Before she was Da Xia, a popular model in the North continent, she had been Dai Xiaodan, a beautiful teenager with rich parents and girlfriend of Qing Chen, the heir to The Kingly Empire.
The latter title was something that had been hard to acquire. Dai Xiaodan had lived in a little bubble that her parents had prepared for her—maids at her beck and call, the latest fashion items, gadgets, trips to whichever country that she wanted… the list could go on and on.
She was not the type of girl who was mean and nasty to other people. In fact, she had been kind. She was generous and understanding.
When she was twelve, she had witnessed one of the greatest events in her life. Her family was out in the neighborhood park and Dai Xiaodan spread a huge blanket on the grass, plugged her earphones, then started to read the fashion magazines that her mother owned.