The Last Warning

Liu Lifen was not having a good day. She was pissed to say the least. She hadn't been in a good mood ever since The Kingly Hotel released the statement that the circulating news bear no truth.

Liu Lifen only rolled her eyes when she had watched the small bit from the morning news. She should've known that Li Zongying woman was not capable. Such a lowly life going against the magnate that is the Qing family. Liu Lifen obviously did not know what she was thinking creating an alliance with that woman. Clearly, she underestimated Feng Xuan.

Liu Meilien was locked inside her bedroom and Liu Lifen was forced to spend the rest of the day looking at magazines and online shopping for new decorations of the house. She also printed out different menus and recipes she wanted the cook to try for the next month.

She was in the living room when Feng Lizhao had entered the room. "Oh, there you are," she said. She didn't even offer up a smile. Feng Lizhao had been really busy lately with his new projects with the other chairman. They were always out even during weekends. "How was work?"

When she didn't hear an answer, Liu Lifen lifted her eyes from the embroidered curtains in the page and found that Feng Lizhao's face was frowning and there was anger in his eyes. He was looking at her like he wanted to wrap his hands around her neck and strangle her. "What is it?" she asked.

She hardly saw Feng Lizhao angry in the course of their marriage. But this one was just pure rage as he threw a bunch of papers and a folder on the table. She immediately grabbed the nearest one and recognized that it was an email from her to CelebRumors with a screenshot of a bank deposit.

"You tried to sabotage my daughter?!" he bellowed.

A couple of maids who went to the living room to greet their master and bring tea cowered behind the wall with a worried look for Liu Lifen.

Liu Lifen already knew this situation was coming. Now that Li Zongying had been found out, her name would have popped out eventually. She kept her face stony like it didn't really bother her. "I only wanted to attack Qing Chen for what he did to your daughter."

"As if you didn't know if was a double-edged sword!" he said. "When you attack him, you attack my daughter. They are husband and wife now. They fall and rise together!"

"I only wanted to drag him because of his infidelity!"

Feng Lizhao shook his head like he wanted to laugh. "Don't give me that crap, woman. We all know why you did it."

Liu Lifen lifted her chin. "I already gave you my reason. It's just up to you what you would make out of it."

Feng Lizhao took purposeful steps to her. Liu Lifen could feel the heaviness of his steps, like it would be the last beats of her heart. Feng Lizhao took her chin and pinched it hard that she knew his fingernail sunk on her skin. "This is your last warning, Lifen. I didn't marry you for this."

Liu Lifen felt tears in her eyes. Feng Lizhao had turned away from her when she finally got her bearings straight and she stood up. "What did you marry me for?! I honestly don't know why!"

Feng Lizhao did not even looked back at her and she collapsed on the sofa in a heap of tears and sorrow. When Liu Lifen married Feng Lizhao, she had really thought this was her second chance at love. After she divorced her husband, her life had been filled with loneliness. She focused all her time to Liu Meilien, making sure she was always in the right way with the modelling projects that she was taking.

Liu Lifen did not ask to be married to a rich man. It just so happened that it was Feng Lizhao who had been given to her. She thought, maybe fate was already working in her favor after failing her in the first half of her life. She took it as her sign that it was now her time at the top of the wheel of life.

She only wanted a peaceful life for Meilien. Her daughter did not know how much she had suffered in the hands of her husband. He was an alcoholic and was very abusive.

It was Feng Lizhao who had helped her get out of that marriage and found her a position in a friend's company. She was able to rent a decent home and send Meilien in school. They always had food in the fridge. She had stayed friends with Feng Lizhao over the years. And when she heard about the tragic death of his wife, she rushed over in concern, wanting to help in little ways.

She didn't really think they would get married. But about three years of going back and forth, they made their relationship official and a year later, he proposed. Liu Lifen had always known everything was just half-hearted. Maybe not even half a heart. She knew no one would replace the first wife in his heart.

But maybe… just maybe.

The first few months of their marriage could possibly pass for passion. But everything went stale. They might as well just live in separate bedrooms if they were just brave enough to face the truth their marriage was a failure.

Liu Lifen admitted that their lives completely changed once she was the new Mrs. Feng. She could buy anything that she could possibly want and instead of helping in the company, she preferred to lounge in the house, making the most out of everything like it could be her last day there.

She went up the stairs and tried Meilien's door. It opened and she found her sleeping with the lights off, a drama on the TV. Liu Lifen remembered those nights that Meilien was just crying because she couldn't sleep. She and her husband fought a lot during the latter part of their marriage.

That was why she was very insistent that Liu Meilien was to be wed to a gentleman that she may never live like she did.

She'd do anything not to go back to that life.