You're Fired

When the brothers got home, they were immediately welcomed by their grandmother, kissing both their cheeks and was lead to the kitchen even before they could change clothes.

Each of their favorites were at the dining table and Qing Lok and Wuming who already had their fill, felt like they were hungry again. Qing Chen was quick to eat and he ate plenty. He was so hungry.

"How did you know we're coming home today?" Qing Lok asked, spooning a cup of ice cream.

"Master had sent us a message," answered their father. When he heard that his sons were coming back this morning, he had cancelled all his meetings. The days without the boys in the house probably was the most peaceful it had been ever since… he could not even remember the last time their house had been that quiet. But there was also something unsettling about the calm. He missed the knuckleheads terribly.