"Blood is funny."
Qing Chen's eyebrows furrowed but said nothing. He took Feng Xuan by the shoulders and lifted her slightly. "Are you hurt?"
She sighed, losing the last of her laughs. "My leg, my head, and my hand."
Qing Chen's eyes flew to the parts she had mentioned and carefully lifted his wife in his arms. The gunshots had stopped by now and when the door burst open, it was Wuming, his face glowing and his lips were grinning. "Police are here."
Qing Chen nodded. "You better go."
"Yeah, I'll see both of you soon."
"Thanks, brother."
Wuming winked at him. "Don't mention it."
Just as Qing Chen was walking to the exit, he heard the sound of ambulance and about half a dozen police cars.