Shallow Waters

Something cool kept dripping down onto Kasper's head trickling down effectively drenching his collar before it was finally enough to stir him from his slumber. Vision struggling to pierce through the darkness all he saw was a faint light out in the distance. With a great effort he heaved himself up, arm shakily out in front desperate to grasp some sort of familiarity as he pushed ahead. No clue how he got there all he knew was his headache seemed strong enough to raise the dead and his ribs felt as if they were beaten to pieces and hastily rebuilt with about as much grace as a sumo wrestler. As the light grew closer Kasper suddenly heard a splash as his shoe filled with what he hoped was water as his sock immediately became drenched. It couldn't have been more than a few inches deep yet the shock had left Kasper feeling even more desperate as he forged ahead alone, struggling to keep pushing through the unknown. He could've sworn he was starting to hear voices as he approached the seemingly caged sun in the middle of the shallow pool. Only when he was a few feet away did he start to finally hear the whispers, yet all he could truly make out was something about spinning worlds.

Unsure as to what exactly that meant Kasper still couldn't stop the hairs on the back of his neck from standing up at the sheer consistency of which it was uttered, softly as if just trying to just tickle the thought. Finally as he reached the light he saw what the cause of it really was. Two swords, crossed in an X in the rock as if daring someone with the gall to pull them from each others embrace. One as bright as a blazing sun while the other being a black hole in itself constantly trying to absorb the light emitting from its counterpart. With shaky breathes Kasper slowly reached out both hands to grasp the swords. As he lay his hands on each the bright white sword on his left eerily muttered "To change the world.." Without skipping a beat the pitch black sword picked up, " Yours must stop." Before he could truly understand what that exactly meant suddenly the dark sword stopped absorbing the light and the devastating rays from the white sword shot toward him filling his eyes with an ocean of pain and causing his headache to roar back as if splitting his head in two. Falling back into the pool Kasper managed to make out one last phrase before his eyes finally closed for what seemed like the last time, "Your loss will come soon enough." Finally only darkness followed his sights as a loud splash echoed throughout the large chamber leaving Kasper to only dream about what exactly had just transpired.