
The first family meeting was called. Before, it had just been the Qings. But now, they had to include the two Fengs. Before the arrival of the co-head of the Enigma, Qing Chen had already heard a mouthful from his father. And his grandmother, as expected, only said "just get rid of her" pertaining to Li Zongying, to which Qing Zihao frowned upon.

But sure, it was a very practical decision for someone who had been immersed in the mafia for the past few decades of their lives. Someone was causing a problem? Take them out and restore equilibrium.

"I'm not going to hurt a woman," he only replied to his grandmother's scowling face.

Feng Xuan kept herself busy in the kitchen to prepare snacks no one seemed to have the stomach for as of the moment. She did it anyway, it kept her busy and it kept her moving. She was not even that nervous about this. They were only here because they want to prepare for the worst.

Qing Chen was standing by the window, waiting for a car to pull up—for Feng Lizhao to pull up. He had to apologize to his father-in-law. If he would be put to death by that man, he did not really care. He had given his family great dishonor and possibly tarnished his daughter's reputation.

So when Feng Lizhao's car finally stopped in the front doors of the Qing's estate, Qing Chen rushed down, followed by his father and grandmother. Once Feng Lizhao was inside, he shook his hand.

The other man's face was emotionless. His eyes were downturned and Qing Chen could see the disappointment in them.

He kneeled in front of Feng Lizhao. It was as if the world stopped breathing right at that moment. There he was, the heir to a billion yuan empire and the leader of the mafia, begging for forgiveness to his father-in-law for what he did. "I'm terribly sorry I had brought this upon your family, sir. Please, do what you will with me. I'll gladly accept."

Qing Chen was pretty sure death was close. He expected a punch or a huge slap at least, but all he felt was a hand on his arm, pulling him upwards.

"Son, let's talk first," Feng Lizhao said and gave him a pat on the back and a little chuckle. "You're just overthinking things. You might be apologizing for nothing."

They all transferred to Qing Zihao's study where they had taken numerous places around the room. Feng Xuan took the one-seater near the window. His father and his grandmother were both on the couch and him and Feng Lizhao were each on a one-seater.

Qing Chen recounted everything, stated every fact that he knew. About a plan in catching her in the lie. They really shouldn't have this meeting in the first place, but Feng Xuan insisted that their parents should know so they could offer advice.

Qing Chen gave a warning to look his grandmother as she might say something unconventional yet again. He had to remind her earlier that Feng Xuan was still clueless as to where their businesses really lie, that they shouldn't be too careless about what would leave their mouths.

"Are you positive that you are didn't get her pregnant?" his father asked him.

Qing Chen flinched at the word. "Yes," he answered. "I don't even want to acknowledge those tests that she did."

"What if she's really pregnant?"

"How early can we get a paternity test?" asked Xie Changying. Qing Chen bowed his head, he knew they were not going to reach that point. But as was said, they were preparing for every possible outcome.

He didn't know the answer. It was Feng Xuan who did. "As early as the eighth week, according to the internet."

"She's faking the pregnancy," Qing Chen said. "She did the test in front of me. I think she had gotten fixed pregnancy tests or got a hold of a pregnant woman's urine."

Qing Zihao leaned back on the couch. Xie Changying was there—above all that she could do at the moment—knitting a huge blanket with a deep blue yarn. His grandmother said, "First course of action, we have to know if she's really pregnant. If she is, then we have to wait for a few weeks before we could know if Qing Chen is really the father. There's not a reason to panic over undetermined things."

There was short silence as this was the obvious course of action.

Then Feng Xuan spoke. "What about our marriage?"

"We are going to try to keep this all outside of the media, of everything," Xie Changying stated the obvious plans. "Get a non-disclosure agreement to… to…" she looked at his son, Qing Zihao, who had looked at Qing Chen.

They didn't catch her name although he already mentioned it several times. He sighed, "Li Zongying."

"Yes, that… girl," his grandmother continued with disdain. "Get an NDA signed. Immediately. If she needs payment, do it. We are going to provide her financial support and to keep her mouth shut for the mean time. If she really is carrying your child…"

Qing Chen breathed out. If he heard that one more time...

Xie Changying lifted her eyes from her craft and looked at Feng Xuan's father. "Lizhao, what do you think, child? My family is at your mercy. The decision is yours to make."

Feng Lizhao took a deep breath and looked at his feet before facing the older woman. "If Qing Chen is really to father this unborn child, I must suggest the end of this marriage."

When Qing Chen heard that, it was as if all the air left his body. He looked at the back of Feng Xuan's chair. She was motionless.

Feng Xuan knew they had to seek the advice of their parents in this matter. This was far more bigger than just their marriage. After all, they married for a business negotiation. And businesses were always more of an important matter than a mere communion of two people.

She was biting her bottom lip, so hard that she had tasted blood on the tip of her tongue. She had closed her eyes, forcibly and hard, willing herself to un-hear that. But she reminded herself, Li Zongying was not pregnant. She had nothing to worry about.

Xie Changying asked, as she was the only one who was least detached in the matter, and she was also the only one who had the courage to actually face and lay out the truth for all of them, "What of the businesses, Lizhao?"

"The businesses should continue as usual. I only wish to remove my daughter from this situation, that her reputation may not be dragged in mud. That she would be able to marry again if things go south."

"Do not worry, Lizhao," Xie Changying answered. "We will see to it that everything would go smoothly and that we would be in constant communication with you on what's going to happen."

"Thank you," Feng Lizhao answered. "I also wish for both our parties best interests."

"Is that everything?" Feng Xuan stood up from her chair. She was wearing a black dress, as if she was in mourning. "If you would excuse us, I would really want to go home for now."

"Of course, little dove," said Qing Zihao. "We are going to stay for a little while to discuss business matters. Have a safe trip back."

After saying their farewells, Qing Chen and Feng Xuan were on their way home. "They are scary as hell," Feng Xuan commented while they were inside the car.

You don't know half of it, Qing Chen wanted to say. As much as he wanted to send Li Zongying to non-existence, he was not going to kill her. "That's why we have to move before they could move a piece. Because trust me, they won't hold back."


All the while the Qings and the Fengs were trying to patch the holes in their carefully laid out plan for the future of their businesses, of the mafia, and their children, a woman was also trying to be smart and was laying plans on her own.

Li Zongying was intent on being the new Mrs. Qing.