Are You Still Alive?

Liu Meilien's heart felt like it had soared in her chest. But her mind had whispered that he was just probably putting on a good show for everyone. She should have asked him if YANG was paying him for this promotion.

She released a light laugh. "You're really playful, aren't you?"

"I don't know," Qing Lok said, popping a blueberry in his mouth. "This might actually be the first time that I am not playing around."

Liu Meilien only smiled at him. Just what would her mother say? It was not like her mother would let her marry the brother-in-law of Feng Xuan—no matter how rich he was. "Do you have a pancake story?"

"I was not really allowed in the kitchen when I was younger. My mother said that I would just be bothering the cooks there. But my brother and I prepared her a special breakfast one Mother's Day. She loved blueberries in her pancakes. So we asked the help of the others but we'd be doing it our way.