The Calm

A wad of papers was thrown on top of Qing Chen's desk. It was the monthly release of "The Society", a published magazine whose subscribers were the rich and the people who wanted to be "the rich".

Qing Chen grinned at the cover. Him and Feng Xuan looked good on paper. They had used a picture from the photoshoot at their wedding party. The headline in bold colors: Heir to The Kingly Empire married the daughter of developer magnate Feng & Yang."

He shook his head at the words, clearly they were just being introduced as the new leaders. But for now, they were still under the shadow of their parents' greatness.

"That seems to cover everything about the fire," Qing Lok said, taking a seat in front of him. The media had gone crazy about what happened with one of their properties a few days before. Their PR team made more than enough just compensation for the inconvenienced consumers—enough that they would post in social media how The Kingly Empire took care of them after the accident.

"Send some flowers and food at the PR team," Qing Chen said to his brother. Clasping his fingers together, he leaned back on his huge chair. "It was arson, wasn't it?"

Qing Lok's lips pursed. "I already paid the police and the fire department to not make this the next headline."

Qing Chen looked at the buildings a little far off from theirs. The Kingly Hotel had been built on an isolated place. It was said that the building of the hotel triggered the start of business around the airport area.

Who would burn down the their little property?

"The CCTVs had been disabled around twenty minutes before the fire started. Most of the staff were trying to fix the cameras that was why it took more time to get all the occupants out."

Qing Chen swiveled his chair in short turns. "You look more into this. It might be someone from The Underground. Or it might be someone from The Kingsman's Club."

"Yes, we already got started."

Qing Chen tapped his fingertips on the the armrest of his chair. "Report them all back to me. Don't get the police involved. I wouldn't like them to know something they could throw back to our faces in the future."

Qing Lok nodded.

Pushing all the worries away, he leaned on the table with both arms and smirked at his brother. "I heard you got some jewels from the auction."


Qing Chen rolled his eyes at his little brother. "Oh come on, you can tell me. I won't tell father. Who are you seeing?"

"I'm not seeing anyone."

"I don't recall that a layered platinum diamond necklace would suit you well."

Qing Lok tilted his head upwards, like he would just very much like to be out of the room at that instant. "I bought it for a friend."

"That seems a rather expensive for a gift for a friend." Qing Chen recalled that the first item from the auction went out for half a million. "Is she as beautiful as the necklace?"

Qing Chen saw the beginning of a smile on his brother's face but Qing Lok pushed it all back inside his mouth. "She is."

Qing Chen's eyebrows raised upwards. It was not anything new for Qing Lok to shower a woman with expensive gifts. Later on, he would move on to another woman and throw money at her needs. "Well, I wish you luck on it."

"Thanks, I think I am going to need it."

After Qing Lok left, Qing Chen prepared himself for a meeting. When he was younger, he thought running a hotel would come easy. He would just boss people around, sign papers, and put his feet up on the desk. He didn't expect that it would be filled with a thousand meetings, meeting a hundred people, and endless idea pitching for the next project.

By the end of the day, he felt like his head shrunk. He pressed the button on his telephone. "Is there anything else left?" he asked his secretary.

"No, sir."

"Alright," he told her. "You may go home. I'll be out in a few minutes."

"Thank you, sir."

When Qing Chen went out of his office, he nodded at Li Zongying. "Take care."

Li Zongying coldly nodded back and watched from the corner of her eyes as Qing Chen turned the corner at the end of the hall for the elevators. Ever since she had learned of Qing Chen's marriage to Feng Xuan, she had treated him coldly. They were once a great team with constant communication throughout the day. But now, they were just cold to each other.

Or maybe it was just her, because Qing Chen was treating her like an employee--just like how he did before her feelings got too complicated. And she was treating him… she didn't want to say she was treating him like an ex-lover but she was. She was mad at him.

Before, she had always went home smiling with the thought that she was satisfied with the work and after that happened, she went home thinking the she and Qing Chen might actually have a chance. She had him once, she could have him again. But that was before. Now, she went home with a crease between her brows, her back bent, and just angry at the world.

Because of the demanding schedule of Qing Chen, it also meant that Li Zongying barely had time for herself. Her meals were free from the hotel and she had them packed so she could eat it at home.

After a long day, Li Zongying would ride a bus for twenty minutes and walk to her little apartment. It was a studio unit with barely any furniture save from an old television and a dining set. She sat down on the bed and watched some lame tv show as she pushed food down her throat.

At the bathroom, she took a short shower and took off all her make-up in front of the mirror. When she was younger, people had always admired her for her beauty. Many frowned when they found out she was working as a secretary, they said it was a waste of her talents and brain. But she paid them no mind, to be a secretary of a CEO of such a huge company was tasking. It required great mental and physical capabilities. The Kingly Empire was, after all, one of the biggest companies in all of Chengshi.

Li Zongying frowned as she found her soap was missing. She bent down and opened the cabinet. As she was reaching for a box, something caught her eye—an unopened pack of sanitary napkins. Her frown got deeper as she took it out with her to the bedroom, already counting in her head.

Maybe it was out of habit, maybe it was because the messages in her phone always piled on top of one another that she always pushed 'clear' and didn't see that she was supposed to have her period.

And with great horror and a cold chill down her spine, she found out she was already a week late.