Forgive Her

Their mother had quickly scribbled through the sketchbook and while she was doing that, everyone was looking at the possible locations. Hao Suyin had listed all the countries where she and her team tried to capture Checks.

"I'm bored," Wuming said, looking at the circles on all of the maps. 

Qing Lok was busy with the rest of the IT team. The soft clacking of the keys provided a calming background music.

If he was being honest, Qing Chen was also kind of regretting all the things that was happening. It was like he had just realized that he didn't really want to do this. "Let's just get this thing over with so she would be on her way out of our lives."

Feng Xuan grabbed Qing Chen by the arm and pulled him to the side. "Are you sure that's what you want to do?"

"What? Kick her out? Well, technically this is still father's estate but—"

"No, I mean push your mother away?"