With Me

Wuming could not imagine his excitement when Qing Chen finally gave the greenlight in killing those two. When he told Addison, she was more than willing to help him execute the deed. That was what they were doing while they were inside the car, eating huge burgers and drinking large cups of milkshakes, they were tailing the car of the two agents.

Wuming's father had a lot of properties in the city alone which pretty much covered the whole morning and afternoon. Now, they were branching out to the properties outside of the city. 

"So where are we staying?" Addison asked him, slurping through her straw. "You pulled me out of The Kingly."

"Don't you want to go home with me?"

Addison laughed. "What, you mean in your house? Your humongous house?!"

"It's not my house. It's the family's house. Everyone can go there as long as you have the right connections. You're lucky because you have the first son to vouch for you."