Feng Xuan's blood was boiling. There was no way in hell that this person knew more about what happened that night. He wasn't even there. She raised her hand sputtered with blood.
Oh no, her mind whispered. Then she started laughing.
The Zookeeper looked at her with a frown on his face but his face relaxed. "I have heard about the laughter. Go on then. Laugh at your own blood. Regretfully that didn't throw you off earlier when you were killing my men. Adrenaline, must be."
Feng Xuan moved to get up. The Zookeeper made a move to kick her in the face but before his foot could hit her, she caught it and pushed so hard that The Zookeeper hit the bed and slid down the floor.
The Zookeeper, as he was someone a little familiar with fighting in his younger days, had been able to move his foot immediately and tripped Feng Xuan when she got up. She stumbled but didn't fall.