When they reached the end of the hallway, Feng Xuan raised her hand to cover her eyes from the blinding orange light. The noise intensified and it took a few seconds before her senses felt like it was not getting attacked.
The floor was taken over by tables lined with red instead of the usual green. At one corner, the slot machines did not stop whirring and rolling.
A person handed Qing Chen a handful of stacked chips. "Wanna have some fun?"
Thirty minutes later, Feng Xuan lost the last of her chips on the roulette. Then she finally set on to find Qing Chen. She found him at one of the blackjack tables with a glass of golden liquid. She grabbed it and drank.
"How are you?" he asked and pulled her to sit on his lap.
She eyed the growing stack on his side. "It's not fair that you found a way to multiply your money."
"Do you want more chips?"