Da Xia woke up in a hospital just about two hours ago. She had attained a few bruises from her accident but luckily there were no broken bones. Her mother had come crying while they tended to her at the ER.
She was mainly fine and her vital stats were normal. She was immediately discharged after being interviewed by the police. Only one question made sense to her.
"Do you have any idea on who might've planted the bomb in your car?" they asked.
She shook her head but about a few names flickered in her mind. Feng Xuan's name was underlined and was written in red. "I honestly don't have any idea. Maybe they got the wrong car?"
The two officers only looked at each other. "Thank you, Ms. Dai."
"It's Da Xia," she corrected. Ever since she entered the modeling business, she had went by her pseudonym. "What are your names again?" she asked as she shook their hands.
"I'm Detective An and this is Officer Liang Jun."