Feng Xuan could not get it off her mind. What was Qing Chen doing tonight? Was he going to scrub every inch of his body clean? What could cause him to be late? Was he going to catch up on his journal entries?
Now that she thought about it, she hadn't done those in a while. Her nights were filled with their readings together. She wasn't even surprised that she hadn't dreamt about the woods again ever since Qing Chen slept with her in the bedroom.
It was a hassle to share the bed. Her body was seeking every inch of space to rest, but those extra inches were taken over by Qing Chen body. Even though her body didn't feel fully rested in the mornings, she would take it than a night in another nightmare.
Feng Xuan was more than sure that it was also tasking for Qing Chen to sleep next to her in their small cot. Sometimes, only half of his body was on the bed. She could only imagine the soreness he must feel in the mornings.