It was an unfortunate day when Feng Xuan had lost her mother. Yang Baozai had been a slender, dark-haired girl of thirty-six. Her big eyes were the color of coffee that seemed to say that she had a thousand secrets inside of them. Her skin was pale and her face was intelligent. The smile on her lips knew well that she was a beauty. Even after having raised a child, she had not looked a day older than twenty-five.
Feng Xuan's head was leaning against the window of the car as her mother's usual litany went from one ear and out in the other. She fought the urge to grab her headphones from her bag. It was just the same thing over and over. Her mother's angry and shrilling voice was crawling on her skin.
"You are NOT to return to that place," her mother said. Her face was read and she looked like a dragon ready to breathe fire. "I will have to talk to your father about this."