With Feng Xuan out of the office, Qing Chen worked a couple of hours longer. He was already in the search of a new person who was going to take his wife's place. Deep inside, he knew that she was not coming back. It was as if everyone knew that she was going to really try being an assassin, other than Feng Xuan herself.
He was on the phone when he got out of the limousine and into the house. He was immediately welcomed by the smell of cream and potatoes and Feng Xuan's "I'm in the dining!"
"Hey, wife," he said, continuously typing on his phone, completing the note he had for his secretary tomorrow. "How was your trip in the shelter? Did you find any cute ones?"
Feng Xuan looked at him over her shoulder and gave him the biggest smile. It was a relief seeing it. At least she looked happy today. "I did! I'm sure you'll love him."