannabe looks I'll end you." Mango smiled coldly before finally removing his hand from my skull. Muttering under my breathe and rubbing my head we were silent for a few moments before curiosity got the best of me. "If you have earth magic do your wife and daughter have it as well or did they end up magic less?" As we passed through the town gates we immediately took a hard left away from the center towards the Mango residence presumably. Meanwhile a thick tense silence followed before Mango finally spoke up, "Eva has Nature magic just like her mother used to. She's very skilled at healing others and is very well liked because of it. Her mother passed away long ago and that's all that needs to be said about that. Anyways we're here." "Papaaaa you're finally back!" A girl screamed with joy as she came rushing out short brown hair and a green dress flowing in the wind. Seeing the cute girl running towards them Kasper couldn't help but blush, maybe this new world isn't so bad after all.