Feng Xuan had given an address to Qing Chen and when the morning came, they were both on their way. It was a two-hour drive from Chengshi and Feng Xuan had fallen asleep on the passenger's seat and didn't wake until they reached the destination. They had come to visit Feng Xuan's mother.
He immediately inhaled the saltiness of the air and the soft sound of the waves coming to the shore. It was a small beach house painted in faded blue-green and yellow. Feng Xuan produced a set of keys and opened the front door. "My mom asked this from my father after they got married. She used to retreat here when the city life got too much to her."
The room was filled with furnitures covered in white cloth, pictures lined the walls. There was a small kitchen and a tiny dining area. The backdoor lead to the beach. Upstairs, there was a bedroom.
Feng Xuan got out of the house. "Are you going to come with me?"