It's Time To Die

Feng Xuan could no longer help it, her hand reached for the gun Qing Chen was holding. She cocked it again and pointed it to The Zookeeper's throat. She was really going to blow his brains but the next thing that left his mouth made her stop.

"Your mother… she was not the person you think she is."

"SHE'S DEAD!" Feng Xuan said, feeling herself on the verge of tears. There was no way that she was the one who had killed her mother. This was all just a part of The Zookeeper's games. He was just toying with her mind. He wanted a few more minutes to live. He was just stalling.

Then it was the question that would forever hunt her. "Did you bury her?"

Her fingers froze.

"Were you there when they burned her body?"

She was in the hospital when her mother's funeral and cremation happened. The last that she saw her mother's body was when they were kidnapped. "My father—"