May It Never Fade

Qing Lok got in the car with no destination in mind. He just wanted to be out of their house. He didn't want to be in a house with people who wanted to kill each other.

He stepped on the gas, not really caring if he was over the speedlimit. Maybe a night in jail would not be so bad. At least, he would have a reason not to come home.

His phone had been blaring since earlier. He knew it would not be his brothers. They would not call him at a time like this. They knew how to give space. It was space or a fist fight. He was in no mood to get his pretty face scratched up.

Finally he paid attention to the caller and answered the call. "Where are you, man?" asked his friend. "We've been waiting for you."

Qing Lok barely heard him with the loud bass in the background. "Where are you again?"