The Sun Rises In The West

The sketch was taped to the whiteboard along with the map labeled 'Mike'. 

"We don't have a name," Qing Lok rested against the backrest of the couch, letting the pressure off his neck. His head felt like it weighed a ton. "There are just two words in this thing. Alias 'The Fox'. He's on the list of the people that are wanted by a secret spy service. Apparently, he had set up bombs that killed a presidential candidate before. He's an assassin."

He handed the paper to Feng Xuan and she immediately nodded. The hair of the man on the picture was dark, not like the blond she had seen but it was clear that it was the same person. "Yeah, that's him."

"Ha!" Qing Lok proudly said and pointed at Wuming. "You owe me something, man. I found the dude."

Wuming smiled defeatedly. "Fine, name the person you want dead and it's done."

Qing Lok rubbed a finger on his chin. "Qing Wei."